How will he choose?

This has become the most concerned problem of all the people present, none of them!

Chuan Ying clenched his fist tightly, and kept his eyes on Jiangning for a moment. He murmured in a voice that only he could hear clearly: "Terran It's not just begging that can be passed on... "

Lin Huang on one side did not speak, but from his look.

No matter how Jiangning chooses, he will follow with determination.

Of course, this is not to say that he and Jiangning have a strong friendship.

But because he really tasted a lot of sweetness with Jiangning.

Isn't the library of Shaolin Temple an example?

I thought Jiangning was younger and stronger, but I didn't expect that its source of fortune was so deep.

It's just a sword that allows Protoss to pay such a high price.

This is still a sword, not to mention other things on Jiangning.

Anyway, no matter how Jiangning chooses, Lin Huang follows.

"I refuse your offer." Jiangning's tone is flat.

His idea is the same as the eagle, Terran, not only by begging to survive.

The character character, a skim a suppress, but it is indomitable!

"Well? So there's no more to talk about? " Night Mo eyes a cold, voice also became a little stiff up.

Hearing Jiangning's words, the monks of all ethnic groups did not know whether to be lucky or to scold Jiangning for being ignorant of the current affairs.

There are two ways to go, but he chose the most difficult one.

"Of course! Fight Jiangning had a big drink, and then he held the taixuan sword and rushed to the Shenniu general.

Shenniu will obviously also give up the desire to attract Jiangning, the next step is to use a full force.

It was obvious that he was going to kill Jiangning.

Since Jiangning refuses to surrender, it means that Jiangning has no role.

The taixuan sword, of course, is no longer possible to get it.

In this case, in order to avoid Jiangning becoming a Protoss in the future, it is necessary to strangle it in the cradle.

This is not to say that Shenniu's heart is too important for Jiangning.

It is the taixuan sword, but it represents the inheritance of taixuan venerable.

Who is taixuan venerable?

Can fight countless immortals, and even kill countless of the most powerful!

And the immortal is the one who enslaves them.

How can the inheritance left by the strong be ordinary?

"Boom Shenniu smashed a punch into Jiangning's chest.

Jiangning is a flash of body, a sword will be cut down.

At the same time, the true Qi in Jiangning's body is also continuously injected into the taixuan sword.

For a moment, the taixuan sword was a brilliant work.

"What?" Feeling the great power of taixuan sword, Shenniu will change his face.

He was in a hurry to take back his fist, but it was too late.

But seeing the taixuan sword cut down from his wrist, he cut his fist directly!

The intense pain, as well as the humiliation feeling unceasingly pounded the Shenniu general's brain.

"Ah! I will kill you Shenniu will roar, actually regardless of the wound is still bleeding, once again rushed to Jiangning.

When Jiangning saw that the taixuan sword worked, he was ecstatic. Where would he miss such an opportunity, he would fight with Shenniu directly.

However, Shenniu will be angry at this time, but the reason is still there.

At least, he hasn't been blinded by the pain.

Therefore, in the process of fighting with Jiangning, he has become a lot more careful.

However, Jiangning is due to the convergence of Shenniu will become a lot of difficulties.

After all, no matter how to say, the speed and reaction power of Shenniu will not be able to match with his golden elixir.

Therefore, although Shenniu will be restrained, the situation is that he is beaten.

"Why? You can't use your strength any more? " Shenniu will see Jiangning more and more fight back, can not help but send out a sneer, the tone is full of biting intent to kill.

"This What should I do? "

"Jiangning! Come on

Many of the friars of the Terran family all worked hard for Jiangning.

As for the protoss, they all stood by and talked about how long Jiangning could last.

Since the collapse of the negotiations, there has been no more fighting.

Instead, he watched the battle between Jiangning and Shenniu general.

Not because of anything else, but because there is no need to fight.

In this war, Jiangning wins, which means that the Terrans still have a little room for resistance.

If Jiangning is defeated, there will be no hope for the Terrans.

Friars Yuanying have already joined the Protoss. Now, the Terrans can only rely on Jiangning to carry the beam.However, if Jiangning, who carries the big beam, also falls down, then the Terran will be really finished!

Jiangning at this time has felt bursts of fatigue.

This is expected.

Because it's impossible for any monk of golden elixir to hold on to the present like him.

I'm afraid the first round will be killed by the cow.

As for monk Yuanying, I'm afraid he has already been killed by the Shenniu general.

No way! I can't just sit back and wait!

Jiangning secretly gnawed his teeth in his heart. While fighting with Shenniu, his eyes had begun to look at him for four weeks.

The biggest taboo in combat is distraction.

Jiangning this distraction, suddenly that Shenniu will once again occupy some of the upper hand.

Looking at Jiangning at this time is already dangerous, the monks of all clans are so anxious!

They all want to make a sound reminder, but they are afraid that Jiangning will be distracted.

For a moment, this tangle!

However, although Jiangning's distraction put him in danger, he also had a good idea in his heart.

That's it!

However, seeing Jiangning's true Qi, he rushed to the taixuan sword in his hand.

For a moment, the taixuan sword was a masterpiece of golden light.

Shenniu's face was startled, but he was stunned to move forward again.

Looking at Jiangning warily, I'm afraid that Jiangning will use any means.

And cut off the other arm.

At that time, there will be jokes from the same kind.

A battle of their own, was actually a gold elixir of the younger generation one after another to cut off the arm.

Although it can be recovered, it is destined to become the biggest stain in his life. ..

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