Gu Tianyi himself has two big secrets, one is the god-level plundering system, and the other is the identity of the traverser.

The hero who likes to kill in his dreams, isn't this a character who only existed in the world he used to? How would Luo Chenfeng know.

Could it be...

An amazing idea appeared in Gu Tianyi's mind.

Mu Qianqian frowned and said in doubt: "Xiao Wu, what are you talking about, how come I don't understand."

"Old Gu must understand, let him explain to you." Luo Chenfeng smiled.

Mu Qianqian turned his head suspiciously and looked at Gu Tianyi.

"Little Si, is this a secret phrase between the two of you? Okay, you are hiding your little secret behind my back, do you still have my senior sister in your eyes! Now, the senior sister orders you to tell all the secrets quickly, if There is a little concealment, let's see how I clean up you!" Mu Qianqian said with big eyes and a small face.

"Haha, don't say, don't say, haha." Luo Chenfeng laughed loudly, untied the purple ribbon tied to his body, and put it down.

Mu Qianqian stomped his feet straight and wanted to ask Gu Tianyi, but when he saw Gu Tianyi's dignified and thoughtful appearance, he sighed lightly and gave up.

Zhuo Zhiwen put away the long sword, leaned over, looked at Luo Chenfeng, and said in shock:

"Baicaoyuan is indeed a land of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and a twin martial soul super genius. With Luo Chenfeng's qualifications, within ten years, he will surely become a master at the peak of the Qingming Kingdom's strength pyramid, comparable The eight powerhouses of Qingming Kingdom today."

The eight powerhouses of Qingming Nation are the peak of Qingming Nation's strength.

Luo Chenfeng took Zilan in his arms, chuckled, and said: "The twin spirits have always been my secret. Today is a special situation, and I don’t want to show it and show it. Please keep this secret for me, otherwise. , Will bring a murderous disaster for me."

His words were mainly addressed to Zhuo Zhiwen.

Mu Qianqian and Luo Chenfeng are both his own, and even if the people in Baicao Garden know it, it is beneficial and harmless to him, and they will only protect him more with all their energies, without any other thoughts.

But it's hard for others to say.

Zhuo Zhiwen also understood this truth, and hurriedly said: "If it weren't for you to save your life today, Zhuo Zhiwen would have been buried in Zhou Yang's hands. You have a life-saving grace for me, how can I avenge my gratitude."

"Don't worry, what happened tonight, I will be rotten in my stomach. If half a word is revealed to the outside, the heaven will die!"

He is a decent gentleman and he does what he says.

"Why Brother Zhuo should take such a heavy oath, I believe you." Luo Chenfeng smiled.

"Xiao Wu, what about her, although she helped us over and over again, but her origin is unknown. And...she doesn't seem to have a good impression of you." Mu Qianqian frowned.

"It's okay. Before I released the Chaos Haotian Tower Martial Spirit, I stunned her with the qi. Therefore, she didn't know anything about my twin martial spirit." Luo Chen said in a wind.

"You did it?" Mu Qianqian looked surprised.

This guy, really is the kind of revenge!

"Hey, this purple ribbon in your hand..."

"Wow, Xiaowu, you stinky rascal!"

Only then did Mu Qianqian notice the purple ribbon, his face turned red, and he kept cursing Luo Chenfeng.

"There was a lot of noise in the first World War. I am afraid that many inner sect disciples have already heard the news. Our Baicao Garden is not well-known in the inner sect. And if we act against us, it can please Lin Chen and others. , So once encountered, I am afraid there will be a battle."

"So, let's leave here quickly."

Luo Chenfeng looked solemn and analyzed earnestly.

"Xiao Wu makes sense, but...Xiao Wu has a starlight charm on her body, which is more conspicuous at night than the starlight curse of the fierce beast. No matter where she goes, it can attract a lot of people's attention." Mu Qianqian said.

"Heh, the old ones won't go, and the new ones won't come. Only Zhou Yang, who is badly injured, remains in the first Heavenly Master's Mansion. There is no need to bring this hot potato."

Luo Chenfeng threw the fist-sized starlight talisman beside the corpse.

Although this protruding thorn is a Tier 4 fierce beast, there is no starlight charm in it.

It can be seen that the distribution of starlight charms is random, not that the higher the level of the beast, there will definitely be starlight charms.

Luo Chenfeng threw away the starlight talisman at will, this kind of boldness is not something ordinary people can have.

"Brother Zhuo, do me a favor, Zi Lan is a very heavy woman, I can't carry her, leave it to you." Luo Chen said.

"No problem." Zhuo Zhiwen nodded.

A group of five people, Gu Tianyi walked in the forefront with the purple dragon pupil.

The scope of the entire assessment area is extremely large, and the terrain is also very complicated. Compared to the entire assessment area, the vast jungle is only one-tenth.

The purple dragon pupil has a great advantage in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, and can see the field of vision from a hundred meters away, so it avoids many fierce beasts and inner disciples, avoiding friction.

Finally, a hidden cave was found among the rugged low mountains.

This cave was originally the cave of a Tier 3 fierce beast. Since this fierce beast has not reached its peak, it only has a cultivation base equivalent to the sixth level of a human martial artist.

He was cut in half by Mu Qianqian's sword, and his body was burned to ashes by the purple fire.

Although concealed, it was not foolproof. Luo Chenfeng took the initiative to take on the task of guarding and let everyone enter the cave, but he was the only one who guarded the cave.

As soon as the four of them entered forefoot, his face immediately became distorted, he snorted, spouting a big mouth of blood, and his breath became scattered.

"Holding on for so long, it feels uncomfortable." Gu Tianyi's voice came.

Luo Chenfeng quickly wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth and turned around and said: "The spirit of the martial arts is broken, and what is hurt is the root. In severe cases, the foundation may be shaken. Don't you care about yourself, why run out and take care of me?"

"That is much better than being suppressed by the Soul Lock Talisman, burning the blood, and forcibly running the Martial Soul." Gu Tianyi laughed.

"This... did you see it?" Luo Chenfeng frowned.

"I have Ziji Dragon Eyes, how can your little movement be hidden from me. Moreover, you actually gave up the great opportunity to take advantage of Zilan and handed her to Zhuo Zhiwen, enough to confess to me, your current The state is extremely poor." Gu Tianyi said, sitting down beside Luo Chenfeng.

Luo Chenfeng gave a wry smile and sat down.

The black moon and the wind are high, and the two of them sit side by side at the entrance of the barren mountain and wild ridge.

"After all, in this Nine State Continent, the person who knows me best is you." Luo Chenfeng no longer held on, and his voice revealed weakness.

"Now, if you have something, you should explain it to me." Gu Tianyi said.

"What? What?"

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. You once told me that you are too lonely on this continent of Nine States. We are the same kind of people. Now tell me, where did you... come from?" Gu Tian Yi turned his head to look into his eyes.

"Haha, you clearly already have the answer in your heart. You can only accept it if you ask me to tell you a secret sign?" Luo Chenfeng smiled.

"It's okay for the secret signal, but if you dare to tell me'Odd becomes even and unchanged', believe it or not I will hammer you to death!" Gu Tianyi said.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

He, Luo Chenfeng, is also a traverser, and he and Gu Tianyi come from the same world.


At the same time, in the jungle of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, Zhou Yang's breath was weak, and he staggered on the ground.

Not far away, like a ghost, a figure walked out of the darkness...

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