"What's the name? It's noisy. I'm a flash electron!"

Flash electronic cold voice said, with a pat, you can see lightning from the sky, directly chop these people to death.

When a person becomes a zombie, it is a change from the inside to the outside, because the first change is his heart. Now the original heart of the flash electron is finally exposed.

"Killing these people, there is a kind of pleasure to trample on the ants. It's so cool!"

Flash left laughing. He was walking towards the block.

"There's a zombie in the block!"

The news spread quickly, and the staff in the guild were scared.

"The zombie calls himself a flash electron."

Then came the news, which startled the vice president.

"Let the S-level ability destroy it now!"

But before the S-level powers started, new news came back.

"Corpse tide ahead!"

"The tide of corpses is breaking out!"

The vice president was stunned and his face changed greatly: "how can it be? Why is it this time? "

Now, zombies are being slaughtered in the streets, and there is a wave of corpses outside.

The whole meeting is in a dilemma!

"Let everyone take refuge immediately." The vice president said in a deep voice, at this special time, we can only put the matter of attracting Lin Fei behind us.

On the steel wall, soldiers face dignified, all are looking at from the city that the influx, a large number of zombies.

"This is at least a hundred thousand!"

When they saw this dark zombie, everyone was in despair.

Let's not say that these zombies are rough and thick. Ordinary weapons can't hurt them at all. Let's just say that they don't have more than 100000 bullets to deal with!

In front of more than 100000 zombies, the steel wall is just a joke, which will be flattened in the blink of an eye.

What's more, there is a zombie at the back of the massacre.

Originally lively street, now the corpse is everywhere, has been dyed red by blood.

Flash electron came here, killed red eye, now his strength skyrocketed, strong enough to suppress S-level, not to mention these ordinary people.

"How interesting it is

The flash electron unscrewed the head of an ordinary person, then threw it aside, laughing constantly.

"Let's have a fight with me. I want to know how powerful I am!" He said so.

Many people were stunned by the killing of the flash electron.

Those who were born by fire have been twisted off their necks and their heads have been taken off.

It was a terrible death.

They were so scared that their feet were so weak that they fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

And at this time, a sword to the East!

The uncle who used the sword appeared. He came from the sky and chopped it off with a sword. The sword spirit soared ten meters and fell directly on the shoulder of the flash electron.


The whole street is a sudden shock, ten meters long sword gas is mercilessly smashed by the shoulder of flash electron, broken on the spot.


Flash electronic patted the shoulder, but there was no scar on it.

He looked at the uncle with the sword and said, "I can't even beat my thunder. Are you really S-class?"

"You're a flash electron!"

The middle-aged uncle's face was appalled, so skillful use of lightning, only flash electron can do it.

"Yes, it's me." Flash electron nods.

"How did you get to be like this?" The man yelled.

"Because of greater power." Flash electronic smile: "now I have invincible, your s level is too weak."

"Now I understand how refreshing it is to have power." He said.

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