"But we're here for this monster, so I can't leave."

The young man was angry.

"Why don't you listen?"

He looked at Lin Fei beside him and exclaimed, "do you have to take the goddess here?"

"Do you know that you are dying?"

"Even if your opponent is a terror, it can't be your opponent."

Lin Fei's face was puzzled, but still said: "don't worry, I'm very strong."

"Even if you are very strong, you are not much different from me. That monster is really terrible. I just took a look at it. I dare not fight. Do you understand?" The young man said, "even if it's you, it's not good to go anywhere."

"So listen to me and run quickly. There is still a chance to escape now!"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "it is impossible to escape."

Roaring -

the youth glared at Lin Fei and the girl and wanted to say something more, but at this moment, a heavy footstep came from the abandoned warehouse behind.

"They're catching up!"

The young man's face changed greatly. He didn't stay any longer and ran directly from Lin Fei's side.

"If you don't run, you'll die."

"This is my last chance to escape!"

The monster can't fight with a girl, because he can't see all the people from the sight of the dog.

"Even if it's up to the s level, there's only one dead end."

On the way to escape, he swore: "Damn, why do you want to be killed? Why do you pull up my goddess!"

"It's hard to see the goddess once!"

And at the door of the warehouse.

Lin Fei and the girl turned around and took a look at the fleeing youth. They were more and more curious. What kind of monster could frighten this man into this?

Boom -

and just at this moment, the five wild cattle finally chased out.

Lin Fei looked back and saw the five oxen coming.

"Her news is right. There are five wild cattle, and the reaction of the man just now is too strange. There must be something in it." Lin Fei must have said, and at the same time walked towards the five wild cattle.

The girl nodded and followed Lin Fei.

The bull in the front, when he saw Lin Fei, had no intention to stop, so he gave a punch.

It kills too many people like this.

So this time, it's no different from the past. It will smash the man with one punch.



The bull stopped because of a huge force!

That's why Lin Fei caught the fist of the bull and took a step forward. The huge force made the bull's body stop at once, and he took a step backward.

The bull's eyes widened.

This human, unexpectedly, caught a blow of his own.

He's so powerful?

But the next moment, the bull will no longer have time to shock.

Lin Fei grabs the fist of the bull and throws it to the right at will. He sees the bull, which is nearly five meters high, and flies out in rotation!

Boom -

a loud noise.

The bull bumped into the wall of the old warehouse, hit it out directly, and then flew hundreds of meters away. It broke through dozens of walls and was shocked to death.

The second head saw the scene in front of him, and the speed of his fist was a little slow.

Then he was slapped by Lin Fei's left hand and flew out.

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