"Afraid? I'm afraid of you? Are you afraid? " The exterminator laughed coldly.

She killed with a sword. Her swordsmanship was amazing. Her sword was so strong that she even turned into a white rainbow sword Qi. Obviously, abbess exterminated. Otherwise, she would not have been so amazing.


Jiangning lifted his fist, and his inner strength erupted in this instant. Abbess exterminate had already used her unique skill. He could not hesitate. Otherwise, he might be cut by abbess exterminate with one sword.


The fist force and sword light collide together, producing a violent roar.

At the scene where Jiangning and the Abbess mien were fighting, the sand and dust suddenly swept away, and the collision between them was extremely terrible. The disciples of the six major sects and the disciples of the Ming religion who were standing not far away saw a strange light colliding.

Like a rainbow.

"It's hard to see in the world."

"With him, I'm not a hero."

"The future is the best in the world."

The younger generation can't help sighing. Jiangning is too strong. The extinct abbess holding the sword of relying on heaven can only draw with Jiangning. This is simply too terrible. It is not enough to say that this kind of person is the best in the world in the future.

They are extremely unwilling.

"Hum, the best in the world in the future? It's ridiculous. How many experts are there, crouching tiger, hidden dragon? Even the five peerless masters can crush that Jiangning with one hand. I think Jiangning may have taken some pills to reach the peak of the top master, but the top master can't be stronger than the peerless master. "

"Yes, what will be the best in the world in the future? From ancient times to the present, many ancient books and records record that there are some geniuses who extremely possess terrible talents when they are young, and they are called evil genius. But what is the result? It's not lost in the history and caught up by the latecomers. "

"That's right. I once read a book about an eight year old boy who learned to change tendons overnight. When he was 13, he arrived at the top of the list. However, in the end, he couldn't break through the ranks of peerless experts at the age of 80. He claimed that he had spent all his potential, and could not reach the rank of peerless experts even if he died. The God of heaven could not give a person absolute talent There are gains and losses. "

At this time, some Huashan sect disciples and several Wudang school disciples spoke to each other, refuting the fact that some people thought Jiangning would be the best in the world in the future. They thought that this was impossible and definitely untrue.

"Well, in the future, it's very rare for him to have this kind of qualification

Some elders can't help speaking. Although what they said is true, Jiangning is indeed showing a terrible potential and talent.

"What is that? Our place is just the East wasteland, the whole Wulin lake and lake, the eastern wilderness, the southern wilderness, the West desert, the northern wilderness, and the most terrifying and yearning place of the Middle Earth. Our Shaolin Temple has some extremely ancient families, which have been handed down for thousands of years and experienced numerous hardships. They are called saints, compared with the saints and their disciples It is also called "the son of heaven"

A Shaolin Temple disciple opened his mouth and said this, which attracted many people's attention.

"I remember what you said. Once I was cleaning the Sutra Pavilion of Wudang, I found a letter left by an elder who had already passed away. It recorded that this elder went to Zhongtu and took the most outstanding person of Wudang at that time. However, I found that the most outstanding disciple of Wudang could only be reduced to the middle class and who was later Renjie was depressed and eventually abandoned his martial arts. Later, he died of depression. As a result, Wudang did not allow others to go to Zhongtu

A Wudang school disciple opened his mouth and told him a Xin Mi.

"All right, shut up and don't talk nonsense, or you'll be in danger."

At this time, an eminent Shaolin monk suddenly reprimanded his mouth and used the lion roaring skill of Buddhism, which shocked the disciples who spoke freely. Their eyes were very terrible, so they didn't say any more.

Suddenly, no one dares to continue to mention the Middle Earth affairs. They shut up one by one. This seems to be a taboo.

On the battlefield, Jiangning stepped back several steps. There were more than a dozen sword marks on his body, each with a touch of blood, and he was injured.


"Abbess extermination won."

"Finally beat this guy."

After seeing this scene, many people could not help but scream with excitement, because abbess exterminate did not step back. She looked calm and calm.

But only a few real masters frowned because they realized the problems that abbess Emei had never revealed.


Before a while, she stood there to see the extinct nun who had nothing to do with her, but she burst out with blood.

The red blood fell on the ground, and it was very sad to see in the past.

Abbess mien's face turned pale in an instant. She was hit by Jiangning's fist power, which was terrible. Jiangning didn't even carry out the great shift of heaven and earth. It was just a fight with strength.She was defeated, she was defeated, she was completely defeated.

"And you."

Jiang Ning's body trembled and directly killed the Wudang people. With one blow, he broke the Zhenwu seven section array. Then he looked at Song Qingshu and raised his hand to be a big mouth.


Song Qingshu didn't think of it in any case. He was slapped by Jiangning.

This slap is extremely heavy, a slap to song Qingshu's teeth are almost broken.

"Don't you like shouting? Now keep shouting? Keep shouting

Jiangning is holding song Qingshu's neck and slapping his hand, which makes his left face swell.

"Sir, I was wrong to wait. Please forgive me."

Song Yuanqiao is depressed to the extreme when he looks at his son being held by Jiangning. He doesn't know why Jiangning likes to smoke song Qingshu so much. It's really... Irritating!


Jiangning directly left song Qingshu as a dead dog aside and said with scorn: "Wudang school, I will tell you one last time. I will give Wudang Master Zhang Sanfeng a face. If you dare to annoy me again, I will kill you all."

With these words, Jiangning looks at the annihilation abbess not far away trying to heal and recover.

At this moment, abbess mien's face changed, and her eyes twinkled with panic! ..

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