Although Pang ban was beaten back and forth by the huge force of the knife, he did not show any sign of defeat.

His hands are like iron tongs, firmly holding this incomparably terrifying force of the knife. Pang ban was never famous for his internal force, but his internal force was also profound.

In particular, in addition to the function of bewitching people, the more important thing is that he can absorb the power of heaven and earth and use it for him. ,

looking at Pang Ban's steady retrogression, he didn't show any defeat at all. He couldn't believe that his move was much better than that when he dealt with Qiao Feng before. Even if Pang ban could avoid it, he had to suffer a lot, but he didn't expect to catch him steadily.

But the next moment, Tanaka is not incredible, but surprised and angry.


Pang ban tried to swing his hands, and the huge strength of the knife was suddenly broken!

Gukou Daxiang is angry in his heart. When he raises the inner strength, he is ready to fight with pangban. Suddenly, he finds pangban retreating.

”Yeah? incorrect! "Gukou Daxiang immediately came back to his mind, but it was already late, Pang Ban's fist had hit him heavily on his abdomen.


The valley mouth flies out like a shell and soon hits the rock, and the whole rock is broken. Without waiting for Pang Chan to move, Tanaka stood up from the pile of rubble.

”Taoist heart planting magic method! Well, it can affect people's senses. I underestimate you. "Gukou Daxiang doesn't care about his injuries because it's not his body at all.

He just thought Pang ban retreated because of the influence of Daoxin's cultivation of demons, which made gukou Daxiang's judgment wrong. Master fight, is such a moment of things, this time, is the mouth of the valley down.

"Demon sword, broken blade." With the cry of gukou Daxiang, a huge sword force came out of the body. However, this Dao strength was different from the one just merged by gukou Daxiang.

Just now, the sword power of gukou Daxiang is not so solid and powerful, and there will be no gloomy breath lingering around.

Pang ban immediately saw that something was wrong. This day, the magic knife was just like what he thought in front of him. There were some problems. The skills practiced by the devil sect are not gloomy, but similar to those of other famous and decent sects.

The only difference is that the evil spirit of the magic sect is relatively thick, and the other skills are actually the same as those of the famous and decent schools. However, there was such a gloomy and dark atmosphere in the magic sword that day. It was obviously not a magic sword.

However, from the point of view of gukou Daxiang's exercise, this is also the Tianmo Dao. It seems that the spiritual world of gukou Daxiang has been influenced, otherwise it will not be like this.

After thinking about it, Pang ban didn't stop at all, and his Taoist heart planting magic method immediately drove him crazy.

That Gulou big Xiang, saw pangban's moving track, this Pang ban seems not to be hard connected, but want to hide, see useful?

”Cut! "

the sword power of gukou Daxiang cuts down from the sky, which is extremely overbearing. The small mountain peak not far away is directly split into two sections.

Gukou Daxiang's eyes almost burst out fire, and he was cheated again! This Pang spot doesn't move at all, and he is influenced by the spirit of Daoxin magic cultivation.

Pang ban also felt very surprised. You should know that although the Taoist heart planting magic method is powerful, it is impossible to deal with opponents of the same level. It can make 100% impact on the opponent's spiritual world.

All this can only show one problem. That is, the spiritual world of TANKOU Daxiang is fragile. It is likely that Pang ban will break up after being attacked by Pang ban. Pang ban hesitates for a moment. He does not want to kill this man, but wants to get some information.

Because he knew that Jiangning has been looking for a person, or a kind of breath, that is the black breath. From the mouth of the valley, pangban felt this kind of breath. Although it was very talkative, and it was looming, it did exist.

So if he rashly shot down the valley mouth Daxiang, it is very likely to break the clue. For a moment, Pang ban was in a dilemma.

However, gukou Daxiang doesn't have so many ideas. He is completely infuriated by Pang ban. Now he has only one idea in his mind. Pang ban must die. He wants to prove that the demon Sabre that he has stopped walking is the first martial art of the magic way.

”The sword falls. "This time, gukou Daxiang learned to be good. His move was not as powerful as the last one. However, this move was directly aimed at the opponent. He would be disturbed by the Taoist heart planting magic method, but the lifeless" sword falling "was not affected at all.

After this move is sent out, it will automatically find the enemy, and the root does not need to be controlled by yourself. In this way, Pang Ban's Taoist heart planting magic method will not be a threat to himself.

At this time, Pang Ban's clothes could not stop expanding, and a stream of pure energy from heaven and earth gathered in Pang Ban's body, and the golden light was shining, like a King Kong arhat.

Pang ban stretched out two fingers and clamped the demon sword, which was a must kill sword to automatically track the enemy.Qiao Feng, who was watching nearby, was shocked. Pang Ban's martial arts skills were incredible. It can be said that even those top martial arts experts such as xiaoyaozi, they can have the power to fight, although they win less and lose more.

Even Pang ban has such a powerful and incomparable strength that it is hard for him to imagine how powerful Jiangning is now. At that time, Jiangning in shijuegu was already so powerful that it was beyond the limit. However, after analysis by many people, Jiangning is more dependent on the relationship between shijuegu, not the embodiment of his real strength.

But now, after seeing Pang Ban's strength, Qiao Feng thinks that even if he doesn't rely on shijuegu, according to the current strength of Jiangning, it is very likely to kill dozens of Tongshen state masters. Of course, these Tongshen states are the weakest among them.

”I didn't expect that the Taoist heart planting magic method could be so powerful. "After seeing pangban's powerful side, even the heart of Tanaka began to shake.

Now he is thinking, if he had chosen Daoxin's magic cultivation method, would he have become different and become the leader of the demon sect, thus leading the demon sect to dominate the river and lake. ..

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