"I love you so much that you poison me." The girl staggered back two steps.


Lin Fei said, "is this really so hard to drink?"

The girl nodded wildly.

"Take another sip. You can't waste it when it's cooked." Lin Fei said seriously.

"I don't want it." The girl immediately stepped back and said, "you are a murder."

Lin Fei can only give up.

"All right."

However, looking at the girl's face of resistance, he was more and more sure that he had to find a way to get honey.

"This is actually ginger soup, which can drive away cold and prevent colds," he said

"It's too hard to drink." The girl said seriously.

"I went to take a bath."

Lin Fei took the clothes and hot water into the bathroom. When he came out, he saw the girl lighting several candles.

"What a heavy rain." She sat on the bed, looking at the heavy rain outside and said, "I don't know when to listen to the rain."

Lin Fei took a look at the dark room, and suddenly an idea came out of his mind.


Now all rely on the candle to light up, the light is dim and constantly flickering, it is hard to avoid bad eyes after seeing for a long time.

"We need to get electricity." Lin Fei said.


Hearing Lin Fei's words, the girl said, "do we want to generate electricity ourselves?"

"Yes." Lin Fei sat next to her and said, "otherwise it will be dark and you will not see anything."

"We can actually use batteries." Said the girl.

"Every household can put a battery in the meter to prevent power failure. A big one can last for a week."

Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

"Where are batteries?"

"Most supermarkets have them, but they should have been taken out by now." "The supermarket we went to was empty," the girl said

"I'll pay attention later." Lin Fei said.

There's so much to look for.

Power fruit, honey, and batteries.

"It's really hard to live in the end of the world." Lin Fei sighed: "maybe now some people are eating hot pot in the villa, blowing the air conditioner, enjoying very much, really envious ah."

The girl gave him a quick look.

How can anyone be so comfortable in this world?

This is the end of the world!

But on second thought, Lin Fei is such a powerful person. Maybe someone can do this?

"But what is hot pot?" The girl asked curiously.

"Hot pot." Lin Fei was suddenly hungry and said, "let's have hot pot in the evening. I'll teach you how to do it."

Just have the materials you need!

"Is it delicious?"

The girl was still afraid of the bowl of ginger soup. She was afraid that Lin Fei would make something terrible.

"It's delicious." Lin Fei rubbed the girl's cheek with a smile.

It's cool, soft and slippery. It feels good.

The girl flushed her face and patted off Lin Fei's disordered hands and whispered, "don't move. You haven't confessed."

Lin Fei couldn't hear the last sentence.

There is no tendency to stop the heavy rain outside. It seems that it will submerge the whole world.

Both were trapped in the villa, where they could not go.

Lin Fei and the girl were originally sitting on the bed, but because they were too boring, they did not lie on the bed for a while.


the girl fell asleep. She was in her pajamas and lay in Lin Fei's arms.

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