Invincible Starts From One Punch Martial Arts

Chapter 408: The road to the extreme, the super space killing formation, breakthrough (

  Chapter 408: The Road to the Extreme Realm, Super Space Killing Array, Breakthrough (Big Chapter Two in One)

   Looking at the sky-filled blood blade that was cutting down time and space at a high speed, Feng Xiangtian shuddered, his eyes were red, and he shouted: "Don't keep it, attack with all your strength!"

   Attack is the best defense.

   No need for Feng Xiangtian's reminder, all God Race bosses burst out with the strongest power, and even showed their secret techniques.

   Everyone feels the breath of death. If you don't break out at this time, you are looking for death yourself.

  Boom! boom! boom! ...

  Thousands of bombardments exploded like fireworks, extremely gorgeous.

  Everyone has never had a moment, like the present.

   This is the explosion of all the power of life, and it is with so many big brothers, everyone works together.

   Haven't been so united since their alliance.

  Unfortunately, this is the last splendor released by these Protoss bosses.

   is like a celestial burial that triggered the rules of destruction, destroying everything.


   Beneath the blood-colored sword light, there is only the sword light, and nothing else exists.

After the    sword glow, there was a fog of blood.

  The Protoss is gone.

   Even those magic weapons disappeared.

   They are not an illusory electric light family, and in the end, their souls will be destroyed.

  Everything turns into dust, blood mist, nothingness...

  The scene was dead silent again.

   for a long time.


   Yunyang and the others swallowed hard.

  Chu Jun's lips trembled.

   He remembered that he had said to Xia Wuji, "I, Chu Jun, are really weak".

   Originally this was just a polite remark, but now it seems that it is really weak.

  Lei Jue clenched his fists tightly, his face was hideous, and his eyes were full of struggle.

   He knew that Xia Wuji was very strong, but he didn't know that Xia Wuji was outrageously powerful, so powerful that it made him despair.

   Channel 1, Ying Wudao's hand unconsciously clenched, as if he was trying to grab something, or clenching his sword.

   But after a while, he relaxed again, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "This kid is better than me."

   As a swordsman, he is sharp-edged and has the belief that he is absolutely invincible. In his eyes, no opponent can resist his sword.

   This also created the title of his invincible sword god.

   It is very difficult to admit that a person is stronger than him, and it requires stepping over the belief that one is invincible.

  Once you don't handle it well, it is equivalent to destroying your invincible belief.

   But now, he admits it easily.

   is not a denial of oneself, but a clearer understanding of oneself.

   At this moment, his state of mind has been sublimated, and the state of the sword emperor has gradually stabilized.

   was originally sharp-edged, but now it is gradually disappearing.

  The edge is restrained, not the edge disappears, but more power is accumulated.

   Once in the world, the edge will be stronger.

   "With this kid here, maybe, the road to extreme realm can make a foray..."

   Ying Wudao carried his hands on his back, looked at the deep starry sky, his eyes flickered.


   in the starry sky.

  Xia Wuji stood with his sword in hand.

   His expression moved slightly at first, but then a surprise flashed in his eyes.

   With his current reserve of Yuan force, it is no problem to use the taboo of 'celestial burial' a hundred times.

   However, his divine soul could not endure so many times.

   After performing sky burial twice in a row, he already felt the burden on his soul increased.

   But the Asura sword unexpectedly surprised him.

   After devouring a lot of energy and blood, it will feed back some of it to him.

   Qi and blood feedback is very common, but the feedback of spirit, spirit and spirit is rare, mainly because the absorption of spirit, spirit and spirit after purification is too little, and he doesn't feel it.

But now, with two swords and more than one million powerhouses, even if there is only a little bit of the spirit that devours each powerhouse, the accumulated amount is extremely huge. After purification, it feeds back to him, and immediately let him feel it, let him The burden of the soul disappeared immediately, and for a while, he was in high spirits and full of energy.

   This was definitely a pleasant surprise.

   In other words, the more people you kill, the longer you can last.

  If the number of people killed is small, the gain will outweigh the loss.

   He decided that there will be no hundreds of thousands of strong people in the future, and he will never perform celestial burial unless it is necessary.

