Faced with such non-human forces, Zidian and thunderbolt have no way out. The only thing they can do is to close their eyes and wait for death.

Even the master of the hall of eternal life felt helpless and dead at that moment. He almost closed his eyes and waited for death with the thunder.

This is indeed an unimaginable force, the existence of which is to eliminate all resistance and life. Under this kind of power, even the high-level powerful people who have access to the divine realm feel powerless.

It was also the first time that Jiangning used this unique skill in Jindan area. He did not expect that there would be such a terrible power. Such a power is enough to destroy the whole Wulin. After Jiangning used this move, he had a trace of insight in his heart, which may be the reason why there is the force of heaven and earth.

Such power should not exist in this world. However, after the power of heaven and earth dissipates slowly, such power will be more and more. The disappearance of the power of heaven and earth is actually a kind of conspiracy, because only in this way can those who were originally in the Mahayana period or even the existence on the land be at ease.

This power can be said to be comparable to a small nuclear explosion, such a force, the whole land of China is bound to be devastated. What's more, this is the strength of Jiangning when it just entered Jindan. If Jiangning's strength becomes stronger in the future?

Therefore, Jiangning was silent for a while, and made a decision in his heart, that is, one day, to reshape the power of heaven and earth.

Jiangning's ice and fire ball did not give full play to its power, but this is also OK. Such power is more than enough to deal with purple lightning and thunder, and the four escaped killers are also shrouded in such power.

The four killers ran like crazy, but they were frightened to find that the power of ice and fire came much faster than them.

"Spell it Knowing that they can't escape, the four killers are ready to turn to fight.

These four killers are not as easy as others when dealing with this powerful move. Because these four killers focus on the skill of using the sword, they don't have so much demand for their internal power.

The internal power only needs to reach the level of common powerful people, but their sword skills are really very high. It can be said that the old man of Da Xuan sword clapper and the master of Da Xuan sword sect dare not say that they will win by simply comparing the sword.

The fate of these four killers has been doomed in the face of the power of the ball of ice and fire. Without any sign or any way to resist, the four Tianchi killers, who were so frightening, died.

His death was extremely terrible. Their left body was like charred charcoal, but their right body was frozen, like an ice sculpture. Such a strong contrast appears in the same person, can be said to never forget.

At this time, the head of the hall of eternal life was staring at the four killers in black who were dead and terrible, and his heart was shaken again. Although the master of the hall of longevity himself has given up to defeat Jiangning, he still has a son with incomparable natural resources. He had put his hope on his son.

But now the situation, let Changsheng Temple master's mentality again burst, he can't imagine the final result of his son's fighting with Jiangning. It will be even worse to be the four killers in black.

On the other side, after all, purple lightning and thunder are not ordinary people. At first, they feel helpless and desperate, and even close their eyes for a time to die. But they still summon up the heart of confrontation with this desperate force.

We have to praise them. It is very difficult for them to regain their confidence in such a desperate situation. Even if it was not for the task of this system, Jiangning would like to accept them.

Of course, Jiangning didn't know that these two people were already under other people's hands, and that person had strong hostility to Jiangning.

In the face of such a terrible move, thunderbolt again used his final move of thunder fist. Thunder ran through the sky, and Zidian also had no reservation. The final meaning of the purple thunder fist was Baidian Huihai.

These two kinds of stunts are intertwined with each other, and some incomprehensible changes have taken place. Jiangning frowns, and he clearly feels that the two moves are undergoing earth shaking changes. Such changes come so fast that people can't prevent them.

In front of Zidian and thunderbolt, a blade of penalty condensed by thunder and lightning appeared. Once the blade appeared, it resisted the pressure from the ice and fire ball. Although it only protected the whole body of Zidian and thunderbolt, it was also very powerful.

Jiangning doesn't want to wait any longer. His three merit points have been used up, and now he has returned to the former pseudo golden elixir. However, the power of the ice fire ball is still as strong, without any attenuation.

Jiangning two palms a push, ice fire ball on the slowly rolling past. Seeing the arrival of the ball of ice and fire, Zidian and thunderbolt used their whole body strength. They waved the blade of punishment together, and saw countless lightning splits on the ball of ice and fire.

In a flash, the sky and earth were covered by flashes of light, all of which could not open their eyes under such strong light. At this time, the ball of ice and fire hit the body of the blade of punishment without any pause. The blade of punishment was crushed into thunder.Knowing that he couldn't fight against Jiangning at all, thunderbolt sighed for a long time, and his body suddenly soared. His left hand caught the still surprised Zidian and threw it back, throwing it far away.

Then, the thunder flies to the ball of ice and fire.

After a burst of thunder in heaven and earth, the thunder body has disappeared, and Zidian also took the opportunity to escape. Jiangning's eyes flashed and he didn't go after Zidian, because the system had prompted him that he could get the merit task here. In this case, Jiangning didn't want to waste any more time. He wanted to do the second merit task.

And that ice fire ball, also by Jiangning slowly dissipated, otherwise really burst out, I'm afraid there will be no living people around.

After all, Jiangning looked around carefully and found that the hall owner of Changsheng hall didn't know when he had left, and he didn't even want the reward. ..

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