"Ha ha ha, it seems that you ghost clan doesn't work!"

The people of the ghost sect have broken their face here, and the people of Tianlan sect are naturally very cheerful.

A man looked at Jiangning and said: "this childe, this is the gratitude and resentment between tianlanzong and Guizong. Please don't interfere. After this, tianlanzong will surely thank you very much!"

Compared with the ghost clan, the people of LAN Zong are more polite.

Nonsense, from the appearance of Jiangning, we can see that this person is extraordinary. In addition, the people of the ghost sect have eaten shriveled before, where can they still use a high tone.

But even so, that person's words are not separated from Tian LAN Zong.

Obviously, he is using the name of tianlanzong to suppress Jiangning.

"Good." Jiangning naturally nodded and agreed.

If there is a grudge between people, let them solve it. Why should they intervene?

Seeing Jiangning directly agreed to come down, Tian LAN Zong three people's faces are all showing a smug smile, at the same time disdain to see a ghost in the clan.

See, or our Tianlan sect's face is big enough, as for your ghost clan? Never heard of it!

Immediately ghost Zong three people's faces then pull down together.

However, before they could speak, Jiangning began to speak again.

"Then you hurry up to fight, and when you finish, I will go to the treasure."

Jiang Ning raised his hand to show you to hurry up. I'm still in a hurry.

"Ha ha ha..." Suddenly, the anger in the heart of the three ghosts turned into ridicule.

"What do you mean?" Tianlanzong three people look to Jiangning's eyes already full of killing intention.

How dare you play with them?

"What's the point? I have promised you not to participate. What else do you want? " Jiangning frowned and became dissatisfied.

Are these guys looking for death?

"What else? Don't talk nonsense. Make an offer One of them glared at Jiangning fiercely and said in a cold voice.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill this bastard who takes advantage of the fire directly. He can't make enemies at this time. Otherwise, they will only be defeated.

"Hehe, good, give me that huge sword." Jiangning pointed to the distant sword, playing with the road.

"In that case, there is nothing to talk about! We will never give this treasure to you. Do you want it? Come and get it yourself

That day, the people in LAN Zong took a cold look at Jiangning, and his tone was full of sinister killing intention.

As long as Jiangning dares to come, they absolutely dare to kill it!

"That's what you said Jiangning chuckled and flew several meters directly. With a move of the right hand, the sword inserted into the ground suddenly vibrated for a moment, then flew up suddenly, and appeared in Jiangning's hands at the next moment.

It's a good hand to pick up things from the air!

Almost everyone was shocked by Jiangning's means.

The reason is that there is almost, of course, the rest.

Only saw the first to speak that day LAN Zong man cold hum, disdain way: "play some small tricks!"

Of course, it's just his mouth.

In fact, it is natural that ordinary people can control the true Qi to such a fine level.

Jiangning didn't get angry at the man's words. Instead, he gave a faint smile. Then he took a step, stepped steadily on the void, and then strode forward to the giant sword.

"Stop him!"

Before waiting for the two groups of Tianlan Zong and GUI Zong to do anything, the monks are already in a mess.

"Hum!" In this regard, Jiangning just snorted and turned his right hand. He pulled out a gorgeous sword flower and directly took away the lives of several sanxiu.

He doesn't care whether it's the good or the bad. He just needs to know that these are the people who stand in their way!

Therefore, Jiangning has no need to overcome any psychological difficulties.

Among them, everyone has not yet waited to care, but with Jiangning all the way to kill, only 20 meters, there will be a hundred bodies fell.

Almost all of the people from the sanxiu and the two major sects were flustered.

"This! Who the hell is this? Why have they never been heard of in the world? " The ghost clan could not help but exclaim, which was full of disbelief.

Looking at Jiangning, who is only 20 years old and so powerful, is it an old monster who has been practicing to the extreme and rejuvenated?

At the same time, Jiangning killed more than 20 meters.

It's only 50 meters away from the giant sword.

"Damn it!" Tianlanzong scolded: "no matter how you say it, it's already come to this point. It's better to fight with this guy than to retreat."

Finish saying, then see that day LAN Zong's person suddenly issued a roar, and then took the lead to kill up.Other people see, are looking at each other, but then, are Meng a bite of teeth, kill up.

The man was right. If Jiangning was allowed to take the sword away, even if they went back, they would not escape punishment.

It's better to kill the old monster. Maybe you can get some credit after you go back!

As mentioned before, manpower is sometimes poor.

They believe that even if Jiangning is strong, it will not exceed a limit. After all, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists.

They six masters together, say what can also take that guy down?

In the face of powerful foreign enemies, the two main groups that have been intriguing are surprisingly consistent, drawing swords against Jiangning.

Six masters killed, Jiangning face did not change, a sword will be a loose repair from head to toe in two, let the blood sprinkle down.

Then he saw his sword standing in the air, a pair of sharp eyes tightly staring at the six masters who killed themselves.

Seeing that six people had already killed Jiangning, the monks retreated and scattered one after another, intending to watch on the wall.

Of course, it's not that no one wants to take the sword away now.

It's just that the people who passed through Tianlan sect and ghost sect said: "if anyone dares to seize the treasure now, even if he tries his best to search for the ends of the earth, he will find that man and destroy the nine tribes."

After that, the greed in the hearts of the monks was slightly suppressed. ..

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