Then he thought of what, felt the spine hair cold: "is the bull running out?"

"Look! Here's a piece of tongue Someone looked at the ground in shock.

"Be careful." Huangling's face changed slightly. Be vigilant. The hospital must be very dangerous.

During the day, the hospital was very bright, but a group of people secretly walked in from the big hole. Everyone's steps were very light, for fear of making a little abnormal noise.

"How quiet." Some people can't help saying.

Can't you see a zombie in this hall and corridor?

"Maybe it's really distracted." Huangling heart a joy, said: "go to the pharmacy immediately."

They came here very smoothly. Once the door of the pharmacy was removed, the smile on their faces could no longer be strained.

"Rich!" Huang Ling said excitedly.

"Wuwuwu --"

but just as they were about to take the medicine, they suddenly heard a girl's sobbing voice not far away.

"There are girls?" As soon as Huang Ling's eyes lit up, he said, "you take things and I'll go and have a look."

The rest said nothing.


after all, Huangling is the eldest brother now. I just hope that when Huangling is satisfied, he will have a drink of soup.

Huangling followed the cry, passing through a corridor, suddenly saw the mess in front of him, and his heart jumped.

There seems to be some monster passing by. The walls around are all cracked. The wall at one end is still full of green liquid, emitting a stench.

"It must be a bull!"

"It must be because a group of zombies were chasing that man last night," he thought

Huangling went on, and the cry came near.

"Sister, don't cry. Brother is coming to save you." The smile on his face couldn't stop.

She must be a pretty girl.

But when he opened the door of the room, he was stunned.

Then there was a scream that rang through the whole hospital.

The people in the pharmacy were shocked, but before they could understand what had happened, they suddenly became stiff.

Because they see it clearly.

More than ten zombies are coming from all directions towards the pharmacy!

"They must have smelled us!"

All of a sudden, a scream came out of the hospital. It was very sad, and scared some survivors nearby.


and when Lin Fei was selecting clothes in the clothing store, there were more than a dozen people staring at the upstairs opposite the clothing store.

"Someone just walked in."

They clearly saw that Lin Fei walked into the clothing store.

"Another man went in and died." A man chuckled and asked, "is this the first person to go in and die?"

"Where do you remember?" Someone replied, "yesterday, there was a team of five people who went in, but they never came out again. They all fed the zombies inside."

"Are these people crazy? It's better to think about how to survive if you have the time to choose clothes. "

A dozen people laughed.

"Maybe this is natural selection. A fool can't live to the end."

They don't think Lin Fei can come out of it alive.

Because they have witnessed more than a dozen people entering the room and never coming out again.

"Guess how long he will live?"

"Half an hour." Immediately someone said.

"How could half an hour be possible?" A man said: "yesterday's team of five, even three minutes have not, screamed, five minutes are not sound." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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