The taixuan sword almost came out of his hand.

"What a powerful force..." Finally, Jiangning just stood steady in the air, gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and murmured.

Unlike Jiangning, Shenniu king did not step back at all.

But see God Cow King sneer: "see? My strength is absolutely not what you can resist! So, you'd better hand over the taixuan sword, lest I accidentally kill you... "

"If you have the ability, you can come." To his surprise, Jiangning made a mockery again, and his face was full of provocation.

Sleeping trough NIMA! I can't bear it!

The king of the divine cow ran away directly, roared, and rushed toward Jiangning.

The axe of both hands was directly swung out of the illusion.

Jiangning is also reluctantly able to resist.

However, even so, it is also accompanied by a huge crash, the body back more than ten meters.

After a few breaths, they had already pulled the front line for hundreds of meters.

And Jiangning's body is also the blood surging, finally can't stand, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Shenniu Wang doesn't want to kill all of them. He doesn't want to force Jiangning to that point!

After all, if there is a rebound, it's not good.

Although I didn't have much contact with Jiangning, I even said that this was the first time I met.

But the God Cow King already knew that Jiangning was a master who would rather die than surrender.

"See? The strength gap between you and me is just like heaven and Ah? How did Laozi's axe crack

The God ox king is saying, but suddenly found his double axe blade on the more a broken gap.

Nima, what's going on?

Night Mo eye corner violent convulsion, dare to use his weapon and taixuan sword collision, not broken just strange!

You know, the taixuan sword is not only made with the most precious materials of time.

Among them, it refined most of the blood essence of taixuan venerable.

The God ox king wanted to cry without tears. He saw that the crack on the axe surface was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it spread directly to the whole body of the axe.


"My axe..."

The God ox King's eye looked at his axe to pieces, but there was no way to stop it.

In his heart, the king of Shenniu raised his head fiercely and looked at Jiangning with red eyes. He said angrily, "Jiangning, if you hand over the taixuan sword now, we will not be responsible for the previous things!"

Now, only in this way can his anger be calmed down.

"Don't hand over the taixuan sword!"

"Don't let the protoss get what they want!"

Jiangning has not yet spoken, one side of the human friars have been shouting.

Although they don't understand what they are talking about, they just need to know, but everything the protoss wants to do, don't let him do it, that's right!

Jiangning nodded seriously and said, "yes, I can't give it to you!"

The king of God ox should only be the words of these human friars that influenced Jiangning's judgment.

Therefore, he pointed to the Terran friars and said, "if you don't, I will kill them all! Pay or not? "

Said, the God Cow King's body actually already is sends out one extremely formidable momentum.

For a time, the earth changed color, and the earth trembled.

The monks of all races only felt their hearts trembling.

One by one, they cried out in a hurry: "no! Jiangning, hand in the taixuan sword quickly

"Yes! Protoss and Terrans coexist

Jiangning full of black lines, these bastards, one by one so no integrity, no lower limit?

"Kill it. If you have the ability, you can kill all of them." Jiangning thought in the brain for a moment, then said directly.

Anyway, these guys who don't have the bottom line are also a group of villains. If they die, they will die!

"Jiangning! You bastard

"You are no man at all!"

For a moment, the monks of all ethnic groups began to curse, and they almost did not dig out the eighteen generations of Jiangning's ancestors.

"Well, you forced me to do it!" The God ox King roared, and then his huge body rushed into the crowd like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he killed a large number of human friars.

While cursing Jiangning, the friars of the Terran fled in all directions.

The scene was called a farce.

Seeing that the God ox king went to hunt and kill the friars, Jiangning's mouth also showed a faint sneer.

Just before he came, he noticed the five hundred generals behind the king.

Almost every strength is at the peak of Yuanying.

I'm short of these high-level supplements now. I didn't expect to send them to my door.

The reason why I didn't do it before was because I took care of the king of the ox.Now that the king of Shenniu is gone, is it not for Jiangning to hunt?

"Ha ha ha, die for me!" Jiangning laughs, without hesitation, directly plunges into the center of the Protoss.

From the night, ink flew directly out of the crowd.

At the beginning, Jiangning killed tens of thousands of people, but it is still replayed in his mind!

He didn't want to be part of that group.

However, he did not want to see the protoss repeat their mistakes.

"God Cow King! Come on! Jiangning is in the battle

Night ink directly to the God Cow King launched a call for help.

So far, he has no other choice.

"What?" When he heard that Jiangning was taking advantage of his absence, the king of Shenniu suddenly stopped for a moment and quickly turned his head.

Only in a moment, the eyes of the God bull king turned red.

"You want to die!" But see its fierce send out a roar.

Then he rushed to Jiangning like lightning.

The speed was so fast that the friars on both sides were scraped into meat paste.

Not even a sound came out.

In a short period of time, Jiangning has killed more than ten Protoss gods. With the sharpness of the taixuan sword in his hand, no one is his one in one enemy. Even he doesn't have to chop it. As long as you touch it gently, the protoss God general will die!

At this time, he only felt that all the strength consumed by fighting with the God ox king had come back.

For a moment, my heart is very happy!

"Kill! Kill him

With the shouts of killing, the gods will continue to kill Jiangning.

However, in Jiangning's view, these guys seem to have become aura.

It's called tonic.

So where is there a bit of fear? Instead, it was like a wolf meeting a sheep. ..

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