However, if the ghost sect leader is San Xiu, it's OK to say.

Unfortunately, he is not.

He has a foundation here.

It is impossible to abandon the foundation of nuota.

And if it offends a gold elixir master, then the gold elixir master only needs to fight guerrillas to make him exhausted.

In the same way, the Tianlan patriarch did not dare to make an enemy with the ghost patriarch easily.

Although there is constant friction between the two forces, there has never been a truly decent war.

No matter which side, are afraid of each other's strength.

"If so, it would be the best..." The old man in black nodded and said slowly.

"Ha ha Let's have a hundred hearts! " The Lord of Tianlan sect looked at the old man in black robe, and he couldn't help laughing.

For the old man's query, he was not angry, but very happy.

What does this mean? It shows that the old man is absolutely concerned about his son, that is to say, the old man is loyal to himself.

The more people like this, the happier he is.

"Newspaper --" a voice full of urgency suddenly rang out.

"What's the matter?" The Lord of Tianlan clan frowned and said with some dissatisfaction: "how do you tell you on weekdays? Don't panic no matter what. Do you forget it?"

When the laughter was interrupted, he was very upset.

If this guy doesn't report any useful information, he must punish him well. 1

just as the leader of Tianlan sect turned around, a white robed man strode in and said in an urgent voice: "Lord, the master, one of the experts sent to protect the little patriarch has come back. It seems to be very urgent!"

When it comes to the little patriarch, he naturally wants to be more nervous.

Can you show your loyalty in this way?

"What? You didn't say it earlier? " Hearing that his son might have an accident, the Tianlan patriarch's face changed. He yelled: "what are you doing? Come on, get that guy in here


"That's what happened. Lord, please send troops to support quickly!" That day, the master of LAN Zong narrated the whole story at a very fast speed, and then kowtowed.

"I can't believe that This time, it is actually the inheritance of taixuan Zun... " Tian LAN Zong Zhu held his chin in one hand and murmured to himself.

Knowing that his son was ok, he was naturally relieved.

So there's a brain to think about something else.

He knew much more about taixuan venerable than his own son.

That's a peerless strong man. One hand can kill the immortal like existence.

If it wasn't for the joint attack, I'm afraid the fairyland at this time would be polluted by the taixuanzun, and would not live peacefully all day long!

"I'm afraid the ghost sect has also got the news?" The black robed old man frowned and whispered: "if so, please bring all the strength of Tianlan sect to the patriarch. In any case, we can't let the ghost clan win the inheritance!"

Over the years, if the balance between the two families is taken away, it will be completely broken.

At that time, there will be only one family left between the two.

After all, how can people sleep in the bed?

There are no two tigers in one mountain, and there must be one death between them. The birth of this inheritance is only to advance the result.

"Well, anyway, my son has killed the ghost. It is inevitable that there will be a war between the two families. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe them out at one stroke."

The leader of Tianlan clan snorted coldly. His right hand clapped on the back of his chair and stood up at once: "Herald, all the masters of tianlanzong who are above the gods, gather!"


Ghost sect.

"The big thing is bad!" One of the people in the hall panicked.

The man sitting in the first place, that is, the master of ghost sect, changed his face: "who are you? How dare you break into the assembly hall without authorization? If you don't give a reason, you will die without a corpse! "

At first, he was discussing important matters with the elders. At this moment, the lower level disciples suddenly rushed in. What is the meeting hall?

A vegetable market? Come and go if you want?

You're kidding!

However, what makes the ghost clan master angry is that the guard disciples don't know to stop this person? How to let it break in and be indifferent?

The more he thought about the ghost clan, the more angry he became. At the end of the day, he waved his hand and said angrily, "come on, pull this guy down and behead him in public!"

Immediately that disciple's face "Shua!" It turned white all of a sudden.

"Master, spare your life! Master, forgive me... "

The disciple kowtowed like a pound, even though his forehead was bruised and his blood was flowing, he didn't stop.

"Lord, let's hear what he says."An elder stood up from his seat and said in a voice.

However, he didn't plead for the disciple. You know, breaking into the assembly hall without permission is a death penalty.

What's more, he is still a junior disciple.

His purpose was to listen to what kind of things could make this disciple break into the assembly hall.

"Well, in that case, let's talk about it." Ghost zongzong Lord's eyes are cold, raised his hand, cold voice said.

"Little master's life card is broken!"

The disciple directly put his head on the ground and did not dare to look up at the ghost sect leader.

He knew that once he said this, he would set off a storm in the ghost sect.


The whole Council hall was dead.

Life card is a kind of thing that can confirm the life and death of the disciple and the position.

The disciple only needs to put a wisp of Yuan Shen into the life card and put it into the ghost sect's important place, and the ghost sect can know its life and death with the life card.

"You know, if what you say is a little bit false, what will happen?"

The leader of the ghost clan was gloomy, and his forehead was blue and blue. He appeared in front of the disciple in a blink of an eye. He picked it up and said with a bite of his teeth.

If you really follow the disciple's advice, he can break in directly without being obstructed by the guard disciple.

After all, whether it's true or not, the guards dare not delay.

There is no time to verify, only let it go.

"There is nothing false about what I said. Please be aware of it." ..

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