Ye Chao trembled and took it up.

At this moment, he was excited to yell, but he resisted and checked it carefully.

The gun is new and the bullets are full!

"Get up!"

At last he cried out!

Lin Fei then let go of the girl, sat up from the bed, looked at Ye Chao standing in front of her, sighed, "maybe from the beginning, I should not have saved you."

"It's too late to regret now." Ye Chao laughed.

"Now you roll down and squat in the corner!" He pointed his gun at Lin Fei's head, and his face was a little ferocious.

The girl also sat up from the bed, her willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly and her expression was cold.

She knows how to eat inside out.

But it never occurred to me that someone would treat a lifesaver like this.

"You take off your clothes." Ye Chao looks at the girl. The greed in his eyes can't be hidden.

He had no strength before, so he had been restrained, but now he got a weapon, a long gun, and his ambition finally came out.

"I'm going to meet you in front of your boyfriend!" He said so.

When he heard this, not only Ye Yuxue's face became cold, but also Lin Fei's.


But just at this moment, there was a heavy footstep outside.

Lin Fei takes a look, it is a bull, it seems to be aware of the human breath, so it is walking in a big step.

"What's going on?" Ye Chao's face changed slightly: "earthquake?"

And as his voice dropped, there was a loud noise.

The wall behind him suddenly exploded, and the bull stood outside the wall, looking at the three people in the room coldly.


Ye Chao was shocked.

Without any hesitation, he shot with his gun. However, the laser fell on the bull and was fired off.

There is not even a scratch on the skin of the bull!

"How could it be?"

Ye Chao is stunned. The gun in his hand can't do any harm to the bull?

But before, when Lin Fei used it, wasn't it a zombie with one shot?

Looking at more and more close to the bull, ye Chao's face fear emerged.


With one blow from the bull, the wind broke.

However, Lin Fei raised his hand to block the punch. He stepped out and came to Ye Chao. He raised his hand to help Ye Chao block the bull's fist.

Lin Fei looked up and said to the bull, "you can't kill this man."

"Because I'm going to kill him myself."

Say it.

Ye Chao saw the most terrible scene in his life.

Lin Fei punches casually, and the tall bull like a giant explodes on the spot, and his tall body turns into fly ash in an instant under the huge power!

What power is this?

Ye Chao was stunned.

He never thought that Lin Fei would be so powerful!

Powerful even the laser gun can not hurt the bull, he was a punch to solve!

Is the laser gun useful to him?


When he saw Lin Fei turn around with a cold look on his face, ye Chao was finally scared to sit on the ground.

His face was full of fear.

"Big brother, I know I'm wrong!"

He threw his gun to the side and said in a hurry: "I'm just joking with big brother. I really know I'm wrong. Please forgive me."

Lin Fei looked indifferent and said, "if I can save you, I can kill you."

"Forgive you. It's God's business. I'll let God forgive you later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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