And now?

Corpse tide, are afraid of this man!

It was not a zombie or two, but a wave of corpses!

They looked at Lin Fei, but suddenly found that he took out a long bow from nowhere.

One shot!


Everyone can see clearly, Lin Fei just shot an iron arrow, but the result is like shooting a laser.

The speed of the iron arrow is too fast. It's like a meteorite hitting the earth. The fire is blazing. It's just an arrow. Everyone can feel that this arrow can shoot through the earth!

Where the arrow passed, flames and winds tore up everything along the way, including the zombies in the way.

As powerful as the S-class bull, parasite and chaser, they didn't even hold on for 0.1 seconds, but were blown by the hot wind and exploded on the spot.

The arrow shot through the tide of corpses and continued to fly far and far until it disappeared into the sky.


the crowd opened their mouths and didn't know what to say.

It's just an arrow. Originally, the tide of corpses, which was black and heavy, appeared a 100 meter wide channel.

At least 100000 zombies died in it.

At the time when people were shocked, Lin Fei shot three arrows decisively.

When the long arrow swept out, there were fire phoenix and real dragon twining on the arrow body, invincible and invincible!

Hundreds of thousands of zombies finally escaped into the city.

These are all the fastest, and they are lucky not to be hit by the arrow storm.

Lin Fei watched the zombies disappear, and finally did not do it again.

I don't think the corpse tide is anything.

In other words, Lin Fei felt a little bored, so he threw his long bow and walked to the girl.

"How do you feel now?" He asked.

"I'm fine." The girl came back to her senses. Even though she knew that Lin Fei was very powerful, she was shocked every time she saw Lin Fei's hand.

How strong is Lin Fei?

It's so profound.

Now, it's not only girls who are shocked, but all the others have not recovered.

"Four arrows to level the tide of corpses, he is a god!"

Someone lost his voice.

Before, they thought the S-level was the best, but now they realize their mistakes.

They looked at the man.

Who the hell is he? Why is it so powerful? Doesn't it mean he only has e?

Confused, confused.

And when they finally come back to their senses, Lin Fei and the girl are all gone.

"He's gone." All of a sudden, everyone felt a little lost.

This man is so strong that if he can stay in this rally, they will not have to worry about it any more.

"It was said that he was the mysterious strong man with lightning and fire."

"What fire and lightning are these?"

"It's insulting to describe his power in terms of fire and lightning!"

When the tide of corpses broke out and the city wall fell, everyone felt that they were going to die. But at this moment, the man suddenly appeared, saved them from fire and water, and finally walked away.

Just a long bow and a name.

"Lin Fei."

These people were grateful, and finally in the square of the meeting, with only a few memories, they created a statue of Lin Fei.

The long bow that he lost fell into the hands of the statue.

At the same time, there is a legend circulating in the gathering.

When the assembly was in danger, the gods came down to earth, and four arrows leveled the corpse tide, saving all the people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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