   At this moment, the Shura Sword suddenly shone brightly.

   It's upgraded!

   And Xia Wuji himself was full of qi and blood.

  The Shura knife fed back some of his blood to him.

   The already extremely strong body became even stronger.

   rumble rumble…

   Channel 2 shone with great radiance, and a large group of star clans appeared again.

   In an instant, it was an army of 300,000 people.

   If it was before, all races would be nervous.

   The breath of the 300,000 star clan army is too huge.

   But now they all look very relaxed.

   Even Yun Yang, Chu Jun, Lei Jue and others who were trembling all over before were relieved at this moment.

  Eh...only 300,000.

   My whole body relaxed unconsciously.

   The army of 300,000 star clans came in, each with a puzzled look.

The purpose of    is not the starry sky who entered in front, but a large **** blood mist.

What about    people?

   Shouldn’t it be…

   Many Starry Sky people looked shocked.

   They smelled the breath of the same clan, as well as the strong aura of death.

   At this time, there are still many Starry Sky people pouring out in the passage.

   "There is a situation!"

   The starry sky powerhouse who entered here immediately roared at the army behind, and then explained the situation here.

In the    passage, the army that was gushing out suddenly stopped.

  Xia Wuji pouted, slightly regretful.

   The powerhouses of countless human races also pouted, a little regretful.

  Why don't you come out?

  Xia Wuji shot.

   is another slash—

  Sky Burial.

   The blood blade in the sky reappears, like rain, destroying everything wherever it passes.

not good!

   All the starry sky clansmen were shocked, and they burst out with powerful combat power, attacking the blood blade in the sky.

   However, it was useless.


   The blood blade swiftly descended, drowning the army of 300,000 star clans in an instant.

The    army disappeared, a cloud of blood.

   The Xingguang clansmen in the passage witnessed Xia Wuji slaughtering 300,000 troops with one sword. They were so frightened that they fled back desperately.

   rumble rumble…

   The starry sky channel oscillated endlessly.

  Xia Wuji took one step forward, came to the passage, and threw a punch.

   One punch!

  A giant dragon of ten thousand li Yuan force appeared and charged straight into the passage.

   bang bang bang...

   Destruction all the way.

   Blood mist filled the entire passage.

   The channel oscillated and then exploded.

   In the end, no one knows how many Star Clan died, not even Xia Wuji.

   But for sure, there must be quite a few.

   He didn't chase. He didn't know the situation outside for the time being, so he entered the passage rashly, not to mention the danger. If he couldn't come back in a short time, it might have an impact on the overall situation.

   Today, he is no longer the kind of warrior who only cares about personal gains and losses. Although he has not yet reached the broad mind of the saint, he has already stood at a very high level.

   From this point of view, it is quite a bit like a martial arts master.

  Xia Wuji, dressed in blue, stood in front of the passage, surrounded by blood mist.

   Everyone looked at him with fiery eyes.

   This is the truly invincible existence.

   At this moment, the third channel, fourth channel, fifth channel, sixth channel, seventh channel, the starry sky clan frantically poured in.

   "Enemy attack!"

  Chu Jun, Yunyang and others started to attack.

  The battle begins in an instant.

   At this time, Chu Jun, Yunyang, and Lei Jue finally revealed their strength and pride as the Xuanhuang Sanjue.

  Chu Jun put a golden glove on his fist, raised his hand and blasted out.

  A figure of a human emperor with a height of 1000 meters appeared behind him, and also punched forward.

  Rumble... The space exploded, opening a golden passage.

   Destroyed along the way, stumps and arms, blood mist filled the air.

   This punch killed at least tens of thousands of stars.

   Yunyang stabbed out with a dragon sword, and a ten-thousand-zhang golden dragon composed of hundreds of millions of divine swords roared out.

  Although it can't compare to Xia Wuji's Dragon of Ten Thousand Miles, its lethality is not small. Wherever it passes, the Star Clan has been cut into powder, and the blood mist fills the air.

  Lei Jue's hands were all black gloves, and he bombarded continuously, one after another of thunderous attacks on the starry sky.

   And the other big guys also showed their magical powers one by one, and various spells competed for each other, emerging one after another, and the terrifying murderous intentions enveloped the entire starry sky.

