It's a fight between ice and fire, and also a competition of their internal forces.

Xiaoyaozi's internal power is deeper than Jiangning's, but Jiangning's recovery speed is faster than xiaoyaozi's. The two counteract each other, and the two fight with each other. It's hard to tell the difference between the two.

Jiangning's thousands of icy swords have disappeared, and xiaoyaozi has also removed six suns. Although this move is very powerful, Jiangning's ice sword is not an opponent, but the internal power consumption is too strong, even xiaoyaozi can't bear it.

The same refers to the same as a sword, the same is the strength of the sword, Jiangning this fantasy out of the ice sword is not huge, just as the size of the real long sword.

Jiangning stands with a sword, and xiaoyaozi's palms are crossed.

All of a sudden, Jiangning figure disappeared, and then appeared beside xiaoyaozi, God level body method! Jiangning xuanbing sword technique combined with God level body method, only a breath less time to the side of xiaoyaozi.

Xiaoyaozi's response is quite different from that of the great Xuan sword master.

Da Xuan sword master relies on his many years of experience against the enemy. When xuanbing sword is about to penetrate his body, he uses the Epee grid to block it. However, Jiangning still left a long sword wound on his body at that time.

Xiaoyaozi, however, uses his deep internal force as the sea, and is surrounded by a circle of energy network. No matter where Jiangning's shadow moves, xiaoyaozi can feel it through the energy circle.

Therefore, xiaoyaozi's move to Jiangning seems to be very skillful. At the same time, she sighs with xiaoyaozi. This kind of energy circle has begun to have the rudiment of the field. We should know that Jiangning's field can be said to be comprehended in a non replicable situation.

Xiaoyaozi, however, has been slowly groped for by his own practice for many years. Even Jiangning has to admire his perseverance and intelligence.

However, xiaoyaozi seems to be very skillful, but he is defensive and seldom attacked. This is also because Jiangning's attack is fierce and fierce, which makes xiaoyaozi have to defend.

Xiaoyaozi can't resist the infinite attack of experts in the same realm without absolute defense. Xiaoyaozi may be able to resist hundreds of moves, but if it's a thousand moves, terror will be hard to resist Jiangning's attack.

So xiaoyaozi has to change. He can't defend all the time. Xiaoyaozi suddenly urges the six Yang palms of Tianshan Mountain to the extreme again. In an instant, the six small suns reappear, forcing Jiangning to withdraw.

Jiangning really has no way, unless he uses ice and fire balls, but this move is not very skillful now. If he uses it rashly in the competition, it may cause serious damage.

At this time, neither Jiangning nor xiaoyaozi can be hurt, otherwise it will be the disaster of Tianshan sect.

Therefore, Jiangning had to step back, and this retreat gave xiaoyaozi an opportunity. Xiaoyaozi's palm power hit like a mountain and a sea. In addition, he had already reached the peak with his wave and micro step. For a time, the war situation was transient.

Jiangning fell into the downwind, but this is only relative. That is, Jiangning has started to defend more and attack less, while xiaoyaozi has taken the initiative.

How to solve this situation, Jiangning is thinking while defending. If you want to hit hard, you will only be able to stimulate the icy Qi infinitely, but your internal power is not as deep as xiaoyaozi, so you will suffer a small loss as a result of doing so.

Jiangning thought about whether to use the divine level skill to jump out of the war, and then the two fight again. However, he rejected it immediately, because the divine level skill was too body wasting to be used many times, especially if there was a big war soon.

In this way, Jiangning can only persevere, two people you attack me defend, quickly fight hundreds of moves. At this time, Jiangning suddenly found an opportunity, he saw that xiaoyaozi had a place not fluent, he immediately launched an offensive against that place.

In the sky, a huge ice sword fell there instantly, and xiaoyaozi immediately turned back to resist. Unexpectedly, the ice sword burst in the air and turned into small pieces to attack xiaoyaozi like a vast expanse.

At this time, xiaoyaozi had no choice but to step back. As soon as he retreated, he gave up all his previous advantages, and Jiangning immediately followed him. Xuanbing sword Qi of his right hand crisscrossed, making xiaoyaozi only defend.

The identity of the two people immediately changed, and now Jiangning began to attack, and xiaoyaozi began to defend, and the two were in a dark battle. Pang ban standing on one side was stunned.

The strength of these two men is indeed the best in the world. In such a fierce battle, such vertical and horizontal sword Qi and hot palm power, even in the distance of Pang ban, they must use their power to resist.

The most important thing is that after fighting for so long, their breath is still so vast and unfathomable that they don't feel the loss of their internal power. This kind of terrifying power and lasting endurance are just what all top masters need.

Jiangning and xiaoyaozi fight to the white heat, at this time they seem to have a soul, have withdrawn their own moves.

In fact, this is also the most dangerous time. If one of the two people does not do this, then the one waiting for the other is death. If both do not do so, the other will inevitably be separated.Fortunately, these two people are the world's top figures, it is impossible to do such a thing, so they both agreed to accept the move one after another.

”Jiangning, your strength is really powerful. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. "Xiaoyaozi sighed.

”Xiaoyao old master, your strength is also impressive to me. "What Jiangning said is true. This is the most powerful opponent he has met so far.

Even if you use ice and fire balls, the odds are bigger than xiaoyaozi, but when you fight life and death, the odds are only a reference. The situation in the battle is changing rapidly, and no one can expect what will happen in the next moment.

That's why Jiangning said to xiaoyaozi. Indeed, xiaoyaozi's strength now is definitely one of the strongest in the world.

Both of them appreciated each other and gained a lot in this battle. After the battle, they began to sit on the ground, began to regulate their internal power and feel the battle just now.

However, at this time, a big force appeared in the lake. ..

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