She got up from the ground, looked at the bull angrily and said, "you are dead!"

In this moment, the red lotus bloomed!

Lin Fei was sitting in the stairs, looking at the situation in the square from a distance.

But he suddenly found that there was blood dripping from the cracks on the stairs beside him.

"The blood still flows, which means there is someone."

He immediately raised his head and looked up. When he saw the picture above, he could not help frowning.

Lin Fei ran up immediately and saw a room which was broken open by violence.

At the door of the room lies a little boy.

He was dead, as if a sword had pierced through his back and pierced through his chest, killing him directly.

But his blood is still flowing.

Lin Fei touched it, but there was still some temperature. Apparently, the little boy was killed in half an hour.

He went into the room frowning.

Then two bodies, a man and a woman, were found inside.

Their bodies were covered with sword marks. They were dead, but their eyes were still wide. Now they had suffered from fear and torture before they died.

Lin Fei is silent.

He went to the boy and picked up his body, trying to put it between the man and the woman.

"Rest in peace." Lin Fei said, helping the man and woman close their eyes.

This is the end of the world.

Indifference, a good life, may also wither in an instant.

Lin Fei turns around and prepares to leave. He doesn't intend to take care of this matter, because these people are just strangers.

And there are so many zombies, where to find the killer?

The vast sea of people, there are more dangerous people to go, he can not all go to tube.

But just at this moment, a crisp sound came from behind.


It's the sound of something falling to the ground!

Lin Fei turned around and saw a silver coin rolling to his feet. It was a fifty cent coin.

"I didn't expect to see coins here." Lin Fei squatted down and picked up the coin, which should have fallen out of the ragged pocket.

"Now that you give the money, it's a different matter." Lin Fei put the coin on the table, turned and left, but his expression was a little cold.

"I will avenge your revenge."

He went to the stairs, ready to find the killer, it should be a zombie with sharp claws and teeth.

He squinted at the square.

Because he saw it.

A monster, its body is full of bones, hands are directly turned into bone sword!

"It's you!"

He murmured, then jumped directly from the tenth floor and landed smoothly.


A little noise.

The sword in the middle-aged man's hand was shaken off, and others could not resist the monster's huge power and stepped back two steps.

The sword whirled and flew far away and landed directly on the ground.

"Not good!"

When he lost his weapon, his face turned pale. How can we continue to fight?

"Hell Red Lotus!"

The woman's final move is finally ready, a huge red lotus blooms in her hand, and then throws it hard, then whirls and flies towards the wild ox.

But at this time, a figure passed between Honglian and the bull.

It's Lin Fei!

"What are you doing here?"

When Qingfeng saw Lin Fei, she was startled, but there was no way to stop because her ultimate move had been thrown out.

"Get out of here

She cried.

But also understand in the heart, only e class, how can escape her hell red lotus? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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