Lin Fei and the girl had enough to eat and drink.

When the girl went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, Lin Fei once again incarnated as salted fish and spread out on the sofa.

"What are you thinking?" The girl came out of the kitchen and saw what he was thinking, so she asked curiously.

Lin Fei said seriously: "after today's event, I realized one thing."

"What's the matter?" The girl is curious.

"If you want to find information, you can't do it just from the powers, because there are limits to human beings."

"So?" The girl did not understand.

"So, I am no longer a man!" Lin Fei said with a smile.

The girl immediately white his one eye, way: "serious a bit."

"I decided to go out tomorrow and look for those powerful monsters." Lin Fei said: "those monsters who can talk will probably know about the gods."

"Yes." The girl suddenly realized.

"All the information we know about gods so far is from monsters."

The girl said, "I will go to the guild tomorrow and ask if there is any news about the powerful monster."

The next morning.

After breakfast, the girl left the villa with Lin Fei and went to the guild.

The rain is still falling, it seems that there is no meaning to stop in a short time.

"News of the mighty monster?"

The waiter in the guild shook his head and said, "except for yesterday's accident, we haven't found any powerful monsters here."

"But." As soon as the waiter spoke, he said, "S-level power, there may be some news."

"Well?" Lin Fei's eyes brightened.

I thought I wanted to find it myself. If meteor swordsman, flash and others knew about the powerful monster, it would be great.

"Where are they?" Asked the girl.

"In the hospital." "I don't know the exact location," the staff said

"You are a strong S-level player, you should be able to find it."

As for Lin Fei, apart from yesterday's Gang, not many people in the whole assembly knew his identity.

The girl took out the card, looked at the position of several people, and almost laughed.

"They're all in the same ward." She whispered to Lin Fei.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Fei said: "take some fruit in the past, after all, you have to ask for information."

There are many fruits in Lin Fei's warehouse.

He took a bag of apples and let the girl lead the way.

According to the card, the two quickly came to a ward and the girl said, "they are in it."

Because the girl is also S-class, so no one dares to stop her.

Click and wipe -

push the door open.

The flash, the sound of panic, suddenly went off.

"I don't want porridge!"

"I don't want male nurses!"

"I want to eat, I want to eat roast duck!"

Flash lay on the hospital bed, shaking hands and feet excitedly, just like a child.

"Keke --"

the meteor swordsman also wanted to shout.

Because this morning, I also ate porridge and was fed by a male nurse.

This is torture.

It's too painful.

But he first saw that it was not the nurse who opened the door, but two familiar people, ye Yuxue and Lin Fei, who swallowed the resistance to his mouth.

Listening to the flash of the voice with the child splashing, meteor swordsman full of black lines, hastily cough to remind.

"What do you cough for?"

As a result, flash did not understand. He turned to look at the meteor swordsman and said, "did you agree to fight together?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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