Qiao Feng's bold words clearly spread to everyone's ears.

"The treasure of the beggars' sect is a dog beating stick specially used for beating dogs."

"Ha ha ha." Hearing this, all the heroes in the Wulin were laughing. This is not to blame the valley mouth Daxiang is a dog.

Tanaka's language level is obviously not bad. It is estimated that he had prepared in Japan for a long time before he came here. "It's useless to make a good speech."

After saying that, the mouth of the valley soared a lunge, like a black cat cleaved to Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng also did not do what action, hit dog stick a horizontal, on the grid block valley mouth big Xiang's attack.

However, gukou Daxiang in the transition of the two, a sudden force, Qiaofeng earthquake back three steps.

"Well?" It's unbelievable that Qiaoxiang's internal power has been greatly improved.

You should know that in the realm of Tongshen state, internal power increases so much that it will take decades of slow cultivation to achieve it. It took only seven days to do it. It was unbelievable.

Qiao Feng also knows that there must be something fishy in the valley mouth Daxiang. If it is really from his own practice, it will be too terrible. It is estimated that the whole Wulin has been occupied by these Japanese warriors.

"Joe, it seems that you are just like this. "Gukou Daxiang saw that he could easily shake off Qiao Feng, and immediately he was elated.

Qiao Feng did not speak, he put up a posture, dog beating stick method has been put into practice.

Gukou Daxiang doesn't care. He is obviously better than Qiao Feng now. We must play with him well, humiliate him and let him know the consequences of offending me.

"Seven potential sword intention, break the army Once again, he thought that he must use this move to wash away his shame.

A huge knife force immediately cleaved to Qiaofeng, who was holding an unknown posture. Qiao Feng moved and yelled in his mouth.

"The dog is in the way!"

This move is one of the best moves in the dog beating stick. Holding the stick across the chest, waiting for the enemy's attack, shaking side by side, and borrowing force according to the situation, is a kind of Taiji style of fighting with softness.

The huge internal power of gukou Daxiang is like fighting in the vast boundless sea, which does no harm to the opponent.

"Damn it." Gukou was very angry. Under his hands, the black steel samurai sword in his hand changed into a deadly move. Sometimes it was slicing, sometimes picking lightly, sometimes as fast as lightning, sometimes as heavy as Mount Tai.

It can be said that under the pressure of Qiao Feng, gukou Daxiang has already broken through his own peak in terms of moves. But even so, he still didn't hurt Qiao Feng at all.

"Qiao Feng, dodging is no hero. If you have the kind, you can take my samurai sword." After attacking for a long time, Tanaka finally got angry. He was so desperate to attack, still did not hit Qiao Feng, how can this make him happy.

Qiaofeng is not moved by the words of gukou Daxiang, but waves his big dog stick wholeheartedly. Sometimes he hits the dog's back obliquely, and sometimes presses the dog's back. The dog beating stick method in his hands can be said to complement each other.

At this time, Tanaka was completely angry. He turned the blade of the black steel samurai sword, and actually aimed at those watching Wulin people.

”What's this guy doing? Does he have a bad eye. "The Wulin people watching don't know why.

”I guess it's because Qiao gang leader is angry. "Some people said gloating.

Qiao Feng looked at the mouth of the valley. At the beginning, he felt very strange. How could he suddenly point his knife at those watching Wulin people. Then he seemed to think of something and his face changed.

He yelled at the crowd of onlookers: "run, this man is going to fight you. "

these words are like spring thunder, which blow up in the hearts of the people watching. They changed their faces and swore: "Japanese people are rubbish. They don't want to face.". "

". "

gukou was in a big mood to drink, and the huge sword strength came out again.

”Qiao Feng, you can hide, as long as you avoid, these people's lives can not be protected. "

Tanaka threatened that it was shameless for him to force Qiao Feng to confront him in such a way. I'm afraid Japanese people are such people in their bones. No dignity, no faith, no chivalry.

Qiao Feng has no way but to connect it.

”There is no dog in the world. "

Qiao Feng made the ultimate move of beating the dog stick. At that time, there were many stick shadows around Qiao Feng, which covered Qiao Feng and became the power shield of a half circle ball.

The sword power of gukou Daxiang instantly cleaves to the force shield formed by the stick shadow. In a moment, the sand and rocks are flying and the wind is howling. The two began to compete for internal power, and neither of them wanted to let anyone.

Gukou Daxiang is bound to defeat Qiao Feng, so as to make a bad breath, but Qiao Feng dare not give in, because there are nearly a thousand people's lives behind him. If gukou Daxiang's knife is cut down, at least hundreds of people will die.Two people's beliefs are not the same, also doomed their persistence and willpower is not the same.

According to the truth, gukou Daxiang's internal power is much stronger than Qiao Feng, but because he is impetuous and does not refine carefully, he is only a little stronger than Qiao Feng.

But Qiao Feng's chest is full of justice. For the sake of those martial arts spectators, he gritted his teeth and did not shrink back. Under such circumstances, Qiao Feng's strength began to grow slowly.

He seemed to have an epiphany. Qiaofeng's dog beating stick forced him back from the terrifying force of gukou Daxiang.

The terrible fire dragon appears again. This time, the dragon is obviously different from Qiao Feng's.

Big, hot, horrible.

Qiao Feng's 18 dragon subduing palms have been improved, and they have the momentum of Jiangning. However, because of the difference in internal power between the two people, Qiao Feng's 18 dragon subduing palms are not as powerful as Jiangning.

But even in this case, it was not that the great master could resist. When he saw the dragon, his face changed and he was in a cold sweat. He did not dare to connect it, so he ran away quickly.

All the people were stunned. Even Qiao Feng, the Japanese warrior, was too shameless

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