"My God, I bought it. She doesn't want to take a bath in public." Jiangning was embarrassed to think of it.

Sure enough, Zhou Wantong only slightly tangled at the shore, and then went to the lake with some happy mood. The lake's shimmering was extraordinarily quiet in the moonlight, and Zhou Wantong's leisurely posture was an extraordinary dream.

Jiangning opened his eyes and watched the people in the lake unwilling to leave.

"I'm not a voyeur or a lecher. I'm just doing my duty as a bodyguard. I'm just watching the people I want to protect. Besides, she came to me on her own initiative. I can't blame me at all." Jiangning's self consolation seems to have to say.

Just as Jiangning was still looking at Zhou Wantong in front of her, she heard a rustling sound coming out of the grass beside the lake. Jiangning's face changed greatly and released her own sense of divinity.

"Damn it! It was when I was addicted to protection and couldn't extricate myself from it. It was really a loophole that I didn't notice your approach. " Jiangning said coldly.

And sure enough, Zhou Wantong in the lake immediately felt the breath of being approached. She immediately took out a thin dress and put it on her body from the storage space. Although it covered the important position, it was tightly attached to Zhou Wantong's body under the soaking of the lake, which was particularly tempting.

"Who are you?" Zhou Wantong a violent drink, and from the storage space to feel a sword, vigilant looking around.

I saw a familiar figure come out of the grass. Her face was full of inexplicable smile. She looked at Zhou Wantong with unfriendly eyes.

"What do you want to do, elder martial brother Bai?" Zhou Wantong said coldly.

Bai Mu Shan laughed and said with some rascal tone: "Hey, younger martial sister, do you understand my intention?"

Zhou Wantong hesitated for a moment and threatened: "elder martial brother, you have to think clearly. If I go back now, I can let go of the past and even think that nothing has happened. But if you insist on doing so, I will call people. It's not far from the camp."

Jiangning heard these conversations in the tree, but also helplessly turned his eyes, helpless thought: my God, sister, do you think this is the bridge of what novel? These conversations are too old-fashioned. Since he dares to do it, it means that those people in the camp have been settled by him. Even if you call your throat broken, no one will pay attention to you.

Sure enough, the white Mu shirt laughed wildly and said: "ha ha ha ha, you call, even if you call a broken throat, no one will come to save you."

Bai Mu Shan said insidiously, "those sword school disciples have already taken the overpowering drug I put in the meal in advance. It's a pity that you and Jiangning haven't taken it, but it doesn't matter. After all, I still have no problem dealing with you two."

Zhou Wantong's face turned white, and she immediately called out a few tentatively. However, Bai Mu Shan didn't have the slightest sense of accident and obstruction. She just waited for Zhou Wantong's call for help to end.

"What's the matter? Do you believe it now?"

Zhou Wantong looked at the white Musa in front of her in despair. When she entered the sword school, they naturally learned from each other and knew each other's strength like the palm of his hand. Zhou Wantong knew that he was absolutely not his opponent. If he had to fight, he would only fall into a desperate situation, and suddenly felt frustrated.

"Since you can't resist, you can enjoy it." As soon as Bai Mu Shan changed her appearance as a gentle scholar in the past, she threw herself at Zhou Wantong all over her face and cried out: "ha ha ha, younger martial sister, you are mine. When you become my thing, I will ask the Lord to marry you!"

Zhou Wantong gave a bitter smile: "it seems that you even know my identity. In this way, even if you are facing my father, he has no fear."

After that, Zhou Wantong looked at her sword with despair, so she directly touched her neck.

"Even if I die, I will never let you take advantage of it!"

Zhou Wantong closed her eyes, but she felt her hands shake suddenly. Then she found that her sword had left her hands.

"What!" Zhou Wantong couldn't believe that he looked at the man in front of him. He still looked at the white Mu shirt in front of him. He seemed to be dismissive of her. However, his powerful arm held himself in his arms and held his sword.

"Well, you still show your fox tail." Jiangning said with a smile.

White Mu shirt obviously some can't believe looking at Jiangning in front of him, but thinking of his own strength is superior, so there is not much fear, just light said: "originally if you did not appear, I can still let you a way of life, now you must die."

Jiangning laughs and says: "these words of you, cheat this little girl even, want to cheat me now?"

"Do you think I don't know who you are? Since the Deacon is dead, it means that the purpose of the sword sect has been exposed for a long time. In this case, you will certainly take action, and so far it has been too calm. Are you right? "White Mu Shan in the eye kills the meaning to flash, sneer a to say: "even if be you know how, what can you do?"

Jiangning didn't say much, but quietly looked at the location of the camp. Now Bai Mushan has made his identity clear. He is the one who will fight with the sword clan for the kylin beast. Naturally, he will not die with them at the moment. So it seems that most of the innocent Jian brothers have been poisoned.

"Originally, I was a nuclear pacifist, but since you have made such a dark hand, I still have to get rid of you first. At least make sure that the task is completed, and then when you ask for medicine, you will be more confident." Jiangning said, quietly transport their own true gas, at the same time will be around Zhou Wantong aside, said: "protect yourself, far away." ..

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