
Lin Fei knew that the boy in front of him could not hold on for a minute, so he took a deep breath.

"We don't have to flee, because the zombies have been destroyed by us, and mankind has won."

The boy's eyes sparkled: "really?"


Linfei turned around and strode to the locked door of the warehouse: "open your eyes and watch, our human power!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the boy subconsciously opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fei's back.

He has one minute left...


The ten centimeter thick steel gate was punched by Lin Fei, and then pulled hard. The whole iron door was pulled out of the cement by him.

The scene outside fell into Lin Fei's eyes.

Hundreds of zombies gathered in the corridor less than 100 meters long and 3 meters wide.

No wonder I came in so quietly. All the zombies were here.

The huge sound attracted the Zombie's attention. At the moment when the door was lifted, three zombies rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei raised his hand and slapped.


The whole body of the three zombies exploded, turned into powder and disappeared in the air.

The dying boy in the corner saw this scene, the light in his eyes became more and more bright.

Fifty seconds to go.

Lin Fei firmly walked forward, but every step he took, he met with zombies.

But it doesn't work.

With just a wave of his hand, the zombie will explode, and some will bump into the wall, half of his body will pierce into the wall, and the dead can't die any more.

Thirty seconds to go.

A hundred meters long tunnel, hundreds of zombies, Lin Fei walked through most of the ground.

Behind him were piles of flesh and blood, and countless corpses of zombies in walls and ceilings.


A bull comes from the dark, but Lin Fei just raises his hand.


The whole aisle shook.

The boy clearly saw that the powerful bull was blocked by Lin Fei's hand!

Even if it sprint more than 10 meters, Lin Fei's feet have not been back half a step.

Lin Fei took a step forward.

The bull took a big step back!

It can't hold up, it can't hold up!


Lin Fei opened his mouth, his voice was incomparably cold, and his right hand caught the arm of the bull and swung it.


The huge body of the bull severely hit the wall next to it. A gorgeous Blood Flower bloomed, and the wall was depressed for two meters.

The body of the bull is printed in the wall, and it can't be buckled off!

The last second.

Lin Fei has come to the end. In front of him is a zombie wearing a safety helmet. When he screams, he will lead to a zombie. It seems that he can control the existence of other zombies!

But now, no matter what it's called, there won't be any more zombies.

"You are too noisy."

Lin Fei a hammer down, that Zombie's head immediately collapsed, retracted into its stomach.

The stiff body fell to the ground.

Lin Fei stood in the same place for a moment. There was a river of blood behind him, but no one saw it. The only audience had closed their eyes forever.

A moment later, he turned and walked into the warehouse, stomped out a two meter deep pit, buried three bodies in it, and then turned away.

"It's been half an hour. Why hasn't the scream started?"

In the restaurant room opposite the clothing store, a group of people lean against the window, a strange face.

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