He began to think about whether to lose weight.

But the monster thinks Lin Fei is joking. Can you eat so much?

"You're insulting me!"

The monster said in a cold voice, one step out, the figure disappeared.

When it appeared again, it had come to Lin Fei's face. The leg that was stronger than the elephant's leg swept across and kicked Lin Fei's neck directly.


There was a loud noise and the whole park was shocked.

However, Lin Fei still stood there. Although he was kicked in the neck by the monster, his head did not tilt.


The monster's face changed.

Even without defense, you just use your neck to block its all-out attack?

Is this still human?

It withdrew and looked at Lin Fei with vigilance and said, "what are you exactly?"

"You are the thing." Lin Fei glanced at the monster and said, "your family are all things."

Monster:.... "

Damn it, this human man in front of me is so weird.

It has seen many S-level powers and dealt with many S-level powers. It feels that S-level is just like this.

But in front of this man, let it feel the pressure.

A kind of invisible, let it almost unable to breathe pressure, those S-level, in front of this man, are childish like children.

"I've seen the S-class strong in humans. They're so far behind you that you can't be human." The monster said, "no human can take my killing move without any damage."


Lin Fei said, "did you just want to kill me?"

Monster:.... "

It subconsciously takes two steps back.

The man in front of him was so terrible that his own killing move was just like that of a child in the eyes of the other party.

Always wanted to kill him, he didn't find out?

Has this human being become so powerful?

"Run away!"

It is the nature of all creatures to seek advantages and avoid harm. Even monsters as powerful as s will escape when they foresee danger.

Now the monster did not hesitate to turn and run.

Because at this time, it realized that the handsome and extraordinary man in front of him was too powerful to defeat him at all!

"As long as you escape, you will have a chance to fight back in the future."

But the next moment, the monster's pupil shrinks to a point.

Because it clearly saw, Lin Fei did not know when to appear in front of it on the road!

"Do you want to go if you offend me?" Lin Fei looked down at the monster, who was neither human nor ghost.

The monster froze.

This moment, fear makes its soul tremble. When did this person come? Why is he so fast? Why didn't you notice anything?

It's running away as fast as it can.

However, in the blink of an eye, how terrible is the speed of the other side?

Now, it feels like a tiny human being.

The man in front of him is a huge monster!

As powerful as it is, we all feel fear now, just like when human beings face invincible monsters!

Lin Fei raised his hand and fell straight down.

Hell bury hand knife!


After the monster, a hundred meters lake suddenly burst open, the water rushed up to the sky hundreds of meters high, and finally fell like rain.

The monster's eyes widened, and though it was strong in the water, its body split from the middle in the heavy rain.

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