Now, he just wants to tell Jiangning, tell people in the world that he is not a selfish villain.

"Well, you think I'll believe that if you say that now?" However, Jiangning sneered: "if it's really for the human race, why do you still want to join the protoss?"

"I know that many people want to live!"

"If it's the future, there will be more than that

Jiangning every say a word, the face of the old devil days will be pale.

At the end of the day, the old ancestor of the devil gave up the resistance with a bitter smile: "well, today's power should be like this!"

"No, it all changes after you make a choice." Jiangning pitifully looked at the old devil, then, out of the sword!

The cold light flashed by.

There was a blood hole in the chest of the old devil.

The body fell slowly.

No one saw how Jiangning made his sword.

But the devil God is dead!

Even before Yuanying could escape, he was destroyed by the sword spirit!

The remaining one, Yuanying, looked at Jiangning in fear, turned his head and ran away.

However, how could Jiangning let him go?

If you stand in the wrong line, you will die!

Especially in front of this national righteousness.

Even if it was him, Jiangning thought he was not a good man.

But at this juncture, he will also be on the side of the Terran.

"Go to hell!" But seeing Jiangning in the air, in the blink of an eye, a genuine Qi will pass through the ancestral elixir field of Yuanying.

Even before he could scream, the yuan baby's body fell straight down.

In the blink of an eye, several Yuanying ancestors, all destroyed!

"Now, it's your turn!" Jiang Ning fiercely waved his arm and pointed the sword point to the night ink.

"Be bold! Do you think your life is too long Shenniu will see Jiangning so rampant, can't help but get angry.

"Ha ha, I just think my life is too long. Why do you want to take it away?" Jiangning couldn't help laughing, and his words were full of disdain for Shenniu general.

"You want to die!" Shenniu will roar, fiercely clench fist, body 1 burst up, lightning like shooting at Jiangning.

All right, come on Jiangning saw that the cow was going to kill, but he laughed and went straight up.

Before let this guy press to fight, now to let him taste this taste!

"No! Come back And the two people are different is the night ink.

But see the night ink at this time face iron blue, hastily toward the divine cow will drink a way.

Obviously, Yemo is still able to see the situation clearly.

At present, Jiangning is no match for Shenniu.

Even if it is him, I'm afraid that before the war with him, he should also weigh it well.

But this God ox general, unexpectedly has no head to go up directly.

What's in your head?

For a time, ye Mo really wanted to take a look at the things inside!

"Go to hell!" Shenniu fiercely grasped the ax on his waist with his left hand and fiercely cleaved to Jiangning.

Jiangning sneered and flashed. At the same time, taixuan sword crossed.


A crisp sound, then the axe will be transformed into two sections.

In the head position, it hits the ground directly.

There was a loud noise, which directly caused a huge round pit.

From this, we can see how heavy the axe is.

Shenniu's face was livid, and he threw away the big axe left in his hand and rushed to Jiangning.

"If you want to die so much, no wonder I am!"

But seeing Jiangning's right hand holding the taixuan sword, he stabbed it.

There is no sword move, but the speed of this sword is used to the extreme!

"Poof!" The sound of a sharp weapon breaking into the body rings.

Later, he saw the taixuan sword passing through the other side of the body of the Shenniu general.

Shenniu's huge body was shocked violently. He only felt that a powerful air force was rapidly destroying the cells in his body.

But he has no resistance at all!

Finally, the body of Shenniu solidified there, and the eyes also stayed in the previous moment.

Jiangning saw this, but he sighed in his heart, and pushed his left palm gently in Shenniu's chest.

Shenniu will slide down from the sword without any resistance.

"Asshole..." Ye Mo's face was very embarrassed. He looked at Jiangning tightly and said in a sharp voice, "don't you want to be the 301 God King? Are you not afraid that God will blame you for doing so? "

"God? Hum, I haven't heard of it. Blame it? Let him do it himself Jiangning sneered, but he didn't pay attention to the God in the words of night ink!"You You are looking for death Night ink is almost squeezed out of the teeth.

This time, in order to make the journey of night ink more smooth.

God specially sent him 30000 Protoss, and even sent a god ox general.

Such a lineup is enough to sweep the world.

However, I didn't expect that I had a bad start. I was killed by this boy named Jiangning when I just arrived!

I don't know if I will be blamed by God after I go back!

Thinking of the scene of God's anger, the night ink forehead can not help but emerge a cold sweat.

Even though he was the son of God, he could not stop the fear of God in his heart.

"Why, do you have the ability to let me die?" Jiangning eyebrows a pick, very interested asked.

"Well, you can wait for the father to send troops again and suppress here! I'm afraid there will be no dog left here! " Night Mo cold hum, turn around and then fly back to the huge crack in the air.

However, ye Xiaoyun is not willing to give him this opportunity.

But see its send out a sneer: "since come, don't rush away so quickly!"

With that, ye Xiao Yun's body flew out like a cannon ball and quickly approached the night ink.

Night ink how can't feel behind the roaring sound, instant face then gloomy down.

In the heart of straight scold Jiangning is a can't throw off the brown sugar, night ink is not running away.

Instead, he turned to kill Ye Xiaoyun.

"You killed yourself!" But see the night ink tight teeth, almost from the teeth out of this sentence. ..

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