Two people along the river all the way up, not far away, Jiangning really found a small place similar to a village.

Jiangning sighed at Gu Xibing beside her and said, "it's really so. As for you to wait for me here, I'll survey it first and then tell you the situation when I come back."

"How can I, I also want to go together, but my strength is better than you, if I go, I also have some security!" It is estimated that some bureau directors have said that in his opinion, Jiangning must not be allowed to act alone. In terms of Jiangning's strength, it may have been a fluke to hunt tianhun before. Gu Xibing will not let Jiangning release alone this time.

Jiangning said in silence: "time, we go to explore the situation of more people, but it is inconvenient and easy to expose, and we explore the situation and strength has nothing to do with my territory index, but I have learned very well, and I am fully confident, I can complete this task alone, elder martial sister, you just need to wait for me to come back. ”

GU Xibing seems to want to say something, but he is interrupted by Jiangning coldly: "you don't have to say more about things. I can understand some things. Since I can complete this task, time will give me this opportunity, right?"

"Then you must be careful."

The story does not lie in the fact that Jiangning increased to 20 and agreed to Jiangning's conditions. At the same time, they sat in the same place, began to meditate and practice, and waited for Jiangning to come back. At this time, they did not have the slightest intention of taking risks. They could not turn back and abandon them. Now what we can learn is whether there is a transmission gate in this center and what kind of transmission door is there How big a soul should exist.

Jiangning crept to the outskirts of the village and found that there were still many traces of people's lives. However, they did not look like human beings, and even many of them did not turn into human beings. Jiangning just sneered and said that he understood that these people were not foreigners at all, but the surviving Protoss who had lived here.

It seems that Jiangning seems that these surviving depths are somewhat different. Most of them exist in the form of mice. This should be the God mouse clan among the 3000 Protoss!

The strength of these Shenmu clan is generally not high, and the most common one is only yuanyingqi. It can be said that Jiangning doesn't need to care about the existence. When Jiangning, a master of the robbery period, can be opened, no one can detect and discover it. In this way, Jiangning seems to have walked into the most luxurious room almost openly.

And this room is obviously the house of the head of this small village that still exists. Jiangning goes in and finds that almost all the people are from the God mouse clan. Jiangning looks through the room and wants to find some useful clues.

After a while, Jiangning found a strange little book, and this book records what happened after they survived. Jiangning can't help but open the heart song of emotion in place, and the book began to look up crazily.

If it is true as recorded on this basis, then those inferences before Jiangning are completely correct. This is indeed the world hundreds of years later. After all, it is also the original divine world.

At the beginning, Jiangning detonated the hundreds of thousands of Spirit Crystal, but did not think that all the Spirit Crystal detonated, which could stimulate the spirit soul crystal vein of the whole divine world. Then, some of the spirit soul crystal veins in life began to excite, and they all began to roar all the energy to the center, and then there was a big explosion of the whole divine world It has affected all the living beings in this divine world.

It can be said that the monster was directly injured and killed. Even if it was not dead, it was basically unable to resist. And the survival gold veins in the divine world made the resources of the whole divine world fall into a state of extreme scarcity.

However, the survival of this group of people is because they are so quick that pigs are born to stay in the underground, so they are lucky to avoid that disaster. However, other races are not so lucky. They are basically all killed.

After a few hundred years, they all fell into a state of scarcity of resources, so in addition to some specific parts, there is basically no neat place. Each of them is not only slow in practice, but also a very difficult thing to promote. Even if they are highly gifted, they can barely talk about the birth period.

Fortunately, there are some places where there are very few mines, so after the explosion, they are not affected too much, so that the whole ecological environment can be barely maintained.

After that, Jiangning continued to read and found some other things. For example, the small village had experienced some things. After the Spring Festival, the first thing was to start looking for other living companions, and then there was no discovery. Just when they were ready to live and work in peace and contentment, they were indeed found by the people of jinlongmen.

That is to say, since then, a steady stream of exploration of the secret place began. Almost every session, dozens of disciples entered the secret place and began to explore it. This also made many residents worried. Although people have not explored so far, it does not hinder them from exploring so far in the future, So many people are suggesting that the village head move out.However, according to the director's meaning, except for this place, the spiritual power of other places is very afraid, and the land is not fat at all. I have no way to grow food that people can eat. This is the reason why they have been walking here all the time. Jiangning had a helpless and funny smile.

When Jiangning returned to Gu Xibing's side again, she also told Gu Xibing all the things she had seen. She wanted to see his reaction and her opinions, so as to see what should be done next. ..

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