Six reinforcements, all of which are also supernatural beings, came from the sky. Jiangning's spirit was suddenly refreshed, and he immediately changed his mind. He wanted to leave all seven of them here. Since he dared to intercept them, he must have the consciousness of death.

When the seven people in the war situation saw Jiangning's help coming, they immediately started to retreat. Seven people join hands to shake Jiangning, immediately back away.

”Where to go. "He took the lead in Yutian and immediately stopped one of them. The person who was stopped is called demon shadow. His martial arts are Shura Yin Sha palm.

”Evil emperor to Yutian, the first person of the devil gate? It's such a big name. Today I'm going to experience it. "When he saw that he was stopped, the shadow did not run away any more, and he was ready to fight with the rain field.

”Easy to say, easy to say, whether you can survive in my hands depends on your ability. "When Xiang Yutian said this, Daoxin's magic cultivation method had already been put into practice.

Daoxin cultivation of demons is the supreme magic skill recorded in the magic book "tianmoce". His skills are extremely strange and unique, and they attack the spiritual world of the martial arts.

When the shadow talks to Yutian, he has been affected, but he doesn't know. The magic shadow's ten success power has been reduced by 20% when fighting with Jiangning, and now it has lost another 20% after being affected by the heart planting magic. You can only use 60% of your skill.

Xiang Yutian himself is the top martial artist who is close to the ascent. He is far more powerful than the ordinary one. He has already made a high decision just after the fight.

See Xiang Yutian body method is strange, move to attack the key to the shadow. The shadow of the evil had fallen into the downwind for a while. He was helpless, so he could only use the Shura Yin Sha palm to fight with xiangyutian.

However, Xiang Yutian's magic skill is incomparable, and the strength of his hand is no longer under Jiangning. The shadow of the devil just followed Xiang Yutian and felt that his internal power was not enough. If he went on like this, he would surely lose.

The shadow knows that he has reached the critical point of life and death. At this time, if he doesn't fight at this time, he will surely be defeated today. The shadow gritted his teeth and displayed the magic power of fighting for life: the magic shadow stack.

It takes ten years for this magic power, and the power within a stick of incense will increase greatly. After a stick of incense, the skill returned to ten years ago.

”Die, to the rain field, today force me to this point, I will tear you to pieces! "

the shadow has been waving dozens of palm prints in succession, and these Shura Yin Sha palms are attacking the rain field endlessly. If you look at Yutian, you will know that such palm power cannot be hard connected, otherwise it will inevitably fall into the stage of palm power competition.

Xiang Yutian's martial arts is not only a method of cultivating demons in the mind, but also a collection of the great achievements of the secret clan's ancestral clan. With his own strength, he has a thorough understanding of heaven and earth, and his mind is just outside the scope of the shadow's palm print.

”Why, don't you connect it? Aren't you very powerful? Don't you know how to cultivate demons? Come on, ha ha ha, coward. "

the shadow has been stimulated by the magic cultivation method of Daoxin in Yutian and can't keep calm. If it is the shadow of the past, and then display the shadow stack, not to say can defeat Xiang Yutian, at least to go, to Yutian is not able to stay.

But now, the shadow has some delirium, now he is like a mad dog biting at people, do not know to weigh the pros and cons. This kind of magic shadow has a top-notch ability to communicate with God, but it can't be exerted at all. If you want to smash the enemy, it's like hitting the cotton ball.

In his life to Yutian, the number of times to fight is not clear. He is extremely old and spicy. If he can't pick it up, he won't be foolhardy. He wanders around the shadow and waits for opportunities to attack. Of course, such fighting tactics are also based on their own military and spiritual basis.

His body is excellent, his internal power is deep, and his personality is calm. If you add such fighting quality to the same person, you will find that he is very uncomfortable to him. It is better to be shot dead with one hand, and this is the feeling of the ghost shadow now.

”Xiang Yutian, you shrinking head tortoise, you come out and give me a hard slap. What kind of hero are you avoiding all the time. "

" I'm not a hero, I'm a devil. "Fighting with rain field, he went on talking with ease.

”You shameless, the devil will be disgraced by you sooner or later. I'm Cao NIMA. You're fighting me. "The shadow is on the verge of collapse.

”I'm fighting you right now? Don't worry. Take your time. We'll fight for 3000 rounds. In this way, no matter who wins or loses, it won't be too bad to hear. It's all a pity to lose. "

Xiang Yutian is still at ease. He is graceful and turns around the shadow.

”You...... "The evil shadow was very angry and immediately increased the output of internal power.

In a flash, the storm surged, and behind the shadow appeared a Shura. The Shura had no expression. It raised its huge palm and pressed it toward the rain field.

Looking at Yutian, I know that the shadow of the devil is completely free at this time. After this move, I'm afraid the shadow will no longer have any internal power to use. However, Xiang Yutian didn't hide at this time, because he couldn't avoid this kind of tricks, so he could only accept them.

Xiang Yutian also knows the power of this move and immediately uses his internal power. All of a sudden, black chains formed out of thin air. They intertwined with each other and formed a prison shrouded in Xiang Yutian's body.As time went by, the hand of Shura still clapped on the black prison. Only the sound of "click click" was heard. The prison composed of chains began to collapse, and the hand of the Shura gradually dissipated.

Equal power? When the scythe breaks down again, the scythe breaks down.

”Death. "With the words to the rain field, the black sickle across the sky, in a blink of an eye will be the body of the shadow split in two.

”You, you....... "The ghost, which was split in two, has not yet completely died. The vitality of the strong one is really terrible. His lower body had completely disappeared, but he was still reluctant.

The shadow leaned on a pair of hands, struggling to climb, until he met the shoes to the rainfield, he was excited to smile.

”I, I still got you. "

after all, the magic shadow of a generation of top experts will be defeated. ..

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