"We have to find survivors."

For Lin Fei, it's easier to find survivors than to find rallies.

Passing through the street, not long after, I saw a three survivor walking in the street.

Two men and a woman, one of whom had a gun.

Lin Fei and the girl fall a little farther away from them and walk towards the three.

"I hope they can talk well."

Lin Fei said, "otherwise, I will go to find other survivors."

In the end of the world, many people's dark side has come out, not everyone, every word can believe.

The reason why Lin Fei is not alert at all is that...

he is invincible.

Don't mention these survivors. Even if it's the big bang and the universe reboots, they won't be affected by even a little bit.

Therefore, he never needs to be on guard against anyone, and he doesn't need to be afraid of any conspiracy.

Because even if he stood and didn't fight back and let people beat him to death, Lin Fei would not lose a hair.

The end is dark.

But Linfei himself is the sun.

"What a coincidence."

He greets the three survivors with a smile.

When the two men and a woman saw Lin Fei, they couldn't help being stunned. When they saw the smile on his face, they both had the illusion that it was not the end of the world.

This is the end of the world.

Every day I live, I'm intriguing, thinking about how to live to the next day.

It's the first time they've seen the survivors so openly.

It's stupid.

"Hands up."

Zhao minglike raised the pistol in his hand, looked at them warily and said, "what's your purpose?"

Lin Fei blocked in front of the girl, said: "want to ask the way, where are the survivors gathering?"

"What's in your bag?"

"Food and water."

Lin Fei said, and in front of them, he took out two loaves of bread and two bottles of water, and said, "we just came to ask for directions."

Zhao Ming narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

But the man and woman behind him suddenly lit up after seeing the bread and water in Linfei's hand.

"We're going to the meeting, too. Let's get together." The man said with a smile.

"That's fine." Lin Fei nodded.

However, Zhao Ming's gun did not come down.

It was a shot!


The bullet whizzed past Linfei's head and hit a zombie walking unsteadily behind him.

The zombie was hit in the head and fell to the ground without moving.

Lin Fei turned to take a look and exclaimed, "good shooting."

Zhao Ming took the gun, glanced at Lin Fei and said, "we don't have time to waste. Come here and go to the meeting."

Lin Fei took the girl's hand, went to several people, and gave them the bread and water just now.

"That's very kind of you."

That is to say, but the man and woman took the food and water, and they ate it without ceremony.

Only Zhao Ming glanced at them.

"What are your names?" Zhao Ming asked Lin Fei and the girl, "what are the powers and how many levels are they?"

"My name is Linfei. I have no powers." Lin Fei said.

Three people are a Leng, don't believe to see Lin Fei one eye.

But he didn't feel any power in him.

"Too bad." The man said, "but don't worry, we will protect you along the way, as long as you don't run around."

"My name is Li Guang. In the future, you can call me brother Guang."

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