However, there were too many Starry Sky clans pouring out of the passage. There were millions in the blink of an eye. There was no ambush. Yun Qingyao made a decisive decision and immediately let the strong men in the first echelon rush out. , to help Yunyang and others attack ruthlessly.

   At the same time, he changed the big formation and quietly opened his "big mouth", waiting for the starry family to enter.

  There are more and more people in the starry sky from No. 3 to No. 7, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached as many as ten million.

   Fortunately, there are very few strong royal family members at the peak. It seems that they were all wiped out by Ying Wudao and Xia Wuji in the first and second passages.

   But there are too many people.

The    is densely packed and surging, like locusts crossing the border, and the entire passage is almost bursting.

   It seems that all the starry sky powerhouses have given up on the first and second passages and entered from the other five starry sky passages one after another.

   "Don't fight, bring them in!"

   Yun Qingyao gave the order.

  Hundreds of thousands of strong people fought and retreated, as if they were lost, and then fled one by one.

  The people of the starry sky screamed strangely, chasing after them excitedly.

   Invisibly, millions of star groups were divided.

   A large formation appeared immediately, and these starry tribes were loaded in. What awaited them would be the powerful attacks of millions of strong people.

The    killing formation opened, the murderous intention suddenly appeared, and countless attacks slammed into the starry sky.

   Knives, lights, swords, shadows, poisonous fire, poisonous water, spells, and endless attacks, the human race's combat power has been greatly increased in the killing formation, while the starry sky's combat power has been endlessly weakened...

   With screams and roars, countless star races were killed in the killing formation. It was the first time that the human race had such a fun and dripping battle.

   The Terran powerhouses in the first echelon of the No. 1 channel and the first echelon of the No. 2 channel were idle there.

   Although they knew that the big formations in other positions were fighting, they did not dare to leave.

   Yun Qingyao is the center, no one can leave their position without her order.

   As time goes by, fewer and fewer star clans enter from the major passages, and eventually no star clans come in.

  The first channel and the second channel, there has been no movement.

   Yun Qingyao ordered again to let the first echelon of strong guards guarding the first and second passages join the battle.

   She did not let Xia Wuji join the battle.

  Xia Wuji's sword technique is too powerful, with his sword, not only will he kill the Starry Sky Clan, but even the formation technique will be cut into nothingness by him.

  With no enemies, Ying Wudao and Xia Wuji were suddenly bored.

  Ying Wudao simply said to Xia Wuji through the sword command: "Junior Brother, are you interested in chasing the road to the extreme realm?"

   "The road to the extreme, what is that?"

  Xia Wuji was a little surprised, he had never heard of it.

"It's not a thing..." Ying Wudao said, but he seemed to think that Xia Wuji had taken the words into a ditch, and then said: "The road to the extreme realm is a mysterious portal to the starry sky. The ultimate test, it is said that as long as you pass the road to the extreme, you can get great benefits."

   "Oh? What good?"

  Xia Wuji is interested.

   What is the test is not important, the important thing is the benefits.

   "It's not necessarily what the benefits are. There are exercises, elixir, immortal stones, immortal tools, and even the source of immortality that makes one step into immortals." Ying Wudao said.

   Elixir, Immortal Stone, the source of Immortal Dao in one step!

  Xia Wuji's eyes lit up.

   He is not very interested in exercises and weapons, but he is most sensitive to energy.

   Ying Wudao continued: "It is rumored that anyone who successfully steps into the extreme realm will have the blessing of immortal aura, and they will not be mediocre in the immortal realm in the future."

  Xiandao luck blessing... Xia Wuji's heart moved.

   He still has a deep understanding of luck.

   If you have good luck in qi, your practice will go smoothly, but if you have bad luck in qi, you will be unlucky in whatever you do.

  The luck of the mortal world has benefited him a lot. If there is the blessing of the luck of the immortal world, wouldn't it take off?

   At least in the future, if you enter the fairy world, you will not suffer too much.

   He immediately asked, "Where is this extreme road?"

   "Outside the realm." Ying Wudao said, as if he felt that Xia Wuji might not have understood, and then explained: "It's outside of this space and time."

