But it is definitely not the end of the king!

Who is this man?

God tiger king's heart has already had a little retreat.

Of course, this is not to say that he is afraid of Jiangning.

It's not necessary to fight against such a master, or even make a death feud.

Because, with Jiangning's strength, even if he can't beat him, he can also intercept and even attack his people!

In this case, with the strength of Jiangning, the living creatures of Shenhu nationality have absolutely no way to defend themselves.

However, he was not given a chance to speak.

Jiangning is already flying a foot, mercilessly kicking in its abdomen.

Suddenly, there was a crash sound that rang through the whole field. Then we saw that the body of the king tiger was like a shell, flying from Jiangning's feet and shooting straight into the sky.

Almost at the same time, Jiangning's body suddenly disappeared in place.

"Where are the people?"

"Where is the other man?"

At this moment, everyone's heart is full of such doubts.

Of course, the face of the master of Yuanying period is dignified.

They know it's not a miracle.

It's the shadow left by the extreme speed.

However, even so, with their accomplishments, it is difficult to capture the traces of Jiangning!

"There it is!"

Just at this time, the figure of Jiangning suddenly appeared right above the king tiger.

And then he saw his fist fall.

It hit the king tiger's chest heavily.

Suddenly, the king tiger's chest collapsed.

Fierce spurt a mouthful of blood, the body mercilessly smashes to the ground.

Who knows, Jiangning is not going to stop at this point.

The body accelerates again, tightly chases up, is a foot mercilessly kicks in the front God tiger king chest first creation that part.

"Click!" The sound of bone cracking resounded through the audience.

All the living creatures, whether they were the gods of the tiger clan or the Shenniu clan, were all dumbfounded.

What is the realm of the God tiger king?

I'm afraid no one doesn't know!

But its bone was so easily broken by Jiangning?

What is Jiangning?

Isn't it possible to compare it with the God tiger king, or Stronger than the king tiger?

Almost instantaneously, the faces of Shenniu people could not help showing a look of happiness.

Fortunately, they had agreed to Jiangning's terms.

Otherwise, are they not aware that they have lost such a powerful help from Jiangning?

In the heart of happiness at the same time, they have not forgotten the God cow clan elders who had agreed to the conditions of Jiangning.

As a result, they all threw a look of admiration to them.

I mean, elder, you have a good taste!

The elder of Shenniu clan can't help but show a faint smile and nod his head, which is a kind of high-ranking person.

Of course, he would never say that at that time, he was afraid that the God tiger family would retaliate and that he would go to the doctor in a hurry.

"Boom With a loud noise, the body of the God tiger king smashed on the ground.

Suddenly, a huge pit was thrown out.

Even the earth trembled a few times.

Almost all the living creatures of the Shenhu nationality on the ground are somewhat unstable.

"Asshole! I want you to die

Almost at the same time, the God tiger king almost crazy roar sound.

Then people felt the strong breath from the pit.

All of us obviously felt the soaring breath of God tiger king!

God tiger king is really angry!

He also wanted to make friends with Jiangning.

Even if it is to pay hundreds or even thousands of Spirit Crystal is nothing.

But who thought that Jiangning could not help but start directly.

He even made it look like a mess.

Today, if he doesn't kill Jiangning here, how can he continue to be the God King of the Shenhu family?

Feeling the horror of the God tiger king, almost everyone's face is white.

They have no doubt that at this time the God tiger king, a slap is enough to beat them all to death!

However, as the gathering center of breath, Jiangning's face did not show any fear.

Even, there was a glimmer of excitement.

This is also thanks to the sight of the God tiger king below is blocked by the dust, otherwise, when seeing this strange scene, I will certainly withdraw the idea of fighting with Jiangning!

But turn around and run! Never stay!

After all, the person who can show such an expression in such a situation, in addition to the madman, is a person with extreme self-confidence!Obviously, Jiangning is not a madman!

Jiangning has absolute confidence in defeating the God tiger king.

He even said that he was so excited.

It's all excited about the promotion of the king tiger's strength.

The stronger the God tiger king's power is, the stronger his power will be after he kills him.

Jiang Ning Ba won't get God. The tiger king's power will increase a little more!

However, the Shenniu people behind Jiangning don't think so!

Standing behind Jiangning, they couldn't see Jiangning's face at all.

At this time, they saw Jiangning standing there motionless.

Only when Jiangning is scared silly, one by one can not help but show a look of despair.

From the breath that God tiger king sends out at this time.

I'm afraid it's not very difficult to leave all of them here!

"Go to hell!" But there was a roar from below.

Then he saw that the foot of the God tiger king exploded violently, and then the king tiger's body rushed to Jiangning like lightning.

Its speed is so fast that even the space has begun to vibrate faintly!

Almost all the creatures only feel a flower in front of their eyes. The next moment, the body of the king tiger has appeared in front of Jiangning!

"Be careful, Reverend!"

"Be careful, Reverend!"

These worried words almost came from the mouths of many Shenniu people at the same time!

Of course, this is not to say that Jiangning and their deep emotional foundation.

But now they and Jiangning are grasshoppers tied to the same rope!

No one can escape alone!

There are only two roads in front of them now!

Jiangning lives, they live, Jiangning dies, they die! ..

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