The girl is beside her mouth and chuckles: "in the last world, you are still the first one."

Lin Fei took the girl out of the meeting, then flew around, and finally found the villa area one kilometer away from the rally.

"There is a lake in this villa area!"

"Let's find one near the lake," said Lin Fei

The creatures in the lake have changed, but the water is still clear, at least in the daytime, the wind is calm, and the willows beside it are beautiful.

These things have always been decided by Lin Fei, and the girl naturally has no objection.

Clean up a villa, Lin Fei alone will be around 500 meters of zombies solved.

The method is simple.

Lin Fei stands on the roof of the villa, takes out the laser gun, opens the self aiming, perspective, lock, and hits with his eyes closed. Even the bull hiding in the basement will die.

None of them can escape!

"We'll register with the guild later." The girl said, "the rocket you want should be in the bonus points."

Lin Fei nodded. At the beginning, he used the laser gun for integral exchange. Now I think the rocket launcher is also in the reward.

After lunch, they set off.

The guild is near the power detection center. The tall building is easy to find.

Lin Fei and the girl come to the guild and log in their own cards. Then they can connect to the database here and exchange points for things here.


The girl looked at the exchange sheet and found the rocket launcher on the third page.

But when she saw the points needed to exchange, u was stunned.

"One hundred million." She said: "a total of 100000 points to exchange, ammunition is 2000 points a round."

"So expensive!" Lin Fei was shocked.

At the beginning, the laser gun was only 5000, but now this RPG has doubled 20 times!

"Look at the mission." Lin Fei said.

Girls open the task to see, are A-level tasks, earned only a few hundred points.

The highest is 1000, and only one of the ten tasks.

"This life is so sad." Lin Fei sighed, this must hit the monkey year, then said: "I do not pretend, I want to tell them clearly, I am a big man."

The girl was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "I have a way."

"What can I do?" Lin Fei immediately became curious.

"Look at me."

When the girl laughed, she ran to the front desk of the guild and said something, and she was taken away.

Lin Fei can follow the past naturally.

"What is this doing?" The staff asked him.

"Miss Ye Yuxue will participate in the S-level examination. If she passes, she will become S-level." The staff answered politely.

"I see." Lin Fei nodded. Naturally, she didn't need to see more. She understood the strength of the girl.

Single person, can easily defeat two bulls, only s class, girls can pass with their eyes closed.

"I'm going to take the assessment, too." Lin Fei said.

"Sir, please show your card and tell us the level you want to break through."

Lin Fei took out the E-Class card and said, "I want to break through the S-level, too."

Girls are going to be S-class, and they can't disgrace Ye Yuxue.

Don't hold back!

The staff thought that he was a Class-A boss again, but when he looked at the contents of the card, his professional smile froze. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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