Invincible Starts From One Punch Martial Arts

Chapter 308: War Mahayana period

   Chapter 308 War Mahayana Period

   The huge and violent vibration shocked the entire Tianfeng clan.

   One after another silhouettes flew out quickly, densely gathering in the air, watching the dusty, debris-scattered top of the mountain, and the shards of the hall that were shot in the air and kept rolling.

What happened?

  How did the Tianfeng Hall explode?

   Many Tianfeng people found that the mountain of Fengding Mountain was cracked one after another, as if something propped up the mountain from the inside.

   At this moment, two figures shot out from Fengding Mountain and hung in the air.

   A handsome and burly man in Tsing Yi.

   A very beautiful, a colorful dress.

   It was Xia Wuji and Yun Qingyao.

   Everyone was surprised.

   How could the two of them fly out of Fengding Mountain? Could it be that they opened a passage directly from the ground?

How is this possible?

  The underground of Fengding Mountain has formation defenses, and the layers are stacked and intertwined.

   In order to get through, the formation must be destroyed, and the power required is simply unimaginable.

   didn't wait for these people to think much.

  Swish Swish…

   One after another figure flew out from Fengding Mountain.

   It was a group of elders including Feng Lan, Feng Tianlai and Feng Zhengrong.

As soon as    Feng Lan appeared, she clenched her fists with both hands, and the magic power shot into the four directions.

   In an instant, a huge light shrouded the entire Tianfeng clan.

   But it was Feng Lan who once again started the great formation of protecting the clan.

   But this time, it is not to defend against foreign enemies, but to prevent Xia Wuji and the two from escaping.

  Feng Lan and the others had gloomy faces that were about to drip, and everyone's faces were full of strong murderous intent.

   However, Feng Lan knew that Xia Wuji was very strong, so she did not step forward, but only Feng Tianlai stepped forward.

  Feng Tianlai stepped into the air step by step, the majestic momentum of the Mahayana period was unreservedly spread out, the entire sky was changing color, and dark clouds were rolling.

   Every step you take, the pressure of the whole world increases by one point.

  The Tianfeng people were shocked.

   "The Mahayana Period!!!"

   "That's the elder protector!"

   "The God of War elder of our Tianfeng clan is back!"

   All the Tianfeng people looked overjoyed.

   However, when they felt Feng Tianlai's overwhelming murderous intent, everyone was very surprised.

   "What is the God of War Elder doing?"

   "Does he want to kill Xia Wuji?"

   In the distance, the Tianfeng clan, who felt more sensitive, found that among the murderous intentions that covered the world, it was not only the murderous intentions of Feng Tianlai, but also the strong murderous intentions of the patriarch Feng Lan, the supreme elder Feng Zhengrong and others.

   "Didn't the patriarch and the others agree to Xia Wuji's entry into the Phoenix Blood Golden Pond? Could it be that the guardian elders disagree? Or did Xia Wuji do something bad in the Phoenix Blood Golden Pond?"

   "That's not right, Xia Wuji also said in advance that if there is any movement inside, he will not be asked to compensate him. The patriarch also swore that he would not embarrass Xia Wuji even if it was damaged. Why would he go back on his word?"

   Many people have doubts in their hearts.

   At this time, Feng Tianlai came into the air, glanced at Yun Qingyao, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

  What a beautiful human woman!

   This kind of beauty is several times more beautiful than those of the phoenix family, mainly in temperament.

  This woman looks like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks, and completely crushes all the women he has seen in temperament.

  Sweeping his spiritual sense, he found that it was impossible to probe. The woman's appearance had a transparent shield, which isolated all probes.

   "This woman's physique must be unusual, perhaps even better than the Tianjiao woman of the Phoenix family. If I can do double cultivation, my cultivation will definitely go further..."

  Feng Tianlai took back his greedy eyes and looked at Xia Wuji.

   He could feel Xia Wuji's majestic qi and blood boiling without the need for spiritual detection.

  Early stage of True Dragon Realm!

   Obviously, this is an amazing human warrior.


   He actually devoured the Phoenix Blood Golden Pond and the underground spiritual veins in a short period of time.

   This is too cruel!

   The point is, this guy is growing too fast.

   Judging from his bone age, this guy should be less than thirty years old.

   Having such a powerful strength before the age of 30, it is definitely a disaster for other geniuses to grow up such an amazingly talented human warrior.

   is even very likely to crush an era.

