Li Guang saw Lin Fei staggering close to the pursuer, with a grim smile on his face, as if he had already seen the picture of Lin Fei being bitten to death.

"As long as you're caught, I'll have time to run away. The girl next to you will be mine."

"I haven't seen such a lovely child for a long time."

"In time, it will be a pleasure!"

His smile was more and more distorted.

But the next moment, his smile suddenly solidified, because he clearly saw that Lin Fei grabbed the pursuer's head with one hand.

When the pursuer saw Lin Fei coming, he jumped up and tried to bite off Lin Fei's head.

But just as he jumped up, a big hand pressed it back.

Lin Fei looked sideways at Li Guang and said, "so you think so in your heart. No wonder you didn't do it all the time."

"I thought you didn't care to do it."

Say it.

He tried hard.


Li Guang's eyes widened, for he could clearly see that the pursuer's head was cracked. He kept struggling, hitting Lin Fei's body with his hands and feet, which made the sound of steel collision.


As soon as Lin Fei threw it away, the pursuer fell more than ten meters away and kept rolling on the ground.

When Lin Fei picked up the pistol on the ground, the pursuer died.

When Lin Fei pinches hard, the pursuer's head has already broken.


Li Guang saw Lin Fei coming, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

What kind of monster is this?

Crush the pursuer to death with his bare hands?

"I know your plan, so you can't go on living." Lin Fei said, his tone was cold.


Li Guang quickly knelt on the ground: "don't kill me, I'll apologize to you."

"I was just joking."

"I'm really joking."

"I didn't know you were so good!"

Lin Fei said coldly, "are you kidding? Don't know I'm so strong? "

"If you change a person, if you continue this joke, he will die. Your joke is really funny."

Li Guang's body kept shaking, unable to say a word.

"In that case, I'll make a joke with you, too." Lin Fei said: "you don't move. Let me shoot at the head to see if I can die. If I die, I'll let you go."

Li Guang's face turned white.

He was about to say something, but just then a cry of surprise came from a distance.


It's Zhao Ming's voice.

A pursuer sprang up and rushed at him, trying to bite his head off.

Lin Fei took a look and shot at him.


The pursuer's head exploded, and the body fell powerlessly to Zhao Ming's side.

"This is it!"

Zhao Ming a Leng, immediately look at the back, see Lin Fei is holding a gun, looking at this side.

"I forgot to tell you. In fact, I'm good at shooting."

Zhao Ming's pupil shrank.

The two pursuers jumped on the wall, constantly changing positions, and flew toward the forest.



There was a shot.

But two bodies fell out of the air at the same time.

One bullet, two zombies in the head!

When Zhao Ming saw this scene, he was silly. He was lying on the ground and couldn't believe it.


At this moment, Li Guang grabbed the time, roared and pushed Lin Fei, then ran to the back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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