"Black dragon claws!"

Li Bao changed his moves again and again, and attacked Jiangning constantly. Every time she fell, she became a tiger.

However, Jiangning is naturally not careless. Every seemingly ordinary attack is actually attacking the fatal point. It can be said that if there is a slight mistake, it will be doomed.

"Hateful, is it so hard to face the golden elixir now?" Jiangning some helpless sigh.

But this sentence was heard by Li Bao, which shocked him. He almost lost all his previous achievements.

"What! Is this his bluff, or is he really behind? " Li Bao can't help but think that he has some scruples in his heart, and naturally his moves are becoming more and more difficult.

Jiangning saw that Li Bao was uneasy. Of course, he couldn't let go of this opportunity. After dodging the fatal blow, he turned around and threw a fist at Li Bao.

Although Jiangning's strength is extremely great, but at the moment, when he can't use his true Qi, he can only be equal to Li Bao, so this attack is easily blocked by Li Bao.

"What, it's just bluffing!" Li Bao after the next attack, the heart immediately settled down, no longer worried about the full start of the attack.

But as time went on, Jiangning became more and more familiar with the rhythm of the battle. Every time, he was able to defend Li Bao's attack in advance, and occasionally hit back.

Both of them have been in a stalemate. They are very anxious. You know, although Jiangning can successfully hold Li Bao, his mountain bandits are free. If they take the opportunity to attack the villagers, Jiangning has no way.

At the moment, most of Murakami's famous mountain leopard can't face each other, because they can't face each other.

"In this case, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. The final result is to win or lose!" Li Bao said maliciously.

Later, Li Bao changed his fist to claw again, and attacked Jiangning again with strength still better than before.

Jiangning didn't dare to block, so he took a side step to avoid the attack and ran to the right. At this time, he successfully opened the distance with Li Bao and got a slight breathing time.

"Ha ha, you've been cheated!" Li Bao gave a sharp smile. The attack didn't step back at all and walked straight ahead.

Jiangning can see that the event is not good, because the front is the place where Ning'er, who had been pushed away by himself, now his dodge has given Li Bao an excellent opportunity.

"Don't think about it!" Jiangning immediately turned back and took it, trying to stop his attack.

"What kind of man do you think of attacking others at such a time?" Jiangning some angry, did not expect to encounter such a vicious enemy.

Who knows that just when that foot is about to kick, Li Bao, who was still attacking, suddenly turns around and waves his hands towards Jiangning, which is just facing him.

All I heard was "crash!" A sound, two people suddenly out of thin air more than a layer of white fog, and the white fog accurately fell in Jiangning's eyes.

"What!" Jiangning never thought that this man not only wanted to use Ning'er as a threat, but also calculated himself with lime powder. Because he had been worried about this time, he didn't escape.

As soon as Jiangning's eyes were dark, he suddenly felt a burning pain. Of course, this also made Jiangning lose all vision directly, and even Li Bao's position could not be found.

"It's disgusting to use such a mean way!" Jiangning gnashing teeth said.

"Ha ha, how about the dirty work? Now it's easy to catch you. Just let this beautiful girl see how I killed you. Not only that, but after that, I'll do more dirty things to her." Li Bao said with an obscene smile that he seemed to have seen his own victory moment.

Hateful, if it wasn't for the broken muscles and veins that we couldn't feel the existence of true Qi, we didn't even need to watch at the moment. We could know everything Li Bao did by using our own feelings.

Li Bao saw that Jiangning had been unable to resist, and immediately increased his confidence. At the same time, his fists changed again and hit Jiangning.

This time, Li Bao is all out, no matter the strength or accuracy is incomparable before, Jiangning if this move, absolutely can not bear.

Feeling the strong wind blowing towards him, Jiangning said "bad" in his heart, but it was too late to dodge.


Jiangning just felt his arm pulled away by a soft figure, and the figure stood straight in front of him, pawning Li Bao's attack.


It's too late for Jiangning to pull her apart, and Li Bao's attack has no intention of stopping.

Just feel a heavy blow, Jiangning can only hold the figure in front of her in both hands, and fly back together.Jiangning exhausted his whole body strength, let himself fall to the ground as much as possible, and held the figure in front of him, but it was a little late.

"Big brother, thank you..."

I feel that the human breath in my arms is gradually disappearing, and even my body seems to be softened. Jiangning can no longer restrain her emotions.


Jiangning slowly put down the Ning'er in her arms, but said coldly: "Ning'er, wait for me for a while, I will solve them and come."

Jiangning opened his eyes. Even though the pain in his eyes was burning at the moment, it still did not stop Jiangning's action.

"You, today! Men! All! Get it! Die

Jiangning said word by word, that indifferent tone was like the low roar of death, which made Li Bao in front of him feel a chill behind him.

Li Bao swallowed her throat and said with some stiff tone: "it's just bluff. What can you do for an ordinary person?"

But his voice just fell, but suddenly felt a breath of despair, from Jiangning around the spread, forming waves of air waves. ..

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