"Is it?"

As soon as Jiangning threw the ice sword on his hand, the fire dragon under his seat immediately caught up with him. The Dragon opened his mouth and swallowed the ice sword. Then the Dragon began to dissipate slowly.

Seeing this scene, Wan Jian was stunned at first. Then he laughed, "ha ha, Jiangning, you are not scared to be silly. Ice and fire are not compatible at all. You don't know such a simple truth. You want to beat me? "

"It's over. Our hopes are dashed."

"Jiangning is a wise man and a fool for a while."

"It's bad. Jiangning seems to be the most powerful one in these two moves. Now it's better. It's useless."

"Heaven is going to die. I'm the Tianshan school."

The underground disciples of Tianshan sect are all pale and have already felt the fear of the coming of the end of the day. Jiangning, their hope, actually made a big mistake at this juncture.

But the fact is that, looking at the disappearing fire dragon, Jiangning is not satisfied. Instead, he is very careful to release his own field, and slowly contact with the dissipated dragon and the ice sword in its body.

The fire dragon slowly stopped dissipating. He began to coil his body into a ball. With the passage of time, he could not see the original fire dragon. Now he can only see a round ball with a blazing breath.

"Well?" Seeing this, Wan jiangui began to feel something was wrong. What's going on in Jiangning? Even though he succeeded in making the fire dragon disappear, the ice sword did not exist.


The disciples of Tianshan sect can't understand it. Jiangning is strange. There should be a reason why he did this.

"I'll tell you, how can a person who is defeated by me in one move be so mentally retarded? Judging from Jiangning's appearance, he obviously has a second hand."

Li He, who had been defeated by Jiangning with one punch, said that he was completely on the side of Jiangning at this time. Being defeated by Jiangning did not feel shame, but felt very lucky. He can fight with Jiangning, that is what many people can't get.

The hot and huge ball began a new round of changes, its appearance is no longer composed of burning flame, actually began to have a trace of ice crystal.

"What? This, this is not possible. "

Wan jiangui's eyes blinked and blinked again and again. He tried to see clearly. He hoped that he was wrong. How could there be ice on the fire. Have the rules changed these days?

"Look, what is that?"

A sharp eyed Tianshan sect disciple pointed to the ice crystal above the fireball.

"That, that is ice crystal."

"Why, the ice must have melted in the fire."

"I don't know. Jiangning is really incredible. He's my new idol

"Go away. Not long ago, you vowed to defeat Jiangning. He also said that whoever defeated Jiangning was his brother. You're getting too fast. "

While these Tianshan disciples were talking about it, the fireball in front of Jiangning began to change. Now it can't be said to be a fireball, because one of the balls is completely covered with ice.

Ice and fire. The fact that this ball turned out to be like this has subverted everyone's perception.

"Hehe, do you think you can defeat me by making such a bluff? Everything depends on strength. Do you think it's possible that you want to frighten me out like this? "

Wan jiangui is a little guilty. He can't see the reality of the ice and fire ball, so he has to use words to test it. He hopes Jiangning can reveal something so that he can make corresponding preparations.

Jiangning will not give him this opportunity, "you pick up, don't you know what's going on?"

With that, Jiangning pushed the ice and fire ball toward Wan Jian GUI.

When Wan Jian comes back to see the silent ball coming to him, he doesn't dare to take it lightly. He immediately communicates with the ancient sword and drives a series of gray sword Qi to prepare for the round ball.

In fact, Jiangning didn't want to take such a risk at the beginning. Ice and fire are always relative. It's almost impossible to integrate them together. But xiaoyaozi's palm had already made him understand that the power of the idle fake gold elixir could not cause too much damage to wanjiangui.

And their own strength, also only with xiaoyaozi in a millionth, basically no big gap. Since xiaoyaozi has failed, if he only plays according to his usual performance, he must be just like xiaoyaozi.

Therefore, if you want to defeat Wan jiangui, you can only take a gamble. Relying on your own skills to surpass ordinary people, you have the opportunity to make impossible things possible. It can be seen as a new move to force the fusion of ice and fire.

This skill point can increase the level of a move, so this unstable move will become relatively stable. So Jiangning gambled! It turns out that Jiangning is right.

Now the ball of ice and fire, in his view, has surpassed the peak he can reach. If this move can't defeat Wan jiangui, then he has nothing to do.But Jiangning is still very confident, the power of this move, he has already vaguely felt. The power of the fusion of ice and fire has surpassed the attack power of the fake golden elixir.

This is another kind of attack power of golden elixir environment. It can be said that it is similar to Zhang Sanfeng's method of holding Dan. Both of them avoid the law of heaven and earth.

Wan jiangui's sword Qi was also woven into a gray ball.

”Go! "Ten thousand swords return and push the gray ball, and the ball will hit the ball of ice and fire.

In a flash, the two balls collided.

There is no earth shaking in imagination, nor deafening in imagination. After the two balls hit each other, they refused to give in and pushed each other there.

After a while, you can see that the ice fire ball is more powerful than the gray ball, and it has begun to push back towards the ten thousand swords.

"No way, my gray energy can't be lost to this ice fire energy. It's impossible! "

Seeing this scene, Wan Jian GUI can't keep his mind any longer. He starts to panic immediately.

”Stop it! I can't lose! "

Jiangning looks at Wan jiangui indifferently. He knows that he has won.

”Wan Jian GUI, you can't catch it! “ ..

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