Seeing the demon swallowing the pill without hesitation, he asked curiously.

”Aren't you afraid that I'll do something in pills? "

the demon looked at the deadlock, and then said," people like you will not do such things. I still have this insight. "

the demon continued:" besides, this is my choice. If I misjudge people, I will bear the consequences. "

" OK, good! "Deadlock is very appreciative of demons.

”If it is not because of our antagonistic relationship, I think, we can become confidants! "Said the deadlock with regret.

The devil did not say anything. He would no longer have a confidant in his life. The only confidant in his life had already died and could not die again.

After the demon moved his body, he indicated to the deadlock that his internal power was restored.

Lock a look, is also a direct blow to the devil. Once again, the demon has some experience. Although it is still very difficult to deal with, it is much better than the first time he faced this kind of boxing.

And at this time, the internal power of the demons has been restored, and naturally they will not be afraid of deadlock. As soon as the demon blade turns, the three moves of cutting emotion are immediately displayed.

At this time, the lock, fist has fallen on the demon's magic knife.


The devil's sword was shaken by the terrible fist. However, as soon as the demon's internal power was urged, the slit was immediately reconciled as before.

At the same time, the two invisible Dao Qi of the demon also fell on the dead lock.


Fortunately, the whole body of the dead lock is locked by the iron chain. Therefore, the invisible Dao Qi is only cut on the chain, and does not damage the dead lock. However, the second Dao Qi has been found by the dead lock. With a light blow, he scattered the sabre Qi.

”What a wonderful move! "Deadlock sighs that if it's not the chain on his body, if this move goes on, although the deadlock won't get any serious damage, but the flesh and skin injury is inevitable.

Of course, his strength has not yet come out.

The demon had no expression. He knew that this move had no effect on the person in front of him. If it is so easy to solve this person, demons will be surprised.

However, it is hard for the demon to guess. Even at this time, the demon still doesn't know what he is good at and what kind of skills he uses. All these are well covered up by this man.

”Pick me up again. "The deadlock roared.

At this time, his fist has begun to agglomerate a big whirlpool, and the forces of heaven and earth around him rush into the whirlpool crazily.

As soon as the demon's face changed, its power could be said to have reached the level of a unique move. If this was just a random blow by this man, it would be terrible.

After guessing, the demon still had to deal with this move. As soon as the demon's internal force was urged, his magic sword immediately became full of evil Qi.

”Thousands of magic sounds! "

just after half a column of incense, the demon once again displayed his supreme sword spirit, and the magic sound was myriad. This invisible also adds a huge burden to the demon's body.

The indistinguishable notes of Taoism are generated from heaven and earth. They seem to have no chance to kill, but in fact, the notes of demons and demons have appeared in the locked fists. And with the increase of notes, the notes in the fist whirlpool also become more and more.

Finally, those notes began to change into a sharp knife, they quickly spin up. At the same time, the dead lock immediately noticed the strange whirlpool of his fist. He immediately urged his internal force to stop the spinning knife.

At this time, his move has also been formed, and the whirlpool has turned into a ball swallowing the power of heaven and earth. It is extremely dark. If you look at it, it seems to be sucked in by it. It can be said that it is very terrible.

The remaining knives of the demon shot at the dark ball one after another, but, unexpectedly, these knives were swallowed up by the ball, and did not cause any damage to the ball.

This is what shocked the demons. You know, this magic sound is almost the strongest strength of the demon. If this move does not cause much damage, the demon can also accept it. After all, the strength of the opponent is there.

However, the magic sound was not even a little bit of impact, but quietly disappeared! This is simply hard for the demons to accept. The magic sound is not a cabbage. Every time it is used, it will cause certain damage to the body of the demon.

Unfortunately, this time, the devil is completely affected their own mentality. At this time, the demon wants to cast the magic sound again, so as to confirm what happened.

However, the reason still stopped him from doing so, and the dark ball was slowly flying towards him. The demon takes a deep breath. He is ready to resist such a move.However, the demon has no assurance that he can resist this terrible move. You know, even his unique moves have no effect, and the demon really doesn't know how to resist it.

At this time, the demon suddenly found something incredible, he saw the deadlock body has a line of knife marks.


The demon seemed to understand something. At once, he did not care about the dark ball at all, but went straight through it. When he broke into the ball, the demon found something wrong. His fight this time can be said to be ups and downs, twists and turns, let him feel uncomfortable.

First of all, the dark ball can completely swallow his magic magic magic sound, which has made the demon feel incredible.

Later, he accidentally found the knife marks on the dead lock. You know, he did not have any Dao Qi to hurt the deadlock before, and these knife marks were so small that they were clearly caused by the magic sound.

This shows that what the demons saw before may be illusions!

That is to say, the dark ball is likely to be just an illusion, so the devil immediately broke into the ball.

He miscalculated again. The dark magic ball still hurt. It aimed not at the body but at the spirit, which also led to the failure of the demon. ..

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