"Let's go, too."

Water dragon, black charcoal and ear of the wind also appeared.

There are many people standing on the wall, not only A-level, but also B-level and C-level.

"It's death anyway. It's better to fight for it!"

The water dragon screamed and jumped off the wall.

Then, several A-level students also jumped down. Li Jian's face became more and more ugly with fewer people around him.

"Are you all fools?"

"Can't you see the situation? There is such a big gap in strength. If you go up now, you will die! "

"A bunch of idiots, brain damage!"

He was so angry that he swore.


Zhang Lei roared, his height reached three meters in an instant, taller than most zombies.

Ordinary zombies are tiny ants in front of him.

"Our target is not these ordinary zombies, but the high-level zombies in the back!" Night without the moon on the side of the reminder.

"I know, but there will be a way out." Zhang Lei said.

High level zombies are in the back.

If you want to go back, you have to clear a way.

"Let me do it."

Lin Lan said and stood in front of the crowd, pointing to the sky with the sword in his hand.


A light sound, the battlefield suddenly wind howling, and all condensed in this sword.


With a sword, all the common zombies along the way are split by this sword.

She learned this sword from Lin Fei.

That night, he saw Linfei split the whole street with a sword, and she learned this move.

However, it is a huge burden for her to use this sword.

Just cut out a sword, the forehead is full of sweat.

"Well done, LAN LAN!"

As soon as the night was bright, he rushed out immediately.


However, this sword not only opened their way to the enemy's rear, but also opened the way for the enemy to come.

A thick figure suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, blocking the way of the night without the moon.

Look up.


"Let's all work together to get rid of it!" The night without the moon left and went back to the people.

The bull is very strong.

He knows better than everyone else in the room.

That night, he tried his best and did not shake the bull.

"But now it's different. I'm not fighting alone!" With a roar, he rushed out first.


Zhang Lei a smile, way: "I long wanted to try the so-called bull, in the end how powerful!"


Zhang Lei punched the bull with a fist, which made the bull step back!

Night without the moon, the blue light in his eyes twinkles, and in an instant several blades of wind split on the body of the bull.

However, it's just a faint bloodstain!

"Not yet!"

Night without moon roars: "come and try my move!"


The strong wind condenses and turns into a tornado, throwing the bull up directly.


At the moment when the bull was thrown up more than ten meters, everyone saw the opportunity.

"Return to one chop!"

The cold light in Lin Lan's eyes flashed. He stepped out of the room and rushed up to the height of more than 10 meters. He cut out a sword at a speed that no one could see clearly.

When the public see clearly, she has returned to the original place!


The bull in the air, suddenly blood splashed.

That is Lin Lan's sword to cut open its skin, and finally let the bull see the blood!

"Get out of the way."

Huang shaotian yelled, "I sent it to the West with a flash of lightning!"

Huang shaotian's body is full of golden lightning. In the bright electric light, the sky seems to be much darker.


A golden lightning, thundering down!

It landed on the bull.

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