   In this way, the future of the human race must be extremely strong.

   And he will also become the son of luck of the human race.

   Such a son of luck, if he can be killed, the luck of the human race will also be weakened.

   At the same time, part of the fate of the human race will be transferred to the Tianfeng family after the beheading.

   Therefore, this arrogant human race must die!

   "You are Xia Wuji?"

  Feng Tianlai stepped into the sky, looking down at Xia Wuji coldly, shouting.

  Xia Wuji raised his eyes and sneered: "Fuck you ass, just let it go!"

   A group of bigwigs from the Tianfeng clan had a killing intent towards him, even if he didn't use his divine sense, he could feel it clearly.

  Feng Tianlai was stunned for a moment, then his eyes burst into flames, his killing intent was shocking.

   For the first time in so many years, he was scolded, and he was treated as the face of so many people by a junior.

   He took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and said coldly, "I suspect that you are not a human race at all! You are an alien race in the starry sky!"

   When this statement came out, everyone was surprised.

  Xia Wuji was also stunned.

what the hell?

   He thought that this guy would kill people violently after being scolded by him, but he didn't expect this guy to play cards completely out of the way.

  What does he want to do?

   "How can I see it?"

  Xia Wuji asked with interest.

Feng Tian glanced at him, sneered, then swept his eyes to all the Tianfeng people, and said solemnly: "Since my family was attacked by the starry sky beast before, everyone has also experienced the destruction and blow of the starry sky beast. During this period, our family has suffered huge losses, and you should know some things."

   His loud voice resounded throughout the Tianfeng Clan.

   "Our continent is not peaceful, and we are always facing the aggression of alien races in the starry sky. Most of us who are beyond the distraction period go to the battlefield of the starry sky to stop the attack of the alien races in the starry sky..."

   This news is known to some people, but the vast majority of Tianfeng people do not know it because of their low cultivation.

   Hearing the words, one by one looked serious.

   But he had been attacked by a starry beast before, but he did not lose his mind or fear.

  Feng Tianlai continued: "The alien race in the starry sky is the enemy of all races in our Xuanhuang Continent. Anyone who has an affair with the alien race in the starry sky is the enemy of all our races. This is the consensus of all the races in the starry sky battlefield."

   "The fact that Xia Wuji was able to tame the starry sky beast with his cultivation in the Martial Dao Flying Dragon Realm was very abnormal in itself."

   "And he was able to kill the star beast, which is even more abnormal."

   "Don't say that he is just a warrior in the flying dragon realm. Even in the Mahayana period like me, he can't easily kill an eighth-level starry sky beast."

   "So, I'm almost certain that this Xia Wuji is a star alien!"

   Many Tianfeng people were taken aback.

  Xia Wuji is a star alien?

   He is not a human race?

   "No wonder he can control the star beast!"

"Even the starry sky behemoth that even the elders could not break, was directly killed by him. At the time, I felt strange. Now it seems that because he is a starry sky alien, he can easily cause damage to the starry sky beast. I see!"

   A lot of people were surprised.

   "Fortunately, the elders of the guardian clan found out and opened the clan guardian formation in time, so that he could not escape, otherwise it would be a major disaster for our Xuanhuang Continent!"

   "Such a scourge should be killed!"

   A sneer appeared on the corner of Xia Wuji's mouth.

   If you want to add sin, there is nothing to worry about.

   It's just that he doesn't quite understand, this guy obviously wants to kill him, and he seems to be very sure to kill him.

   But why bother?

   Just kill it, where do you need so much nonsense?

   He turned to look at Yun Qingyao.

   Yun Qingyao thoughtfully, pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "He said so much for the so-called Dao Xin."

   "Dao Heart?"

  Xia Wuji raised his brows slightly.

  Since he started cultivating, he never cared about the Dao mind. As long as he felt right, he would do it.

"Yes." Yun Qingyao lightly nodded her head and said with a smile: "The so-called Dao Xin is to strengthen the inner thoughts of yourself and everyone, and think that what you have done is right and just. Even if you break your oath, it will still be worthwhile. I don't think I'm wrong, I'm still right."

  Xia Wuji nodded, the corners of his mouth raised.

   If so, then this old guy has said a lot of things, which is easy to understand.

   Sure enough, Feng Tianlai continued: "He just wanted to use the beheading of the starry beast to gain the opportunity to enter our family's Phoenix Blood Golden Pond, and to destroy the foundation of our family!"

