According to Zhao Ming's direction, Lin Fei finally found the meeting at noon with the girl in her arms.

"This rally is really much bigger than that in B city." Lin Fei, standing in the air and looking at the vast gathering in front of him, couldn't help sighing.

The maximum number of people in city B is less than 10000.

However, the current rally is more than ten times larger than that in city B, and there are at least 100000 people in it.

Because it's bigger and more numerous, the defense of this rally is more advanced.

The ten meter high wall was cast by steel.

There are heavy guards on it. Several laser machine guns stand on the wall. As soon as a zombie appears, it will be beaten into a sieve.

It can be seen that this rally has really made great efforts in the aspect of defense.

"It's enough to stop the tide of corpses." Lin Fei said.

The girl nodded and said, "it should be OK."

In order not to attract attention, Lin Fei and the girl fell in the distance as usual, and then came over.

There are more people guarding the front door.

Whether it's in or out, it has to be examined carefully.

Lin Fei and the girl are not surprised. The main purpose here is to check whether outsiders are infected. If a zombie enters the assembly, it will cause great trouble.

It could even destroy the rally.

So they dare not relax.

Lin Fei and the girl naturally cooperate.

The inspection was only two or three minutes. Both of them had no problem and were released.

"Finally came in." Lin Fei said with a smile, looking at the people in front of him, he finally felt like he was back in modern society.

I used to live in the city, but it was too quiet.

At night, there is no car horn sound, and there is no noise in the street. I'm not used to it.

Looking at the people coming and going in front of me, I heard the long lost noise.

Lin Fei smiles, never thought that one day he would miss these annoying things so much.

"Let's go and see what's in it." Lin Fei said.

In order to make a living, many people trade in this gathering.

Over time, there will be a place similar to the shop Street, which has all the daily necessities.

Even food, water, and medicine.

But these things, are the most expensive, ordinary people can hardly afford.

"There is a clothing store."

Lin Fei's eyes lit up and said to the girl beside him, "do you want new clothes?"

The girl's eyes brightened and nodded heavily.

She still remembers that when Lin Fei took her to get her clothes for the first time, she was allowed to choose by herself.

At first, I was afraid, so I just took some clothes casually.

Now, she wants something more beautiful.

Take a look at the clothes shop in front of you. Although it's not big, maybe you like it?

Lin Fei walks in with the girl. There are both men's and women's clothes in the clothing store, but more of them are women's clothes.


The shopkeeper is a middle-aged woman. When she saw Lin Fei and her girl, she was very excited and warmly welcomed.

"Let's have a look at the clothes." Lin Fei said politely.

"Whatever you want."

After all, it's the end of the world. Everyone's first task is to survive. When you're not full, who wants to look good?

So business has been bad all along.

"I want this one."

The girl soon found her favorite dress. It was a blue pleated skirt. Without much thought, she took it into the fitting room and changed it out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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