When the man turned around, he was completely stunned.

This thin zombie like a bamboo pole is his brother!

"How did you become so?"

"Because I ate that egg." "The monster said:" I thought, die also want to be a full dead ghost, so ate that egg raw, became like this. "

It laughed: "it's wonderful to have the feeling of power."

"Brother, wake up!" Cried the man.


"The monster said:" now I only feel incomparably sober, such a powerful force, I have been invincible! "

"My dear brother, come and be like me."

The monster stretched out his hand and lured, "with strength, we can avenge our dead parents."

See the man's body shake, subconsciously toward the monster to go.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, an ice arrow swept straight towards the monster.


The monster broke the ice arrow with a wave of his hand.

"Who are you?"

"It's our brother's business. Don't interfere."

"That's what it says." Lin Fei laughed and said, "but we still need your brother to show us the way. We can't just let you take him away."

"What a nuisance."

The monster strode forward: "in this case, I'll get rid of you first, and then reminisce with my brother."

"I'll be your opponent." The girl went forward, too.

I saw the man standing beside with a tangled face.

He didn't stop him!

Lin Fei takes a look at him. He already knows what he is thinking.


The monster screamed and the bamboo like figure was approaching the girl as fast as lightning!

The girl's face was cold and her hands were waving.


A wall of ice rises from the ground, covered with sharp spines.

"Little skills."

The monster sneered, but at the next moment, his face changed greatly, because he didn't know when a layer of ice had formed under his feet!

Step on the top, suddenly feet slip, simply can't control to hit the ice wall!


In a flash, the green liquid splashed.

The monster was nailed on the wall in an instant!

The girl stood beside her and lifted her hand, and a piece of ice came out of the ice wall!

This ice cream is extremely sharp, directly hit the monster's body, pierce it, but also fly it out of the supermarket.

It's raining hard outside. The monster fell in the pouring rain with countless holes in his body.

"It should be dead." Lin Fei said.

He did not know that when the girl moved, she would be so decisive that she could not fight back.

It's still raining.

They went to the window and looked down, only to find the monster struggling and standing up again.


Monster roared in the rain: "I am the embodiment of blue star will, as long as I touch the water, I will not die!"

"And it makes me stronger!"

As its voice fell, Lin Fei and the girl clearly saw that the blood hole on the monster was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His thin body is also constantly expanding.

It's like dry bread with water!

In a flash, his body expanded more than ten times and became a giant six meters high!

He has strong limbs, three meter long arms and one meter wide!

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