Speaking of this, Feng Tianlai was excited, his tone was enthusiastic, and he said with grief and indignation: "We originally let him enter our clan's Phoenix Blood Golden Pond with good intentions, but I didn't expect this **** alien to completely destroy our clan's Phoenix Blood Golden Pond. Not only that, but also the underground spiritual veins of our clan have been completely destroyed!"


   Phoenix Blood Golden Pond is ruined!

   The underground spiritual veins are also destroyed!

   All the Tianfeng people were taken aback.

   This completely destroyed the foundation of the Tianfeng clan!

   Almost everyone's eyes were red, and one by one was killing intent.

   "This **** alien has completely destroyed the foundation of our Tianfeng clan. Do you want to kill him?"

   Feng Tianlai shouted loudly.


   All the Tianfeng people shouted.




   Tens of thousands of people shouted together, the killing intent was overwhelming, and the situation changed.

   Even Feng Lan and the others shouted loudly, "Kill!!!"

   Endless killing intent converged in the sky into a huge black phoenix phantom, like a phoenix from hell.

  Xia Wuji was a little stunned.

   For him, except for Feng Tianlai, who is in the Mahayana period and a few experts in the tribulation period, who are considered opponents, the rest of the people are basically ants in his eyes.

   But he did not expect that the killing intent formed by the power of so many ants could reach such a huge size, and it actually began to manifest its true meaning.

Feng Tianlai looked at the gigantic Mingfeng in the void, his eyes were bright, he looked at Yun Qingyao, and said, "I think you have seen this girl, this Xia Wuji is not a human race at all, but an alien race in the starry sky, hurry up and leave him, so as not to be implicated.”

   Yun Qingyao looked at him with contempt, not even wanting to speak to him.

   Feng Tianlai's old face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed.

  This human woman who doesn't know how to live or die, after I kill this Xia Wuji, I will take you down, and it will be too late for you to beg for mercy!

   Immediately facing Xia Wuji, he said condescendingly and indifferently: "For the sake of the human woman beside you, you should commit suicide."

   Of course he knew that Xia Wuji would not commit suicide, so he just wanted to take down Yun Qingyao in the follow-up and have a better reason for her to submit.

  Xia Wuji didn't know what Feng Tianlai was thinking, but he felt that this guy was thinking something bad.

   snorted coldly and said, "You want to be a bitch, and you want to set up an archway. You Tianfeng clan are really shameless. Come on if you want to kill Laozi."

   After breaking through to the real dragon realm, he also wanted to test the extent of his true strength.

When    was pierced by Xia Wuji, Feng Tianlai didn't care, and immediately shouted: "Okay! Since that's the case, I, Feng Tianlai, will obey God's will today and kill this beast!"

   Claws with both hands, the mana in the body surges, and the spell is cast instantly.

  Golden Phoenix Day by Day!

   Endless spiritual energy gathered, and a huge golden phoenix formed in an instant, like a huge golden light, rushing towards Xia Wuji with scorching high temperature.

  Xia Wuji has bright eyes.

   Cultivation method runs, and the golden dragon in the body suddenly riots.


   punched out—

  Tiangang Canglong Fist!

   A gigantic golden dragon with dazzling whole body and unparalleled might appeared, and it rushed over to meet the golden phoenix with its teeth and claws.

   collided in an instant.

   rumble rumble…

   The sky exploded, the giant dragon and golden phoenix shattered in an instant, and the void exploded.

  The terrifying force swept away.

  Xia Wuji grabbed Yun Qingyao and led her to retreat like a meteor.

   It didn't stop until 10,000 meters away.

   Yun Qingyao's expression was still, but there was a smile in her eyes.

   In fact, even if Xia Wuji didn't take her, her speed was no slower than Xia Wuji.

   But being carried by Xia Wuji, this feeling of being protected, made her very happy.

The Tianfeng people below    were silent, and everyone was shocked.

   Evenly matched?

  Xia Wuji can actually be evenly matched with the elders of the guardian clan?

   This is difficult for everyone to accept.

The anger on the faces of    Feng Lan and the others also turned into consternation and shock.

  Xia Wuji can actually be evenly matched with the God of War elders of the Tianfeng clan~

  No, the elder protector should be stronger.

   That Xia Wuji retreated thousands of meters, but Feng Tianlai stood where he was and did not move at all. A huge force swept over him and automatically separated from him and rolled into the distance.

