As for Lin Huang, he didn't know at all how much the God ox would kill him.

What's more, the martial arts he threw out at random will not cause any substantial damage to Shenniu.

It's just because he's having a good time!

Because he found that when he threw out his third martial arts, the eyes of all the Terran friars around her had changed.

Adoring eyes!

Suddenly, Lin Huang was like beating chicken blood. He didn't want to die.

"Eat me again Ah? "

Lin Huang was about to play another Voldemort fist, but suddenly he noticed something was wrong.

I felt it carefully, and my face suddenly changed. I didn't have any internal force!

"What's the matter?" At the same time, the stable Eagle sitting behind him also opened his eyes and couldn't help asking.

Just now he saw that the attack of Lin Huang was quite fierce, and the Yuanying Protoss could not move forward.

This is the time to take care of the body.

But all of a sudden, he heard no sound in his ear and doubted whether Lin Huang had been killed.

Then I opened my eyes.

Who knows this look, just met Lin Huang's face muddled than the expression.

"I I am so angry that I have used up... " Lin Huang said stuttering, only feel a black in front of his eyes, the feeling of collapse.

It's over. This time it's dead!


Chuan Ying couldn't help rolling his eyes and scolding Lin Huang's idiot in his heart.

I don't know anything about frugality. According to his extravagance, I'm afraid that even monk Yuanying won't last long!

"Well?" At the same time, the Taurus above the sky will also be aware of the wrong.

"Ha ha, have you run out of gas?" When he looked down, he immediately noticed the abnormality of Lin Huang.

He gave out a laugh directly, and then rushed to Lin Huang like lightning.

Lin Huang's mother almost turned around and was about to run away.

"Go to hell!" How could Shenniu allow Lin Huang to escape like this?

Later, he saw that when the bull was going to chase after him, he waved his right arm fiercely and would smash it out.

The next moment, Shenniu will appear in front of Lin Huang, at the same time, a fist.

Lin Huang's face was white with fright, but fortunately, his combat experience was still there.

Body instinct, let it wave right fist should go up.

"Boom "Click!"

The sound was almost at the same time as the bone crack, and then Lin Huang's body was smashed backward like a shell, and the whole right arm was also strangely bent.

The scene is very alarming!

A fist will Lin Huang smashed a half waste, Shenniu will only feel his heart at this time.

It seems that for thousands of years, he has never had a moment to make him so sour!

After all, it was too angry to be pressed by that bastard of Lin Huang.

He never tried that kind of taste all his life, so his resentment towards Lin Huang naturally reached a peak!

And when this resentment is accompanied by a blow to vent out, cool point will naturally come!

"Ha ha, die!" How could the God ox general, who was in a happy mood, let go of Lin Huang like this?

But see its send out a laugh, then want to chase up.

However, Chuan Ying is not allowed.

No matter what Lin Huang said just now, he protected him for a period of time.

How could he verify that he really watched Lin Huang be killed by the divine cow?

Therefore, we can see that Lin Huang's right palm slaps fiercely on the ground.

Then the body will rise by the reaction force, the next moment will be stable on the ground.

Almost at the same time, his right foot fiercely pushed to the ground.

As if the body is equipped with a spring in general, a fierce ejection.

At the same time, he waved his right fist and smashed it to the side of Shenniu general.

Shenniu will naturally be aware of the attack of the passing eagle.

But there was no panic.

If the passing eagle was holding a sharp weapon, he might have used martial arts.

He might be a little afraid.

After all, human martial arts can not be underestimated.

However, it was said that the eagle tried to shake him with his flesh at this time. Naturally, he would not be afraid.

It's not even necessary to dodge.

He didn't look at himself at all.

How can Chuan Ying not see this?

For a moment, he just feels like he's going to explode?

Look down on me? Good! Then I will let you look good!

In the heart of rage spread eagle, fiercely issued a roar: "go to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of Chuan Ying appeared beside the Shenniu general and hit his abdomen with a fist."Boom!" With a loud noise, Chuan Ying's fist is still tightly attached to the Shenniu general's body.

But there was no change in the expression of Shenniu general.

"Hey, boy, do you want to fight our Protoss with flesh? Are you too naive? " Shenniu will smile, looking at a dull face of the passing eagle.

Chuan Ying is really flustered at this time.

With his all-out strike, the Tauren monster didn't even dodge.

Directly so resisted down, even said, has not suffered any harm!

How could that be possible? How could that be possible?

These five words are almost constantly replayed in Chuan Ying's mind.

However, Shenniu will not give him time to think about this problem.

Saw its right hand fiercely a wave, directly will pass the hawk out to more than ten meters, scolded: "will kill that fellow in a while, and then clean up you!"

Then, he saw that the body of the divine cow was suddenly raised and killed to Lin Huang like lightning.

Obviously, he chose to hunt down Lin Huang without hesitation.

We will know what kind of position Lin Huang occupies in his heart.

However, this position is the position of the most wanted to kill.

Maybe many people will find this position very honorable.

At least, isn't it a symbol of strength to make a Protoss general so jealous?

However, if Lin Huang knew this, he would howl and say, "it means I don't want it. Whoever loves you takes it!

However, at this time, Lin Huang had no time to say this.

Because he didn't have that time at all.

I saw that the cow was going to kill itself.

All Lin Huang could do was to take a deep breath and say, "help!"

A sound resounding from the whole audience came from Lin Huang's mouth.

At the same time, all the human friars are looking at this, secretly scolding at this time shameless. ..

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