"Have you brought new prey back? Good job."

Several muscle men in the basement slowly came over, with a joking smile on his face, and his eyes were looking up and down at the girl.

Girls hate such eyes, willow eyebrows wrinkled.

The fat man also followed with a smile: "general bar, these two people are too easy to cheat, no vigilance at all."

He said, "I've got information about both of them. They're rubbish. They don't have powers."

"There is food in the man's backpack, you can kill it and take it away, the woman..." he looked at Ye Yuxue and laughed meaningfully.

"It's not easy for you." Lin Fei said to the fat man.


The fat man chuckled and said, "it's just that you are too stupid to believe what I said easily."

Lin Fei also followed with a smile and said, "have you ever thought about a possibility, that is, from the beginning, all the information you get is false?"


The fat man's face changed slightly. He really didn't think of this!

Hoo -

in the basement, a sharp cold wind suddenly blows.

The fat man looked at the girl and was shocked to find that it was snowing around her!

She has powers!

Fat man's face suddenly became incomparably ugly, because in the past he was cheating people, never thought he would be cheated one day.

As soon as the girl raised her hand, countless pieces of ice shot out towards the people in the basement.

"It's kind of interesting."

As a result, these muscle men who don't wear tops are not simple.

Their skin became dark and metallic, and the ice broke into pieces when it hit them!

"It's no use."

The fat man said with a smile: "even if you cheat me, it doesn't matter, because they are all class a powers."

"No matter how strong you are, you can't escape today!"

"And --"

the fat man suddenly lengthened his voice and said, "I actually have two powers."

"Two powers?" Ye Feng is a little curious. It turns out that some people in this world have two powers.

Can people, then, have all powers?

"One is to keep the zombies from noticing me." The fat man's eyes fell on the girl's body, and a pink light flashed in his eyes.

The girl's movements suddenly froze.

The fat man laughed: "and the other is to manipulate others."

"Forget to say, I'm also a level a power, as long as the ability is lower than me, I will control."

The fat man looked at the girl and ordered, "kill your boyfriend."

He looked at Lin Fei and said, "it might be interesting to see you fighting each other."

"Are you stupid?" Lin flew back to him.


Fat one Leng, because he also found abnormal, because the girl did not act at all.

She raised her hand.


The basement, in an instant, became a world of ice and snow.

"How could it be?" The fat man's face changed greatly. This is the first time that he has controlled a power failure.

"Didn't you guess that she was S-class?" Lin Fei said.


The fat man seemed to be suddenly struck by lightning. The whole person was frozen. He even stepped back two steps with panic on his face.

"S grade!"

Not only was the fat man stunned, even those muscle men were scared, the fat man even cheated back an S-class!

"You are a traitor Someone yelled at the fat man.

The fat man's brain is already white.

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