However, at the moment, the disciples of the sword Sect on the other side met, and their luck was obviously much better. Because they entered the secret place at the same time, the space between them was not too big. Knowledge was also met after the two sides of luck walked towards each other for a certain distance.

After finding their own friends, it is also obvious that they began to rely on each other, and began to look for other partners who were also disciples of Jianzong.

Just as everyone was busy looking for his teammates, suddenly they all felt a strong light coming from afar. The light went straight into the secret place, just like a big pillar carrying out the heaven and earth, which was all people's eyes.

Jiangning stopped suddenly on the way ahead, looked at the light column and said, "it seems that there is something valuable there. There is such a big fluctuation in the world. It seems that even the boundary of this secret place can't be stopped. I think I'd better go there first and have a look. I'm not sure I can meet the disciples of sword school who went with me."

And all the disciples seemed to walk towards the light pillar with the same idea as Jiangning. Of course, not only did they have the colonial character of Jianzong, but also other people in the 14th middle school were the same. Although they said that they had a lot of experience in secret land exploration, they were still a little flustered at this moment.

Everyone's journey is not very prototype. After one day and one night, most people feel the light column and pick up the tea table. The people of Jianzong are all there, but there are no Qihao and Jiangning in it.

Qi Hao has been haunting and disappearing all the time. Even the disciples of Jianzong clan are used to it. At the beginning of the big competition, Qi Hao, who was supposed to be one of the top ten, did not show any trace. Now that they have just gathered and entered, Qi Hao has lost contact with the people of Jianzong again. It seems that it has never existed In general, under millet, Jiangning will be much more relaxed. He is still coming here constantly, but he is not as active as other disciples, so it seems very comfortable to replace one with another.

At the moment, all the zongmen are standing in a good position. They are well divided into two groups. One of them is naturally headed by jinlongmen, and the other is headed by taixuanmen, which is from Nanjing.

At the moment, only the poets of mad sword sect and the eight members of Jianzong have not decided which place they want to join? However, obviously, as an affirmation of opposition, the team they join is also for you. At this time, the people of jinlongmen are the first to say to the crazy sword gate: "you can make a quick decision, or you don't even know how to die later."

Obviously, the words of jinlongmen remind the people of crazy Dao clan that they like crazy Dao sect to join his camp. After all, there are ten crazy Dao men, and their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of Jianzong, and they are much stronger in the sea.

After hearing this, even if they were happy to agree with Jin Longmen's request, they left Jianzong to join another force led by taixuanmen. Anna taixuanzong was so far away from Jiangning that most of the disciples of Jianzong didn't even know where taixuanzong was!

After Jiangning approached quietly, he did not make a sound. In terms of his strength, no one could find him if he wanted to hide. Then Jiangning ambushed quietly. He looked at those people and seemed to be arguing about something. He asked huoqilin, what is in the hall?

Huo Qilin's friends said scornfully: "they found many traps in the sincere hall together, and eventually there was a mysterious box, which hurt a lot of Jinshi. Even my meaning and perception can't penetrate it, so we can't know what's inside."

With Huo Qilin's answer, Jiangning is even more puzzled. He doesn't know what it is that makes this seemingly ordinary hall burst out such a huge light. It seems that the real God has come into the world, attracting all the people's attention and gathering together. In this crowd, everyone is unique outside But how ordinary it seems at the moment.

Obviously, even the close-up view of the hall has not been broken at the moment. Both the tianlongmen and taixuanmen forces are unwilling to act rashly. They do not want to start a dispute before the security is opened. They finally lose both sides, but they find that there is only an empty shell inside. So they finally decide to attack and kill together. But obviously, no one will believe it Fang then chose two disciples with nearly equal strength to enter it.

For the sake of the relationship between Madao sect and Jianzong sect, it seems that they both have a tacit understanding to send a disciple to the stage. The runner who appeared in jinlongmen was one of the disciples of the mad Dao sect, Taixue sect. Here is the ninth person in the Da Pai line.

Jiangning watched for a while, and then went in with the breath hidden secretly without any attention. At his speed, no one could see him. Therefore, Jiangning walked into the hall like no one else. As soon as he entered the hall, he found a corpse and died on the hall, as if he had just wanted to Jiang Ning just shook his head and went on walking. Although he said he was asked to do his best to protect Jianzong's bumpy disciples, he had no choice but to endure the pain and continue to walk forward to see if he could answer the most important question here?.And just when he just walked into the hall, he stayed in the place where Jiangning didn't know, and the organ gave a slight eastward look, as if no one had seen it. ..

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