After all, this kind of thing only takes advantage of the human unprepared to display the successful thing.

If ye Feng takes it seriously, it will not play a role at all.

But that doesn't mean he has no choice.

Ghost can be well-known, in fact, the strength of nature can not only be so little!

If not, we would not have achieved today!

People in the world only know that the people of ghost sect can expel and resist ghosts, but they don't know that in addition to these, the physical strength of people in ghost sect is also extremely strong.

It's just as fierce as this. It's enough to crack rocks with bare hands!

"Go to hell!" I saw a fierce roar, violently waved his right fist, and severely hit Ye Feng.

There were even ripples in the air where the fist passed.

"Hum." Ye Feng snorted and stabbed with his sword. He stabbed the face of his fist.

He really didn't believe it. Even though the ghost was strong enough to resist his sword?

Facts have proved that he did not miscalculate. He stabbed Ye Feng when he saw his sword. He scolded Ye Feng shamelessly in his heart.

Wish to tear it alive, but even so, it is helpless to take back the fist.

After all, no matter how strong his body is, he can't be strong enough to carry a sharp sword.

When Ye Feng saw this, he couldn't help being overjoyed and pressed step by step.

I don't intend to let the ghost come out of the battle at all. Every move is full of killing opportunities. I'm going to kill him here.

Only by beheading the ghost with one's own hands can his disgrace be washed away.

Otherwise, today's story will be spread out, and the world will say that he can't beat the devil.

How does GUI Li not know Ye Feng's idea?

Although the contact time is not long, but it is enough to let him know the nature of Ye Feng.

He also wants to get rid of this trouble now.

But the sword was there, and there was a large crowd around.

God knows which bastard will take it.

Don't you see that almost everyone's eyes are red now.

It is clearly struggling in the heart.

Perhaps by virtue of the name of the two major sects, we can suppress this group of people for a while.

But the treasure is in front of you, and its temptation is no less than that of a peerless beauty who takes off her clothes in front of you and waits for you to come.

I'm afraid it won't take long for these guys to hold back their greed.

You'll be in trouble then!

Therefore, ghost all the time in thinking about how to get out.

Therefore, in the face of Ye Feng's attack, he retreated step by step. He did not intend to fight back. He only hoped to find an opportunity to get out and seize the sword as soon as possible.

Hell, Li didn't mean to fight back at all. Ye Feng was more aggressive and never let go.

"Why don't you fight back? Are you afraid? "

At the same time, Ye Feng exclaimed triumphantly.

He didn't say this to the audience, but to the audience around him.

He just wants to tell everyone that my Ye Feng is much stronger than GUI Li!

Don't you see that? I've been beaten back and forth, and I can't fight back!

It's not that he is not interested in the sword, on the contrary, he wants it very much.

But relatively speaking, he wants to kill the ghost and keep his reputation!

"Asshole! You are playing with fire! Be careful to set yourself on fire, you know? " Gruesome is the root of the teeth itching, can not help but roar.

He understood that the more he cowered, the more rampant that bastard was!

"Ha, believe it or not, I will kill you now! You talk a lot Ye Feng laughed loudly and looked at the ghost with disdain: "go to die!"

Another shot.

GUI Li was completely infuriated. He felt his anger go straight to the top of his head. He could not care about any treasure. He raised his fist and met Ye Feng.


Where did Ye Feng think that Gui Li would suddenly change his hand, and he was hit in the face with a fist.

Just listen to "click!" A crisp sound sounded, Ye Feng's nose should be broken, and the blood could not stop flowing down.

"Ah..." Ye Feng's right hand a pine, immediately scabbard falls to the ground.

He quickly covered his nose and took his hand away. It was full of blood.

"I'll kill you!"

The demeanor destroys, the leaf maple sends out a roar suddenly, wields the sword then to the ghost sharp.

Attention, it's chopping.

The sword can be used to stab and pick, but I have never heard of chopping.

From this we can see that Ye Feng is angry in his heart at this time.

"Well, you have to be able to do that, too!" GUI Li's fist broke the bone of his nose. He felt that he was very happy. He could no longer suppress the anger of Ye Feng, so he rushed up again.

They are fighting fiercely together. It's a pleasure for you to come and go.But the people around are in dire straits.

All eyes were focused on the huge sword in the middle of the field.

It was full of heat, as if several big men were staring at a weak little girl.

I wish I could swallow it alive!

The treasure is in front of you. Do you want to take it or not?

If you take it, you will risk being chased by the ghost sect.

But if you don't take it, isn't it a waste of great opportunity?

There is a saying that there must be brave men under a heavy reward. No, some people have started!

"you are not coming! I'll do it

A shirtless man roared, his body turned into a shadow, and rushed to the huge sword like lightning.

"Yes! Stop him

"Together! Don't let him ruin the big thing

All of them found an excuse and rushed to the sword one by one with the slogan of preventing the big man from taking the treasure.

It is too rich for them to suppress their greed.

From the movement of this huge sword, we can see its rarity. I'm afraid that it is better than the treasure of the two major gates.

"Hum! Stand still

At this time, the three figures appeared beside the giant sword like ghosts, and their whole body was full of cold and gloomy breath.

"Those who dare to step forward again will be killed."

Another voice came from the other side of the sword.

But three men in white robes.

Obviously, these two groups of people were sent secretly by the two major schools in case of emergency.

How can we manage so many people?

They have already rushed up. If you don't take some things back, will it be a great loss? ..

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