But a closer look, and then curious: "how are all raw."

"It's all raw." Lin Fei nodded and said, "if you want to eat anything, put it into the pot and cook it."

"But does it taste like this?" The girl did not understand.

"There's sauce."

Lin Fei explained to the girl, "if you dip the food in the sauce, it will be very delicious. I'm afraid you can't eat spicy food. I have prepared several kinds of sauces for you to try."

It was the first time for the girl to eat hot pot. She didn't know anything, so she learned from Lin Fei.

"Eat well."

She ate the cabbage that Lin Fei Jia gave her, and her happy eyes narrowed: "this sauce is sour and sweet. It tastes great."

"If you want something, you can add it yourself." Lin Fei smiles faintly.

Watching the girl eat happily, he was in a good mood.

"In our hometown, hotpot is eaten by the whole family." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Hearing this, the girl's pretty face turned red.

"Tonight is a candlelight dinner." Lin Fei said with a smile.

The girl's cheek is more red, her head is buried, and she doesn't dare to see Lin Fei. Is this a confession?

Candlelight dinner is for couples to eat together, right?

The more you think about it, the farther you go.

It's still raining outside. It seems that it doesn't mean to stop. It's a little cold, but the villa is very warm.

Two people in the end of the world, eat hot pot!

In the end of the world, zombies are rampant, and supplies are in short supply. People all live a day without a meal. Lin Fei can eat hot pot with the girl now!

Lin Fei is here. It's like a vacation.

"If only there was electricity." "Heating by electricity is better than coal heating," Lin said

"Wuwuwuwu --"

the girl felt that the tofu was hot, but she couldn't bear to spit it out, so she kept moving her mouth there.

Lin Fei said with a smile, "eat slowly, and no one will rob you."

After swallowing the tofu, she said happily, "when we get the battery, we'll make another hotpot."

"Next time I'll come to the kitchen, too. Hot pot is delicious. I'll learn it."

"Good." Lin Fei agreed to come down and said, "next time, it's your turn to make hot pot for me."

"Mm-hmm." The girl nodded heavily: "but next time we don't turn on the lights, we still want candles."

When she said that, her face was red.

Candlelight dinner or something.

She was very happy in her heart.

All right.

It's the end of the world, and they even agreed to have hot pot together next time.

The end of the world

I don't want face?

A hot pot, two people eat for a period of time, of course, the last girl finished eating, Lin Fei's appetite did not change, the back is there to watch the girl eat.

Until the coal went out, there was no heating, the girl did not give up patting her stomach.

"It's delicious." She said with a smile, "how come you haven't seen such delicious food before."

"That's a specialty of my hometown." Lin Fei said, "I will take you to eat more delicious food in the future."

"Good, good." The girl nodded.

In this way, Lin Fei in the end of the world turned to a lively and lovely, ice snow smart and charming girl.

Eschatology: I don't want face?

The next day.

It rained all day and night and finally stopped.

After breakfast, Lin Fei said, "let's go to the square first and have a look at the situation. Then we'll look for batteries and honey."


The girl is as cute and charming as ever.

If you want to find the square, it is not difficult for Lin Fei, who can fly. C city is very big, but Lin Fei's speed is amazing.

Near noon, they finally found a huge square.

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