It was a man with long hair. He was not young because he could see the residue on his chin.

"It's me." The girl nodded politely and said, "nice to meet you, meteor swordsman."

Lin Fei looks puzzled.

What ice rose? What meteor swordsman?

The girl saw the curiosity in Lin Fei's eyes, so she explained to him in a low voice: "Bingling rose is a title given to me by the trade union, and meteor swordsman is his address."

So it is. Lin Fei nodded, indicating that he understood.

Think about it carefully, I suddenly feel a bit of secondary two

He had a picture in his mind of two S-level powers meeting.

"What a coincidence, muscle man, you come out for a walk."

"Yes, raptor assassin, have you had lunch?"

No way.

Lin Fei bit his teeth, a dignified face to prevent himself from laughing, but his body was still trembling.

The meteor swordsman looks at Lin Fei and frowns slightly.

How dare someone be so presumptuous in front of him?

"Excuse me?" Lin Fei saw that the other party seemed a little unhappy, and immediately apologized: "I just thought of a little funny things."

"What's funny?" Asked the meteor swordsman.

"I've been promoted to the D level." Lin Fei said seriously.


The meteor swordsman frowned and said, "are you E-class?"

"Yes." Lin Fei didn't care about it, so he said, "my name is Linfei. The forest is full of green trees. I'm very glad to meet you."

He also reached out his hand and wanted to shake hands with each other.

"E grade."

As a result, the other side just showed a scornful smile.

Then there was nothing to say, and no intention to shake hands. It was just a contemptuous smile, and the irony didn't need to be said carefully.

Lin Fei smiles and plans to take it back.

But at this time, the girl's hands caught Lin Fei's hand.

She said to the middle-aged man, "Linfei, he's my boyfriend."

"Well?" Meteor swordsman a Leng, surprised at Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei's eyes are on the girl's side face. She grabs her hands to help her resolve the embarrassment and save face for herself.

This girl, more see more lovely, how to do?

The meteor swordsman is surprised because he never thought that an e-level talent can become the boyfriend of a strong s.

"It's kind of interesting." The corners of his mouth rose with a smile of unknown significance.

"So what did you come to me for?" The meteor swordsman looks at the girl.

"Come and ask for some information." The girl held Lin Fei's hand and asked, "have you heard any strange news recently?"

"Or have you ever met some more powerful enemies?"


The meteor swordsman held the sword in his hand and said, "all the enemies have been cut open by me. Even if they are S-level monsters, they are nothing more than that."

"But if there is strange news." The meteor swordsman was silent for a moment and said, "it is said that a corpse tide broke out in C city some time ago."

"At the critical moment, a mysterious strong man appeared and eliminated the tide of corpses. It is said that his name is Lin Fei, and his title is unique - the first in the world!"

Lin Fei was stunned.

Did you have a title?

What's the name of "No.1 in the world"? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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