He will definitely offer to recruit Jiangning.

These are the rules of God.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Jiangning is willing to accept solicitation.

Otherwise, we'll kill them.

"My subordinates think that they should be killed. If they are not of our own race, their hearts will be different!" The man in black turned and knelt on one knee and clasped his fist.

After knowing that Jiangning was a human race, the man in black no longer hesitated and put forward his own suggestions.

If Jiangning knew that the man in black had the same idea as him, he would not have been moved to kill the man in black and shout "confidant!"

"No, wait and see. If he doesn't show the value that makes me look different, he won't be left." God slowly shook his head and said in a flat tone.

In his opinion, value is more than everything.

As long as there is enough value, even if the other party and he have a big hatred, he can also ignore the past to solicit.

Since God has said not to kill Jiangning, the man in black will not be stupid enough to disobey the order of God.


Five days passed.

The cattle are numb.

This is already the 1000th Protoss to be looted.

They are numb to fear.

To be sure, they are in the mood of breaking a broken jar.

Even if we stop now, I'm afraid that the previous 1000 Protoss will be enough to wipe them out.

Jiangning is very satisfied with the reaction of these Shenniu creatures.

Whether they are desperate or not has nothing to do with Jiangning. However, what is important is that because of their despair at this time, they have stopped quite a lot.

At least, Jiangning is not so upset.

Of course, there's no one on the road who wants to run.

But without exception, all those who want to run away have been crushed to death by Jiangning.

Because of this, these Shenniu people gave up hope completely and chose to go to the black with Jiangning.

"Go! Keep fighting

With a wave of Jiangning's hand, another Protoss tribe is about to suffer.

Although the number of spirit crystals in the storage space is enough to make a mountain.

However, this does not mean that Jiangning will stop.

Just as Jiangning and others have just stepped into the 101st Protoss tribe.

All of a sudden, there was a "crash" sound.

Then there was a cry, "here comes the devil!" "Everybody, get ready

With the sound of the sound, then hundreds of protoss rushed to them.

In Jiangning is still 10 meters away, just have to stand up.

But see its leader's color Li stubble's roar way: "who are you? Are you not afraid to offend the king? Get out of here

These days, the achievements of Jiangning and Shenniu have been spread.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, they were already famous in the Protoss.

It's no exaggeration to describe it as well as known.

Therefore, it is not too much for them to be prepared in advance.

Jiangning saw this scene, but for a time it was a bit of a laugh and cry way: "do you think, with you these people, can deal with me?"

Speaking of it, this is the first time that he met with real resistance in the process of robbery.

In the previous looting, those people did not expect that someone would take advantage of the fire.

Of course, it won't be prepared in advance.

When you're caught off guard even if you're killed.

"No matter what you say, you can't step here for half a step!"

The first man was talking aloud, but his voice stopped abruptly.

However, seeing Jiangning's big hand, it was a direct volley to blow up his head.

The brain splashed all over, splashing on the protoss around it.

All of a sudden, there was a big mess.

For this scene, Jiangning did not feel anything strange.

Because, as long as the protoss with a little fighting power has been taken away by the gods of various ethnic groups.

What is left now is basically some Protoss without combat effectiveness.

Therefore, after Jiangning showed such a hand, all the protoss were suddenly scattered.

After that, Jiangning strode in with the gods of the cattle race, and began to wantonly search for it. It was like entering a deserted land.

At the same time, they are also frightened.

Elated is that when these guys divided their own ethnic groups, they were also so unscrupulous and rampant.

Now it's really Feng Shui in turn!

As for the trembling words, there is no need to say more.

They are afraid when the great gods will return.They have no doubt that these gods will come to them crazy to find them in trouble immediately after they know their old home has been robbed.

Even if they want to die, they will not be able to die.

Of course, no matter what, things have been done, regret has no use.

At the same time, the world.

The gods could not wait, so they attacked the Daming state.

Of course, the attack is not violent, because the gods do not want to kill all the people.

But even so, it caused the panic of the vast majority of people in Daming.

No one will believe that the Daming Congress can still hold on under the attack of the gods.

Therefore, the inner struggle of the kingdom of Daming was raised even before the gods had broken the wall of the Daming state.

See this, 3000 gods are one after another stop attack means.

Look at the inner fight of these people with interest.

Internal combat is the advantage of the people and the disadvantage of the people.

The advantage is that people can eliminate evolution in constant struggle. The disadvantage is that once the foreign enemy comes, it is difficult to gather people.

Perhaps, there is one person who can gather the hearts of all people.

But the man is not here.

Even, I don't know if I live or die.

I don't think you need to say more, you know who it is.


Ask, who can be like Jiangning, alone one person to block the two sets of offensive forces of the divine race.

In other words, these people who want to rely on the gods are so happy.

The big reason is also because Jiangning suddenly disappeared.

No one knows whether he was killed or he was in the gods. ..

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