Finally, they ate the fruit of the power.

As expected, the fruit of this power looks like mango, and the taste is really mango.

If the girl didn't say there were a lot of powers in it, he would have thought it was a real mango.

The girl licked her finger, but she was still in the end.

"There's no need to do that. I've got a lot more here." In front of the girl's face, he took out four power fruits from his backpack. They were all mango flavor.

Lin Fei guessed that the girl should like the taste.

"Thank you."

Seeing the power fruit on the table, the girl's cheek is slightly red, but her body is very honest to pick up another one.

For others, the precious and incomparable power fruit is as casual as the fruit after dinner in Linfei.

Because there are power fruits to eat every day, now girls are more beautiful than before, skin like water, fair and moving, and strength has been improving, and now it is stronger than most s levels.


The girl suddenly noticed the vibration of the card, took it out and found it was a new notice.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei asked.

"There's a new power fruit." The girl said, "just now, the guild got three new power fruits, and the price is 200000."

Lin Fei just thought a little, and immediately decided, "we're going to get one!"

Until now, Linfei still wanted to get a banana flavor power fruit.

"How many points do we have now?" Lin Fei asked.


The girl took a look and said, "we are still short of 70000."

"Look at the mission." Lin Fei said, "seventy thousand words, it should not take long."

I made 12000 a day before, but now I want to come here. I can definitely get 70000 points in a week.

"Liver, can liver!"

The girl tilted her head and said, "liver, what do you mean?"

Lin Fei is silent.

After a moment, he said, "liver is the pronoun of the strong. When I was in my hometown, I always met some strong people. They could finish what others could only accomplish in a week, a month or even a year in one day."

The girl's face was shocked: "this is too strong!"

Lin Fei nodded and said, "they are all beyond the limits of human beings. They are covered with liver and can not eat or sleep."

"We all call such people the liver emperor."

"Too strong." The girl's heart is shocked, beyond the limits of human beings, how powerful this is?

At the same time, I am more and more curious. What is Lin Fei's hometown?

Are there many strong people who can surpass the human limit?

"Are you curious?" Lin Fei saw the vision in the girl's eyes and said, "when I find a way to go back to my hometown, I'll take you there."

Lin Fei said, "I've said it before. I'll take you back to see your parents."


Listening to these words, the girl shyly lowered her head.

Lin Fei took the girl's card and checked the task on it. Most of them were thousands, only one was tens of thousands.

"Fifty kilometers away from the rally, dozens of survivors are trapped. Please bring them back. Reward: 10000 points."

Lin Fei said, "let's do this first. This is a lot of points, so as not to be robbed by others."

The girl took the card and immediately took the task.

To go 50 kilometers away, it is very simple. The girl holds the card to Lin Fei, and Lin Fei holds the girl like a princess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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