That's what the monster left behind in the rush.

"It's faster!"

Xie Feng pupil trembles, the monster's speed is obviously faster than just too much, fast raindrops are too late to burst.

The girl also noticed.

Her face is dignified, no longer hesitant, the cold blue light in her eyes twinkles, and the blue chill circulates all over her body.

"Ice and snow!"

In an instant, the blue light spread out from her body, everything frozen in a moment.

Ding Ding Ding -

the raindrops that have been frozen into ice fall on the ground that has been frozen for a long time, making a crisp sound.

The monster, which was just about to disappear, appeared in front of the public again.

It stands two meters in front of the girl!

It's a millisecond away!

As long as the girl slows down another millisecond, she will be attacked by this monster!

Looking at the monster close at hand, the girl did not have any hesitation. She wanted to crush the ice sculpture.


It's no use!

Her face was instantly dignified, and her right hand was white because of excessive force, but she could not hold it down.

Creak -

the frozen monster's ice split.

The next moment.


A loud noise, the ice directly burst open, the air waves will shock the girl back two steps, not easy to stand still, pretty face white, slightly gasping.

"How many times do you want me to say it?"

"The monster jokingly smiles:" the same move, to me is useless

The next moment.

It disappeared again.

The girl immediately started to use the ice thorn again, and the ice thorn burst out in all directions.



In a flash, all the ice thorns in front of the girl burst open. A bloody hand, straight to her heart!

Without time to think about it, the girl subconsciously set up an ice wall in front of her.


The ice wall could not hold for a moment. It was broken by the strange hand, and then the fist fell on the girl's abdomen.

There was a dull noise.

The girl flew three meters away.

Fortunately, she made two moves in a row, which weakened 90% of the monster's power, which made her just forced to retreat.

I was slightly injured.


She bumped into Lin Fei's arms and stopped.

"I lost."

The girl bit her teeth and turned pale. She said reluctantly that she still wanted to fight again, but all her powers were almost exhausted. It was impossible to make another move in a short time.

With her three words fall, here suddenly only the sound of rain.

The group of people on the ground, the original vibrant eyes, suddenly extinguished.

"She lost, too."

"How could this monster be so powerful? Who can beat the incomparable speed and strength

"It's over, it's all over."

This is their total despair.

Just saw hope in the girl's body, did not expect the next moment even the girl has failed, this is a deeper despair.

"How could this happen..."

Xie Feng's clenched fist was loosened, and even the girl failed. Who can defeat this monster?

The man?

He didn't think Linfei could beat the monster.

If he could, he should have done it at the first time, and it was impossible for him to speak so well in the power station.

Take away two batteries in front of him, he has no problem!

Such a person, how can be a strong person, obviously just a little white face who has a lot of relations with girls.

"Run away!"

He suddenly made a decision in his heart and roared loudly: "you run away, and when you become strong, you can defeat it again!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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