However, one thing is very important, that is.

Even if he transferred all the troops of the city, would that be Jiangning's opponent?

Both Wang Xiang and the Minister of the army skillfully avoided this point and did not think about it.

It's not that they can't think of it, it's that they dare not.


"Wang Xiang, I didn't expect that you were so brave that you didn't escape here."

Jiangning's faint voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

At the same time, Wang Xiang's face turned pale in an instant.

His eyes filled with disbelief, staring at the man behind Jiangning.

It's just the golden elixir who just escaped.

Now even like a slave general, standing behind Jiangning, is totally a respectful look.

Jiangning has already been strong enough, at this time its side in addition to a gold elixir master.

Even if the whole city's soldiers and horses have been transferred over, can they really be taken down?

At this time, even if Wang Xiang didn't want to think about it, he had to think about it.

"Hum, you'll have a good time later!" Wang Xiang pressed his teeth, almost out of his teeth.

"If you dare to speak hard, I'll see what cards you have, just give them out."

For Wang Xiang's disrespect, Jiangning is not a bit angry.

Because in his opinion, Wang Xiang is already a dead man. Why should he fight with the dead?

"Marshal, I'm back!" The shouts of the soldiers' Valet rang out.

Wang Xiang was overjoyed, and then he saw that in the distance, the military officer with the mighty army came like the wind.

"Come on, take this traitor down for me, regardless of life or death!" Wang Xiang tried his best to point at Jiangning and let out a roar.

After that, all the soldiers raised their weapons in succession, bypassed the soldiers and rushed to Jiangning!


The sound of killing is shocking!

Jiangning's face was not flustered at all, but his light way: "linhuang, let me see what your value is?"

Lin Huang is the master of the golden elixir behind him.

Just after he agreed to Jiangning's conditions, he dedicated a trace of Yuan Shen to Jiangning, which was under the control of Jiangning.

In other words, his life and death are completely in the hands of Jiangning.

However, Lin Huang did not contradict this point.

After all, it's better to die later than to die now, isn't it?

In fact, for the word "death", it is obvious that immortal practitioners are more afraid than ordinary people.

As the saying goes, the longer people live, the more afraid they are of death.

This truth can be used in the cultivation of immortals.

After all, no one wants to dissipate his thousand years of skill?

This is the main reason why Lin Huang chose to join Jiangning.

At this time, since Jiangning wants to have a look at his value, naturally he can't have any more hands left!

"Yes But see Lin Huang nodded, should a, and then the body will rush out, blink of an eye is already into the crowd.

"Boom "Boom!" "Boom!"

At the moment when Lin Huang rushed into the crowd, there were three loud noises in succession. Then he saw the soldiers smashed into the sky.

When it fell to the ground, it was silent again. In a moment, hundreds of people had died.

Such prestige is rare in the world!

However, even if hundreds of people were killed in the blink of an eye, nothing could be seen among the tens of thousands of troops.

After all, there are too many.

However, it is also because of the power of Lin Huang, so that the officers and men have raised a little fear of it.

Therefore, in addition to a few who still stare at Lin Huang, more are killed toward Jiangning.

Looking at Jiangning's thin and weak, a harmless look of human and animal, it must be much better to deal with than that terrible guy.

People think of it almost at the same time.

However, Jiangning seems to be harmless to people and animals.

After all, I'm afraid no one would have thought that this handsome young man was a butcher who killed people without blinking an eye?

However, when he saw the soldiers killing Jiangning, Lin Huang couldn't help but smile.

They are really impatient to go around him and find the man who even he is afraid of!

However, he does not mean that the soldiers think so.

At this time, the soldiers closest to Jiangning even showed a look of ecstasy on their faces.

As long as the first one to kill Jiangning, it will naturally make great progress in the future!

Jiangning saw that all the people were killing him, his face was calm, and he could not see any joy or anger.I saw a step across to open, left palm delimits a semicircle, right palm fiercely pushed out.

A golden dragon shot out from its palm and penetrated into the crowd directly.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, countless soldiers were blown up directly.

Stumps and broken arms are almost everywhere.

It is hard to imagine that such a strike by Jiangning would cause such great damage!

Not only Jiangning, but all the people were stupid.

"This How could that be possible? " The military servant couldn't help murmuring: "unexpectedly Killing thousands of people? "

Naturally, he could see that there were at least 1000 people in that large area.

Kill so many people in one move?

Is Jiangning still a human being?

It's just a human weapon.

I'm afraid such a guy can definitely play a decisive role in a war.

Now, the Ministry of war finally knows why the war with Khitan was won at the cost of only losing dozens of soldiers.

This is where the Ming Dynasty's officers and men fighting bravely, is clearly Jiangning his one person's credit!!

Although the generalissimo's conjecture is somewhat biased, it is still roughly the same.

Because, in that war, even Jiangning did not play such a terrible power.

But it's also the key to success.

If he had not killed the enemy with one blow, and had awed the enemy's courage with taixuan sword, I'm afraid the sacrifice in that war would have been much more than that!

"Devil! He is a devil

One of the soldiers, I don't know who, suddenly let out such a cry.

It's full of fear.

Then, as if with wings, the fear spread in the army at a very fast speed. ..

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