With the rocket launcher and the new power fruit, the next day is much more free.

Lin Fei salted fish in bed for two days, and his goal became clearer and clearer.

That is... Go home!

He wants to go home.

"How can I go back?" Lin Fei murmured: "maybe the gods in the mouth of those mutants can let me go back."

So Lin Fei set a new goal in his heart.

"Find the gods!"

But Lin Fei also knew that the God was not so easy to find. It can be said that there was no clue.

"Let's go tomorrow."

Lin Fei said, "tomorrow I will go to find the gods and find a way to go back."

At this moment, his stomach began to cry.

"You should fill your stomach before you go to the gods." He finally got up from the bed, but the girl was not seen.

Walking to the living room, there was a cold breakfast, but she was still missing.

Beside the table, there is a note, on which is written the elegant and generous words of the girl: "I go out to experience."

She can't be idle.

Because a girl is a power, if she wants to be strong, she can only improve herself through constant fighting.

After two days of leisure at home, she left the villa and searched for zombies in the city to improve herself.

"This girl."

Lin Fei smiles and goes into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Until lunch is ready, also did not see the girl's figure, Lin Fei looked at the open position, felt uncomfortable, then flew out from the balcony.

"She should be in the city."

And this time.

The girl's whole body cold circulation, originally a pair of tender eyes, has been completely cold down.

At this moment, she is alone against a three headed S-class monster.

A bull.

Parasite on both ends.

Parasitoids are the monsters that came out of the human stomach in the old warehouse. They are tall, strong and have sharp claws. They lay eggs in human bodies. They are very terrifying.

Moreover, they have a special love for young girls!

"Ice and snow!"

The girl was proud to drink. In an instant, she was surrounded by a hundred meters of snow, because it was frozen, the cold wind.

Standing in the ice and snow, she is also like a fairy in the world. She has a unique style and soul!

The three headed S-level monster is frozen.

The girl knew that her own strength could not completely crush the three headed S-level monster, so she caught a moment's hand.

She hated parasite most, so when she stepped out, she shot at the nearest parasite like lightning.

The girl kicks out, and before touching the ice sculpture, the ice condenses at her feet, but in a blink of an eye, a huge ice appears at her feet. With this kick, the ice directly penetrates the parasite's body.


As the ice burst, the originally invulnerable parasite turned into pieces.

It's like bricks made of ice.


With two loud noises, the frozen bull and parasite broke the ice and forced towards the girl.

"You are so upset."

The girl's eyes twinkled with cold blue light and said, "there are still people waiting for me to go back to cook!"

She raised her hand and made a trap in the world of ice and snow.


In front of the parasite, there was a wall of ice with sharp spines on it. The bull hit it directly.

When the ice wall exploded, several blood holes appeared on the bull.

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