   "You mean... in the Starry Sky?"

  Xia Wuji asked.

   "No." Ying Wudao said: "To a certain extent, the Starry Sky Family is actually in the same Starfield as us, at least the Starfield level is similar."

   "Outer Territory refers to a higher-level Star Territory. There is a special Star Territory with a lot of pressure. Ordinary people can't get in. Those who can get in are the powerhouses who are very evil in every way."

   "And the road to the extreme state is above that star field. I don't know what it is, it's just rumors passed down by the ancestors."

   "How is it? Are you interested?"

   "Yes!" Xia Wuji said.

   "Okay! This time, let's go together." Ying Wudao said happily.

   "Okay!" Xia Wuji responded immediately.


   I have to say that the fighting and defensive power of these Star Clan members is too strong. The battle lasted for more than a month before all the Star Clan members were completely killed.

   And the human race only suffered thousands of casualties, only more than 300 people actually died, and the others were injured.

   It can be said that this battle is a great victory for the human race.

   is also the first big win in so many years.

  The battle is over.

  The human race continued to guard here for two years, and no star race ever entered.

   In order to prevent the infiltration of the starry sky, Yun Qingyao started to set up the formation again while letting people guard the passage.

   It took her three years to connect the seven star passages with the big formation, forming a super time and space killing formation.

   As long as someone from the starry sky enters, no matter which channel they enter from, they will enter the super time and space killing array.

   At that time, the large formation will be triggered to kill.

  With this super time and space killing formation, the safety of the human race is guaranteed, and the human race has more time to cultivate.

   Moreover, it can also give the tribe more time to gather the team to come to siege.

   Of course, the arrangement of these seven great formations is extremely costly.

  Yun Qingyao almost took out the properties of the major forces in the Xuanhuang Continent.

   And the central formation base that operates the super array is the Haoyuan Golden Pagoda.

  Because of the enslavement of almost all the gods, Haoyuan Golden Pagoda will have a steady stream of belief power entering every day, Yun Qingyao uses this belief power to motivate the great formation.

   The longer the time, the more the power of faith in the Golden Pagoda of Haoyuan, and the stronger the formation will be.

   Maybe after many years, there will be no need for the Terran to come and guard.

   Stars who enter the big formation from any channel, even if the army comes, will be instantly killed by the super time and space killing formation.

   In the past three years, due to the richness of the origin of heaven and earth, Xia Hu, Dragon Phoenix Team, Xue Wuhen and others have made great progress.

  Xia Hu has broken through and officially entered the realm of Ascension to Heaven.

   Great Realm and Xia Wuji are the same level.

   As for the Dragon and Phoenix Team, seven people have entered the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and the rest are in the Integration Period, which can be said to have made great progress.

  Xue Wuhen is still in the Transcending Tribulation period, but it is also in the late period of Transcending Tribulation.

   In the past three years, Xia Wuji's Nirvana Samsara Pill has gathered a lot of green energy sources for him.

   In the underground where the Phoenix Clan used to be, Xia Wuji was cultivating with his eyes closed.

   Here is a large array of gathering sources. After being improved by Yun Qingyao, the speed of absorbing the source of heaven and earth is faster.

   On this day, Xia Wuji opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

  After absorbing countless sources of heaven and earth, he finally reached the standard of breaking through again.

   Immediately, his mind moved, and he chose to break through without hesitation.

   In the black cauldron, the rich and vast azure energy suddenly disappeared, and in the starry sea of ​​Dantian, the sixth golden dragon of ten thousand miles was rapidly taking shape.


   Spirit breakthrough, physical breakthrough, cultivation base breakthrough.

  The 46th floor of the Tianlong Battle Body!

  [Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Dragon Battle Body (Forty-sixth Floor)]

  [Realm: Mid-Flying Realm (Level 9)]

  【Movement: Flying Steps (Heaven Level)】

  【Martial Skills: Tiger Fist (one-punch transcendence), Tiangang Canglong Fist】

  【Swordsmanship: Meteor Slash, Doomsday Storm Slash, Thousand Magic Swords, Heavenly Dragon Roar, Lone Star Lore, Heavenly Burial (taboo)]


   (end of this chapter)

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