"I'll make you breakfast and warm up." He said with a smile, "why don't you say she was still sleeping with you last night?"

Lin Fei nodded his head seriously and said, "this is also true."

"Ha ha ha ha --"

the man couldn't stand up with laughter.

Lin Fei is helpless. No one believes him when he tells the truth, but he doesn't want to prove anything.

"Brother, I'd like to call you the strongest for your daydream ability!"

The man said seriously.

Lin Fei said nothing more.

The man laughed enough and finally said, "OK, you should leave with me. There is a saying that it is too dangerous here."

"My mission is to patrol and search for survivors. You have to follow me."

Lin Fei refused and said, "I said, I won't leave until I find someone."

"Do you really think the goddess is your girlfriend?" The man glared at Lin Fei and said, "don't daydream."

"Found it."

Just when the man was ready to pull him back, Lin Fei finally saw a girl behind a building through perspective.


The man looks confused, but still follow up.

After the building.

Flash electron complacent smile way: "how? I said this game, is it very interesting? "

"Try it and see if he dares come."

If he dares to come and eat electronic forest excrement

But his voice has just dropped.

"Yu Xue!"

Lin Fei's voice suddenly rang not far behind him.

In a moment, the smile on the flash electronic face suddenly solidified, while the cold on the girl's pretty face melted.

Flash electron turns around to see, it is the figure as expected, Lin Fei!

He came here!

Ye Yuxue hasn't even sent the news yet. He dares to come here!

At this time, Lin Fei went to the girl and said, "I've made lunch. Go back to eat."

The girl nodded heavily, and the happy smile on her pretty face could not be stopped.

"How dare you come here?" Flash electron couldn't believe it and looked at Lin Fei and said, "you don't have powers. Why are you here?"

Lin Fei said seriously: "because after I cooked the meal, I found that only one person's lunch was too quiet."

"What's the reason for that?" I can't believe it.

Just because of a lunch, how dare you run out to find someone without your life?

"You are a madman Flash electronic indignant way, turn around to go, he has the impulse to solve Lin Fei.

But now ye Yuxue is also here, he is very clear, now the words can not succeed!

So I have to leave first.

"Don't forget what you just said." At this time, the girl reminds the flash.

All of a sudden, his face was black.

It turns into a flash of lightning and disappears in the sky.

Wipe me

And when the girl took Lin Fei's arm, a voice of fright came from not far away.

The girl looked there, and saw a strange man standing there, staring hard, mouth wide can put an egg!

The next moment, I saw the man running over in a hurry, looking at Lin Fei in shock.

"Tell me, what's your relationship with the goddess?"

He used to laugh at Lin Fei, saying it was a daydream, but now, what did he see?

Ye Yuxue even took the initiative to hold Lin Fei's arm!

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