   One static and one movement, the strength of the combat power is clear at a glance.

  Feng Tianlai was also very shocked.

   He thought that with this blow, he could kill Xia Wuji immediately.

  Golden Phoenix Zuri is not only powerful in attacking power, but its fiery energy also has the effect of burning the soul.

   What he wants to do is to kill Xia Wuji with one blow, and at the same time not let go of his soul.

   Let him die.

   But he didn't expect Xia Wuji to punch and unleash a huge golden dragon of Yuan power, intercepting the golden phoenix that he must kill, and finally perishing together.

  Feng Tianlai's killing intent skyrocketed.

   This human Xia Wuji is indeed not an ordinary genius, but a peerless evildoer!

   If such a person does not die, it will definitely be a disaster for the genius of all races, and it is likely to be destined to suppress an era in the future.

  The luck of the human race will become stronger and stronger.

   This made him even more determined to kill Xia Wuji completely.

  Feng Tianlai put away the shock in his eyes, looked down from above, did not hide the strong killing intent in his eyes, and said, "You are really strong, but I underestimate you! However, you are still going to die!"

   As soon as these words came out, a thunder sounded in the sky.

   Follow your words!

   All the Tianfeng people suddenly felt a shock in their hearts.

  Elder God of War is going to kill!

  Xia Wuji was also a little surprised.

   Words follow the law?

   Is this the result of comprehending the Way of Heaven during the Mahayana period?

   Sure enough, there is a big difference from a warrior...

   As he was thinking about it, he saw Feng Tianlai in the distance take a step forward.


   appeared a hundred meters in front of Xia Wuji in the blink of an eye.

   This distance is within reach for cultivators.

   Because as long as a spell is instant, it can kill the opponent in an instant.

   In fact, for Xia Wuji, it is also within reach.

   As long as the speed is fast enough, it is the same even if there is another ten times the distance.

   He looked at Feng Tianlai, his eyes were cold, and his killing intent was surging.

   He knew that it was very difficult to kill the Mahayana period.

  Because the physical body of the Mahayana period is no longer as fragile as the immortal cultivator of the tribulation period, their physical body is evolving towards the immortal body.

   The difference between the immortal body and the mortal body is very big, very powerful.

   Once all the evolution is completed, you can carry and resist the last immortal tribulation, and then ascend to immortal.

   Therefore, in the Mahayana period, the physical weakness of immortal cultivators will no longer be their weakness, and will become stronger and stronger, even comparable to powerful warriors and physical cultivators.

  At the same time, their spirits are very strong.

   Even if their bodies are beheaded, their spirits can become loose immortals, and they can still kill people violently.

   In addition, they also have various magic weapons.

   This increases the difficulty of beheading the Mahayana period several times.

   However, just because it’s hard to kill doesn’t mean it can’t be killed!

   Today, he is determined to kill this master of the Heavenly Phoenix clan during the Mahayana period.

   Because, he has no choice at all.

   Either kill or be killed.

  The whole people of the Tianfeng clan had awe-inspiring killing intent, and the great formation of protecting the clan started.

   This Feng Tianlai never thought of letting him go.

   The entire Tianfeng Clan never thought of letting him go.

   Therefore, even if all his cards were revealed, he would completely kill this Feng Tianlai.

   "You stay away."

  Xia Wuji said to Yun Qingyao.

   immediately thought.

   He was wearing a black demon armor.


   instantly appeared in front of Feng Tianlai.

  Feng Tianlai had a look of disdain on his face.

   He could see at a glance that Xia Wuji wanted to take advantage of the martial artist's advantage to engage in close combat with him.

   But doesn't he know that the physical body of the Mahayana period has evolved to the immortal body?

   Although he was in the early stage of the Mahayana period, under the stimulation of the golden phoenix bloodline and the forging of the fire of Nirvana, the evolution of his immortal body has reached nearly 30%.

  30% of the immortal body is stronger than the peak of the tribulation period of the body repair, let alone the martial artist?

  Fengtian looked at Xia Wuji with joy in his eyes.

   This guy is literally delivered to your door.

  Since you want hand-to-hand combat, so be it.

   Let you see what a fairy body is! What is despair! !

   But the next moment.

  Xia Wuji's breath changed.


  The realm has skyrocketed, and the realm is raised out of thin air!


   The combat power has been increased tenfold again!

   A monstrous force of lawlessness shook the void.

  The icy killing intent rose into the sky.

   (end of this chapter)

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