Because of what happened in a flash.

It really upset her world view.

It is said that S-level monsters are extremely powerful. Even if the S-level powers take the shots, they need a hard fight.

But right now.

This man.

One move, the famous S-level monster, the king of zombies, none of them can block it!

Suddenly, in retrospect, he said it before.

I'm strong.

The woman finally understood what these four words meant.


Legs a soft, she was unable to sit on the ground, mouth because too shocked to close, she also forgot to close.

The frightened eyes still followed the man.

Qiang -

when Lin Fei passed the sword, he pulled it out.

"Super speed, start."

When the monster stabbed at the man with a sword, a black shadow flashed, followed by a crisp sound.

The middle-aged man suddenly widened his eyes.

Because he clearly saw that at this moment, the person who saved him was Lin Fei!

He held an iron sword and blocked the monster's sword.

But how could that be possible?

Isn't he an E-class?

When was the E-Class so powerful? It can block the attack of S-level monsters.

"Get out of here."

Lin Fei glanced at the middle-aged man and said, "swords have no eyes, so they can't be smeared with charcoal."

The man was stunned.

Isn't that what he said?

Now it was returned intact!

At this point, the monster started.

It has two swords in both hands. One of them is blocked. There is another. The angle of this sword is sharp and it cuts towards Lin Fei's head.



Another crackle!

This sword was bitten by Lin Fei!


The bone long sword was bitten by Lin Fei, and the bones splashed. Whether it was a monster, a woman or a middle-aged man, they were all shocked.

How strong does it have to be to crush weapons with teeth?

The monster will walk away.

"You're too slow." Lin Fei was just one step away. He caught up with the monster and chopped his sword in his hand.


One of the monster's arms immediately whirled out and fell to the ground powerlessly.


The monster cuts out the only sword.

Then the sword was clamped by Lin Fei with two fingers and gently forced.


The last bone sword of the monster is also broken. This time, it is broken by two fingers.

The monster did not hesitate to turn around and run.

Other monsters also realized that Lin Fei was powerful, and turned to run. Damn it, something was wrong with him. It was too strong!

"Want to escape?"

Lin Fei laughed, holding the sword in his right hand and wiping it with his left hand, he said, "take money from others and eliminate disasters with others. If someone wants you to die, I can't let you continue to live."


A sword cuts horizontally, and suddenly the strong wind condenses and turns into sharp sword Qi.

the nine level monsters are all separated.

Separate the upper body from the lower body!

The sword continued to cut the forest behind the square.

Their lower body also habitually ran forward two steps, and then the body fell to the ground powerless.

"It's boring."

Lin Fei threw the sword in his hand and saw the sword whirling in front of the man. He was shocked.

"Don't kill me!"

He cried out in horror.

This time, he was really scared, a face of panic.

What's going on?

Isn't this person e?

What was the situation with that sword?

He not only has an amazing speed, but also can bite weapons, pinch off weapons with both fingers. What's more, his sword technique is so terrible! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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