As soon as the demon looked at the moves of the disciple, he knew that the fish had taken the bait. Now the competition between the two sides is endurance and patience.

Who can beat the opponent in this seesaw battle depends on who is more durable. At the moment, the body of the demon's Sabre shows more than ten feet of strength, which can be said to be very frightening. And the two palms of one-sided apprentice also became pitch black.

The two men hardly defended each other and attacked each other. Neither of them will dodge unless it's a move to shoot down on a dead end or to attack the key.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of both sides will drop sharply, because their injuries will gradually increase.

This situation is mixed for the demons, because only in this way can the demons and their disciples be separated from each other in a short period of time. The one-man apprentice is not afraid at all, because he is not fighting alone. When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, he can quit the battle circle.

Those masters of the supernatural realm outside will become the last straw to crush the demons. The demons at that time must not be the opponents of the supernatural realm. There will be nothing waiting for him but death.

And the demon naturally knows the intention of the one-sided disciple. In fact, this is the bait given by the demon. What the demon does is to kill the one-sided disciple when he wants to withdraw from the battle circle.

In this way, it depends on who can seize the opportunity better. The strength of both men is very strong, along with their recovery ability is also strong. However, in this respect, the devil is still slightly better than the one-sided apprentice.

Although the hands of one-hearted apprentice can be divided into gold and jade, it is only limited to his hands. Other places are also very fragile and not better than others. However, the devil was different. After he absorbed the black breath, his body function was greatly improved. At this time, he still showed some advantages when he exchanged injuries with his one-hearted apprentice.

At the beginning, Yixin apprentice didn't see it, but after dozens of fighting moves, he also found that the demon's recovery ability was really strong. No wonder he could have used his internal power to reverse the situation.

However, one-sided apprentice's eyes are shining. If you want to rely on the advantages of my body to let me collapse first, you also underestimate me. At the same time, his magic Buddha hand began to change gradually.

"The devil Buddha came into the world!" All in one, the apprentice cried out.

Immediately, behind the one-sided apprentice, there is a giant Buddha full of demons. This Buddha seems to be devoutly chanting scriptures, but it shows a very strong evil idea. This contradictory transformation of Buddha and devil is the essence of magic Buddha hand.

Demons dare not be careless. If they are hit by such a move, it will not be such a simple thing to be injured. It is very likely that they will fall into an irreparable place. It is also because of this, demons also display their unique skills.

"Demon sword, three moves of cutting emotion!" For a moment, a huge blade with a length of ten Zhang was transmitted from the magic knife.

The demon wielded his magic knife and chopped at the extremely evil Buddha. The huge blade with unstoppable faith quickly fell on the Buddha and was about to cut the Buddha in half.

At this time, a little smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. The demon frowned and felt a little uneasy. This move is too easy to crack.

”Magic Buddha reincarnation! "Exclaimed the disciple.

With his words, the Buddha, which was about to be split in two, suddenly twisted and turned back to its original appearance. Moreover, he avoided the most powerful moment of the demon's magic knife.

At this time, the Giant Buddha showed his ability. He folded his hands together and immediately caught the demon's magic knife. The Giant Buddha's hands twisted hard, and the blade of the ten foot giant sword broke inch by inch!

At the same time, the demon frowned. His three moves to cut emotion are not just the blade on the surface. In fact, there are two invisible Sabre Qi in this move. He used it when he fought with the old man of the Da Xuan sword sect. It was very powerful.

But at this time, the demon was shocked to find that his other two invisible Dao Qi had disappeared. This is really incredible, and the culprit of all this should be this extremely evil Buddha.

Buddhists pay attention to cause and effect. It is precisely because of this that after the giant blade of the demon was broken by the Buddha, the two invisible Dao Qi were also destroyed by the force of cause and effect.

What a powerful skill, the devil once again realized the terrible power of the magic Buddha's hand, but even so, the demon was not discouraged at all. The one-sided apprentice used such powerful moves. Although he had the upper hand in these moves, the same consumption was huge. If he continued to change the wound, the demon would win a lot.

But the one-sided apprentice naturally knew this, and because of this, he won the upper hand and attacked the demon immediately.

The Great Buddha's dark palms pressed down on the devil. For a time, the whole world seemed to be in the palm of the Buddha, and the whole world was in darkness.

A coagulation in the mind of the demon, what a powerful move, forced to helpless, after many years, the demon again displayed his supreme sword meaning, magic sound thousands of!The indistinguishable notes of Taoism are generated from heaven and earth. They seem to have no intention of killing. But in fact, the dark palms of the Buddha have already had a tiny crack. And with the increase of notes, the crack in the palm is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, those notes began to change into a sharp knife, they quickly stabbed at the two palms, as if Pangu opened the sky, the earth reappeared the light, and the two palms of the Buddha were destroyed by the magic shadow!

Originally, the magic sound of demons was so powerful, but it did not have such terrible power. All this is due to the fact that he had some new insights during his years in the copper hall. This time, the demon integrated these insights into the magic sound, and his power was improved.

”No way! BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, < BR, I can't believe it

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